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    The purpose of this document is to present the analysis of the negotiating profileof the employees of the sales area of a hardware store in the city of Valledupar inwhich 31 salespeople were surveyed according to the criteria of the profile of thenegotiator of the Marrero and Ortiz model. It was possible to identify through anexploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis that the orientation of the employeesof the company was directed to the collaboration and satisfaction of the collectiveneeds of the individuals involved, in the same way it was established that in theemployees of this union the Compliance with duty with responsibility and ethicsplays a very important role when it comes to establishing negotiations.El prop´osito del presente documento es el de exponer el an´alisis del perfil negociadorde los empleados del ´area de ventas de una ferreter´ıa en la ciudad de Valleduparen la que se encuestaron a 31 vendedores de acuerdo a los criterios del perfil delnegociador del modelo de Marrero y Ortiz (2016). Se logr´o identificar mediante unan´alisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio que la orientaci´on de los empleadosde la empresa estaba dirigida a la colaboraci´on y a la satisfacci´on de las necesidadescolectivas de los individuos involucrados, de la misma manera se estableci´o que enlos empleados de este gremio el cumplimiento del deber con responsabilidad y ´eticajuega un papel muy importante a la hora de establecer negociaciones