752 research outputs found

    A teaching identity : the factors which have influenced it

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    Desde una reflexión sobre nuestra propia experiencia personal y académica podemos distinguir los aspectos que han resultado significativos para construir nuestra identidad educativa ya sea siendo alumnos o profesores. Al analizar hasta qué punto esta mezcla de factores y situaciones, de sentimientos y emociones presentes en nuestro propio proceso educativo ha contribuido a construir nuestro particular estilo de comunicar conocimientos, de instruir y relacionarnos, descubriremos que son circunstancias que convergen en nuestra práctica actual. Desde esta experiencia podremos analizar nuestro presente e intentar mejorar nuestra actuación en el aula.From a close observation on our own personal and academic experience we can clearly tell the aspects which have contributed to building our learning and teaching identity. When analysing to which extent this mixture of factors and situations, of feelings and emotions present in our own learning process has contributed to build into our particular style of communicating knowledge, of instructing and interacting with others, we can conclude that all of them are circumstances that converge in our present practice. From this experience we can analyse our present and try to improve our performance in the classroom

    Sobre algunas plantas de distribución latepirenaica, su corología e interés biogeográfico

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    6 pàginas[EN] The authors comment about sorme orophytic plants from the Pyrenees and neigh bouring mountains, and about their biogeographical interest. Many of them which are considered Pyrenean endemics occur also on other ranges (Cantabrian or Iberian in Spain, Central Massif in France, SW Alps, etc. being thus better termed «late-pyreneans». Distribution rnaps of Asperula hirta Ramond and Echinospattum horridum (Vahl) Rothm, are also included.[ES] Comentarios biogeográficos sobre algunas plantas, principalmente orófitas, consideradas endemismos del Pirineo hasta hace poco, pero que en realidad son latepirenaicas, puesto que presentan localidades en los montes Cantábricos, Sistema Ibérico, Macizo Central francés, Alpes sudoccidentales, etc. Adicionalmente, se incluyen los mapas de distribución de Asperula hitta Ramond y Echinospattum honidum (Vahl) Rothm.Trabajo financiado con cargo al proyecto «Flora ibérica» [PB87-0434-C02-02] de la CICyT.Peer reviewe

    Effect of Music Therapy as a Non-Pharmacological Measure Applied to Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: A Systematic Review

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    The objective of this research was to learn about the effects of music as a non-pharmacological therapeutic intervention applied to Alzheimer’s disease. To this aim, we evaluated its results regarding symptomatology and caregiver burden. Methods: This systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) criteria. We searched Pubmed/Medline (NLM), Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane and Google Scholar, including articles from 1 January 2011–20 July 2021, using the keywords “Alzheimer’s disease”, “Music therapy”, “Caregivers overload”, “Amnesia retrograde” and “Clinical evolution”. To select the articles our criteria included complete text availability, quantitative research of an experimental nature and studies which, at least, figured in SJR or in JCR. Results: We found a relationship between the application of music therapy in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and an improvement regarding symptomatology, as it smoothed down the progress of the disease. Using music therapy in Alzheimer’s patients also led to a decrease in caregivers’ burden and an increase in their well-being. Conclusions: Our results showed the benefits of music therapy, as it improved both patients’ symptomatology and caregivers’ burde

    Evolution over time and differences in the emotional competence of student teachers and practising teachers

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    Este trabajo pretende describir el nivel de competencia emocional (CE) de los maestros en formación y en ejercicio de la CAM, realizando una comparativa entre ambos y analizando su evolución en el tiempo en ausencia de formación específica. La muestra está conformada por 950 participantes (658 estudiantes y 292 docentes) a los que se aplicó el TMMS-24 con una sección identificativa donde registrar la edad, sexo, curso académico de los estudiantes y años de experiencia docente de los maestros. Los análisis descriptivos, inferenciales y asociativos efectuados pusieron en evidencia que la edad y la experiencia profesional tuvieron un efecto muy limitado sobre la evolución de la CE de los maestros en ejercicio, aunque la de los estudiantes sí pareció desarrollarse con la edad y el transcurso de los cursos académicos. Esto sugiere que la CE podría mejorarse activamente a través de la inclusión de formación reglada en los programas de grado; así, las políticas educativas cumplirían con las actuales demandas para la inserción laboral y el desarrollo profesional docente de los titulados dotándoles de las competencias genéricas con mayor valor en el mercado laboral del siglo XXI.The aim of this paper is to describe the emotional competence (EC) levels of trainee and practising teachers at CAM, to make a comparison between the two and to analyse its development over time in the absence of specific training. The sample consisted of 950 participants (658 students and 292 teachers) who filled in the Spanish version of the TMMS24 and an identification section where the age, sex, academic year of the students and years of teaching experience of the teachers were recorded. The descriptive, inferential, and associative analyses carried out showed that age and professional experience had a very limited effect on the development of practicing teachers' EC, although that of students appeared to develop with age and over the course of academic years. This suggests that EC could be actively enhanced through the inclusion of formal training in degree programmes, thus education policies would meet current demands for employability and career development of graduates by providing them with one of the generic competences that are most valuable in the 21st century labour market

    Percepciones y prácticas de los Grupos Interactivos en una Escuela Inclusiva

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    Este documento expone una investigación etnográfica cuyo objetivo ha sido explorar las posibles potencialidades y limitaciones de los Grupos Interactivos como práctica educativa en una escuela inclusiva. Durante seis meses hemos estudiado tres aulas de Educación Primaria de un centro escolar de Zaragoza (España). En la investigación nos hemos centrado en el estudio del el aprendizaje cooperativo, los tipos de interacciones y el tipo de material. Gracias a instrumentos como las entrevistas y las notas de campo, hemos comparado nuestros resultados con la literatura existente sobre el tema de los Grupos Interactivos. Las conclusiones de la investigación reflejan ciertas dudas sobre el funcionamiento de esta estrategia metodológica en este centro escolar aunque, como señalamos en el documento, es importante señalar que el éxito de los Grupos Interactivos estará relacionado con el tipo de interacciones y principios que generen los participantes en el proceso

    Influence of gender on prognosis of acute coronary syndromes

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    Introduction Ischemic heart disease presents different features in men and women. We analyzed the relation between gender and prognosis in patients who had suffered a high-risk acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods This was a prospective analytical cohort study performed at Lozano Blesa University Hospital, Zaragoza, Spain, of 559 patients diagnosed with high-risk ACS with and without ST-segment elevation according to the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines. The sample was divided into two groups by gender and differences in epidemiologic, laboratory, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic variables and treatment were recorded. A Cox's proportional hazard model was applied and 6-month mortality was analyzed as the main variable. Results The median age was 65.2±12.7 years, and 21.8% were women. Baseline characteristics in women were more unfavorable, with higher GRACE scores, older age, higher prevalence of hypertension, diabetes and heart failure, lower ejection fraction and more renal dysfunction at admission. Women suffered more adverse cardiovascular events (27.9% vs. 15.8%, p=0.002). Sixty-four patients died, 18.9% of the women vs. 9.4% of the men (p=0.004). After multivariate analysis, female gender did not present an independent relation with mortality. Hemoglobin level, renal function, ejection fraction and Killip class >1 presented significant differences. Conclusions Acute syndrome coronary in women has a worse prognosis than in men. Their adverse course is due to their baseline characteristics and not to their gender

    Divergence between phenotypic and genetic variation within populations of a common herb across Europe

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    Analyzing the pattern and causes of phenotypic and genetic variation within and among populations might help to understand life history variability in plants, and to predict their responses to changing environmental conditions. Here we compare phenotypic variation and genetic diversity of the widespread herb Plantago coronopus across Europe, and evaluate their relationship with environmental and geographical factors. Genetic diversity was estimated in 18 populations from molecular markers with AFLP. Phenotypic variation was measured in a subset of 11 populations on six life history traits (plant size, plant growth, fecundity, seed mass, mucilage production and ratio between two functionally different seed morphs). To account for ecological and geographical correlates, we estimated variability in local temperature, precipitation and intraspecific competition, and accounted for the central vs. peripheral position of populations. Phenotypic variation and genetic diversity were not significantly correlated within populations throughout the species' range. Phenotypic variation was positively linked to precipitation variability, whereas genetic diversity was correlated with the position of populations, suggesting that both types of variation are shaped by different processes. Precipitation seems to have acted as a selective agent for variation within populations in most life history traits, whereas the species' post-glacial demographic history has likely reduced genetic diversity in northern peripheral populations with respect to central ones. The positive association between precipitation variability and phenotypic variation also suggests that plant populations may have higher adaptive potential in ecologically variable rather than stable environments. Our study offers an additional criterion when predicting the future performance of species under environmental changes.Minsterio de Ciencia e Innovación (España) CGL2006-08507 CGL2010-21642 CGL2009-0871

    The recycling of bayer electrofilter fines for diverese applications

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    3 pages, 1 figure, 1 table.-- En: 1st Spanish National Conference on Advances in Materials Recycling and Eco – Energy Madrid, 12-13 November 2009.-- Editors: F. A. López, F. Puertas, F. J. Alguacil and A. Guerrero.Aluminum is the second most used metal after iron due to its singular properties that makes its alloys useful in many applications. Despite of its great importance, the obtaining processes (Bayer_Hall-Heroult tandem) produce an important environmental impact. Generated waste and pollutants should be minimized and treated. The laboratory of Metallurgy of the Escuela de Minas de Oviedo is investigating the uses of industry wastes from alumina/aluminum industry since over 30 years. This paper presents one of the research lines followed for the recycling of electrostatic filter fines from alumina calcination furnace to produce industrial quality aluminum sulfate, alums and abrasives.Peer reviewe

    Binding studies of metal–salphen and metal–bipyridine complexes towards G‐Quadruplex DNA

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    The proposed in vivo formation of G-quadruplex DNA (G4 DNA) in promoter regions of oncogenes and in telomeres has prompted the development of small molecules with high affinity and selectivity for these structures. Herein we report the synthesis of a new di-substituted bipyridine ligand and the corresponding complexes with Ni2+ and VO2+. Both these new complexes have been characterized spectroscopically and by X-ray crystallography. Detailed DNA binding studies of these two complexes, together with three previously reported metal salphen complexes, are presented. Using FRET melting assays, the binding affinity and selectivity of the five metal complexes against six different G4 DNA structures as well as a duplex DNA have been determined. In addition, we present detailed ITC and UV/Vis studies to characterize the interaction of the complexes with human telomeric G4 DNA. Finally, we show via a polymerase stop assay that these complexes are able to stabilize a G4 DNA structure (from the c-Myc oncogene promoter) and halt the activity of Taq polymerase.UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (grant number: EP/H005285/1

    Incidence of oral health in paediatric patients with disabilities: sensory disorders and autism spectrum disorder. Systematic review II

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    Introduction: We are currently witnessing an increase in the number of disabled patients, creating the need for knowledge of each of the pathologies and of the different oral and dental conditions they present, in order to achieve efficient management and treatment. Objectives: To analyse the existing scientific literature on the oral conditions of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with sensory deficits (SD), in comparison with the healthy child population. Material and Method: The bibliographic search was carried out in Pubmed/Medline, Scopus and Cochrane Library and included articles taking a sample of children between 0 and 18 years of age diagnosed with the abovementioned disorders and including at least one of the following oral hygiene conditions - oral hygiene, dental caries, malocclusion, oral habits, dental trauma, and gingival-periodontal status - comparing them with a healthy population. Results: A total of 10 articles were obtained for autism spectrum disorder and six for sensory deficits. Conclusions: Of all the variables studied, only the state of oral, gingival and/or periodontal hygiene can be considered worse in patients with ASD and SD, although we believe a larger number of research studies is needed to corroborate these results