2 research outputs found

    Pulpal and periapical diseases in patients with systemic diseases at the “Pedro Borrás Astorga” University Polyclinic

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    Introduction: pulp and periapical pathologies are frequently associated with systemic diseases. Objective: to describe pulp and periapical diseases in patients with systemic diseases belonging to the "Pedro Borra Astorga" University Polyclinic of Pinar del Río. Methods: an observational, descriptive and transversal study was carried out. Universe: patients of both sexes with pulpal and periapical diseases who attended the emergency department. Sample: non-probabilistic, of these patients with previous diagnosis of systemic disease. Variables: age, sex, pulp and periapical diseases, dental organ, affected quadrants and systemic diseases. Absolute and relative frequencies were used. Results: 67,5 % of the patients belonged to the 35-59 years age group and 54,8 % to the female sex, 51,6 % manifested pulp diseases and 48,4 % periapical diseases; irreversible pulpitis (27 %) and acute apical abscess (21,4 %) were the most frequent. Diabetes mellitus and hypertension prevailed. Periapical disease predominated in diabetics (21,4 %) and apical disease in hypertensive patients (19,4 %). Conclusions: pulp and periapical diseases predominated in the female sex and in the 35 to 59 years age group; the most frequent pulp disease was irreversible acute pulpitis. The first molars and the lower left quadrant were the most affected. Diabetes mellitus and hypertension were the most prevalent systemic diseases. Acute apical abscess and pulp necrosis prevailed in diabetics, while irreversible pulpitis and acute apical abscess were more frequent in hypertensive patients

    Una valoración integral del programa de la asignatura "Introducción a la medicina general integral" de la carrera de Medicina A comprehensive assessment of the syllabus in the subject " Introduction to the Comprehensive Medicine". Medical Major

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    La disciplina integradora es aquella que tiene como objeto de estudio, el objeto de trabajo del egresado y el ejercicio de la profesión, para la carrera de medicina es la Medicina General Integral, y la primera asignatura impartida es la Introducción a la Medicina General Integral; constituyendo el primer vínculo del estudiante con su perfil de egresado. El objetivo de este trabajo es valorar integralmente el Programa de esta asignatura (diseño en general y pertinencia). Se utilizaron técnicas de investigación cualitativa, y en su valoración, los componentes personales y no personales del proceso docente educativo. Concluyendo que este programa responde al perfil del egresado al incorporar conocimientos y habilidades sobre la medicina familiar (promoción de salud y prevención de enfermedades relacionados con el individuo, la familia, la comunidad y el ambiente). La asignatura resulta pertinente, ya que constituye la puerta de entrada a la disciplina rectora y al plan de estudios de la carrera y propicia la capacidad del estudiante para realizar procederes prácticos relacionados con la profesión, desarrollando una identificación del mismo con su escenario futuro de desempeño profesional. Se recomienda definir el problema y objeto de estudio de la asignatura. Respecto a los contenidos se debe explicitar el sistema de habilidades y elaborar el sistema de valores. En cuanto al método debe enfatizarse en la preparación del profesor (tutor del estudiante) para lograr su capacidad de desarrollar los métodos heurísticos que preveé la asignatura, la evaluación debe establecer la metodología para la elaboración del trabajo referativo final. Palabras clave: EDUCACIÓN DE PREGRADO EN MEDICINA, EVALUACIÓN EDUCACIONAL, PROGRAMAS DE ESTUDIO, MEDICINA FAMILIAR, MEDICINA COMUNITARIA. ABSTRACT An integrated discipline is that one which objective of study is the future graduate and the exercise of profession. For the medical major Comprehensive Medicine is the main subject taught and it constitutes the first link of the student with the future job. The objective of this study is to assess the Syllabus of the subject ( general design and pertinence ). Methods of qualitative research were used and in its assessment personal and non-personal components on the educative-teaching process were taken into consideration. Concluding that this syllabus responds to graduate profile incorporating knowledge and skills about family medicine ( health promotion and disease prevention related to the individual, family , community and environment ). The subject is pertinent , it constitutes the introduction to the Main Subject , to the syllabus of the medical major which favors the capacity of the students to perform the practical procedures with regard to the profession and to develop an identification with the future professional setting. It is recommended to define the Problem and Object of the study. The contents must explain the system of skills and values. The method should emphasize the preparation of the professors ( tutors of the student) in order to achieve the ability to develop the heuristic methods the subject foresees, the evaluation establishes a methodology to create a final referential work. Key words: UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION IN MEDICINE, EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION, SYLLABUS, FAMILY MEDICINE, COMMUNITY MEDICIN