1 research outputs found

    The condyloma. Prevention and treatment

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    La condilomatosis es una enfermedad de transmisi贸n sexual muy frecuente, pero tambi茅n se puede trasmitir al ni帽o reci茅n nacido durante el parto. La infecci贸n es m谩s frecuente en personas con varios compa帽eros sexuales y la presencia de otras infecciones sexuales asociadas, puede aumentar la susceptibilidad a padecerla. Por tales motivos es importante el mantenimiento de conductas sexuales seguras, y utilizar el cond贸n como medio de protecci贸n sexual. A partir de diferentes criterios de autores y los m茅todos del nivel te贸rico de la investigaci贸n: an谩lisis-s铆ntesis, inducci贸n-deducci贸n, modelaci贸n y enfoque sist茅mico, los autores proponen algunas consideraciones te贸ricas sobre condiloma como infecci贸n de transmisi贸n sexual, y de esta manera guiar a profesionales y estudiantes del sector de la salud c贸mo enfocar el proceso de su estudio.聽Condylomatosis is a very common sexually transmitted disease, but it can also be transmitted to the newborn child during childbirth. The infection is more frequent in people with several sexual partners and the presence of other associated sexual infections, can increase the susceptibility to have it. For these reasons it is important to maintain safe sexual behaviors, and to use the condom as a means of sexual protection. Based on different authors' criteria and the methods of the theoretical level of research: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, modeling and systemic approach, the authors propose some theoretical considerations about condyloma as a sexually transmitted infection, and in this way guide Professionals and students in the health sector how to focus the process of their study