1,396 research outputs found

    Aportación a la flora de las zonas húmedas de la provincia de Palencia

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    Se comentan una serie de citas de plantas vasculares recolectadas en diversas lagunas, embalses y otros humedales de la provincia de Palencia (Castilla y León, España) que resultan raras en estos territorios. Diez de ellas son novedades provinciales: Crypsis aculeata, Epilobium brachycarpum, Isoetes setaceum, I. velatum subsp. velatum, Isolepis fluitans, Myosurus minimus, Puccinellia festuciformis, Puccinellia rupestris, Ranunculus ophioglossifolius y Sphenopus divaricatus. Cabe destacar el hallazgo de varias poblaciones de Luronium natans en el complejo lagunar de los páramos del centro-oeste provincial, confirmándose la presencia de esta escasa alismatácea en la provincias de Palencia y León

    Orthilia secunda (L.) House, nueva especie para la flora cantábrica

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    Hemos encontrado en un hayedo submesófilo basófilo orocantábrico una población de la especie Orthilia secunda (L.) House, novedad para la Cordillera Cantábrica y la mitad oeste peninsular. Se estudia la composición florística del sotobosque y se enfatiza la fragilidad de la comunidad derivada de las complejas relaciones tróficas micorríticas de las especies inventariadas. Se propone su inclusión en el Catálogo de Flora Protegida de Castilla y León

    Aportaciones al estudio corológico de la flora de la provincia de León

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    Se aportan datos corológicos sobre algunas especies de plantas vasculares raras o poco frecuentes en la provincia de León (España), algunas de ellas de interés para la conservación.We made chorological additions about some vascular plants with low presence in the province of León (Spain); some of them have special interest in conservation

    Notas corológicas para la flora vascular de la provincia de León (España)

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    Se aportan datos corológicos sobre varios taxones de plantas vasculares raras o poco frecuentes en la provincia de León (España), muchas de las cuales son especies interesantes en relación a la conservación y están incluidas en catálogos regionales o nacionales de flora amenazada. Cada nueva referencia contiene coordenadas UTM, localización, hábitat recolectores y número de colección.We made chorological additions about several rare or infrequent vascular plants taxa in Leon province (Spain), some of them are very interesting in conservation and included in regional or national list of threatened species. Each new reference contains: UTM coordinates, location, habitat conditions, collection date, name of collector and number of sheet designed in herbarium

    Inaccessible rocky cliffs: An optimized method for plant data collection in extreme environments

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    P. 1199-1206Counts are normally used to assess the densities of plants. However, due to the physical characteristics of these sites, habitats and species associated with inaccessible rocky cliffs and other extreme environments pose additional challenges. It is therefore necessary to apply changes to the usual data collection methods. This system allows population sizes to be estimated from an incomplete data collection. This is important because when data collection sites are inaccessible, the fieldwork cannot be carried out within the time that is normally allocated. Furthermore, the minimum sampling effort involved enables economic resources to be saved. This method allows the time spent and the material, methodological and human resources used to be reduced while simultaneously allowing the highest level of accuracy to be maintained. • The minimum effort needed to carry out data collection of plants on vertical walls and other difficult-to-access environments is calculated. • The proposed method is based on the search for the theoretical distribution function with a better adjustment to the actual distribution of the studied species. • This system allows to reduce the necessary resources, while the maximum accuracy is maintained in the calculations.S

    Salix breviserrata Flod., novedad para la flora palentina

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    Hemos encontrado una pequeña población del sauce rastrero Salix breviserrata Flod., novedad para la provincia de Palencia. Esta localización representa el emplazamiento más meridional de la corología global de este taxon alpino, que alcanza el norte de la Península Ibérica. S. breviserrata está catalogado como Vulnerable en la Lista Roja de la flora vascular española, lo que afianza el ya conocido valor florístico del entorno del macizo de Valdecebollas (Palencia, España).We found a small formation of brushes and low scrubs willow dominated by Salix breviserrata Flod., new taxon for the province of Palencia. This location represents the southernmost of the global chorology of this alpine specie, reaching the north of the Iberian Peninsula. It is listed as Vulnerable in the Red List of spanish vascular flora, which emphasizes the floristic value of the massif of Valdecebollas environment (Palencia, Spain)

    Procedures and Legal Instruments for Drought Declaration in the Segura River Basin (Spain)

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    The phenomenon of drought and its socioeconomic and environmental consequences have been addressed in many studies, which show that anticipating its diagnosis and activating specific management measures are fundamental for providing an efficient response. In the Segura River Basin, located in south-east Spain, many episodes have occurred throughout history, with devastating effects on production and supply systems. However, they have enabled us to learn and evolve towards developing a resilient system to address these situations, through the application of external resources, transfers from other basins and non-conventional resources derived from the reuse of treated water and desalinated seawater. This evolution has been possible thanks to the advances made in hydrological planning and, specifically, the Special Drought Plans, through the development of indicator systems associated with scenarios which enable the automatic activation of specific actions to reduce the impacts. Climate change is already a reality and has led to an increase in the frequency and intensity of droughts, testing the capacity to respond based on the current policies. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyse the last drought occurring in the Segura River Basin in the period 2015–2019 by comparing the status indicators developed for detecting drought in the SDP 2007 with its subsequent review carried out in the year 2018, in which these indicators were updated and expanded so as to cover both drought and scarcity. Subsequently, an in-depth analysis has been made of the approved legislation and the measures adopted which consisted in the mobilisation of more than 600 hm³ of extraordinary resources, which have been able to maintain the supply to the population and minimise the economic losses of the productive systems, particularly in irrigated agriculture.This research was funded by the Water Chair of the University of Alicante-Alicante Provincial Council (2022) and by the Campus Hábitat5U network of excellence

    Optimal census method to estimate population sizes of species growing on rock walls: The case of mature Primula pedemontana

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    [EN] This study calculates the minimum effort needed to survey the species Primula pedemontana Thomas ex. Gaudin on the vertical walls of Aguja de Pastel in the Curavacas Massif (Spain). The short and variable period of flowering that this plant has, the inaccessibility and the physiognomy of the place in which it grows, the resources needed, as well as the meteorological harshness linked to the time of the year in which the censuses are carried out make it a priority to optimize the time spent on fieldwork. For this reason, we designed a method to reduce the sampling load. This method allows us to reduce the time spent and the material, methodological and human resources used in censuses, while maintaining the highest possible precisionS

    Inflammatory and non-inflammatory monocytes as novel prognostic biomarkers of survival in SOD1G93A mouse model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) has lately become a suitable scenario to study the interplay between the hematopoietic system and disease progression. Recent studies in C9orf72 null mice have demonstrated that C9orf72 is necessary for the normal function of myeloid cells. In this study, we aimed to analyze in depth the connection between the hematopoietic system and secondary lymphoid (spleen) and non-lymphoid (liver and skeletal muscle) organs and tissues along the disease progression in the transgenic SOD1G93A mice. Our findings suggested that the inflammatory response due to the neurodegeneration in this animal model affected all three organs and tissues, especially the liver and the skeletal muscle. However, the liver was able to compensate this inflammatory response by means of the action of non-inflammatory monocytes, while in the skeletal muscle inflammatory monocytes prompted a further inflammation process until the terminal state of the animals. Interestingly, in blood, a positive correlation was found between non-inflammatory monocytes and survival of the transgenic SOD1G93A mice, while the contrary (a negative correlation) was found in the case of inflammatory monocytes, supporting their potential role as biomarkers of disease progression and survival in this animal model. These findings could prompt future translational studies in ALS patients, promoting the identification of new reliable biomarkers of disease progression