63 research outputs found

    What beyond oil and gas ? Russian trade specialisation in manufactures

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    The objective of the paper is to study Russia's pattern of specialisation in the manufactures trade since 1998. Russia's global trade balance for manufactures is rapidly deteriorating. However, the trade pattern in manufactures should be differentiated according to Russia's main trading partners: the European Union (EU), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and China. On the basis of trade indicator analysis (revealed comparative advantages and Grubel-Lloyd index of intra-industry trade), we show that Russia is globally disadvantaged in the manufactures trade vis-à-vis the EU and China, and advantaged in the trade with the within the CIS. Russia is managing to expand its manufactured exports to other CIS countries. However, it is gradually losing its role of main supplier of capital goods in the post-Soviet space.international trade ; trade specialisation ; intra-industry trade ; revealed comparative advantage ; Russia ; European Union ; China ; Commonwealth of Independant States

    Russia between transition and globalization

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    The research aims to understand the impact of the internal factors on the formulation of a policy of selective opening of the Russian economy since the beginning of the transition. We study the politico-economic configuration in Russia in terms of (i) its "vertical" dimension (relations federal centre - regions) and (ii) the "horizontal" one (relations between state and firms). We show the fragmentation of the central state as regards to both dimensions during the first period (1991-1999). During the second period (since 2000), the reforms aim to reinforce the "vertical of power" and to institutionalize the state-enterprises relations. Nevertheless, questions emerge as to the effectiveness and continuity of the state's return strength. This evolution also appears through the study of Russian trade policy, which has submitted to private interests in 1991-1998 and stabilized afterwards. Meanwhile, the economic (and hence political) equilibrium in Russia remains extremely dependent on hydrocarbons exports.globalization ; economic transition ; hydrocarbon ; trade policy ; Russia

    What beyond oil and gas? Russian trade specialisation in manufactures

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    The objective of the paper is to study Russia's pattern of specialisation in the manufactures trade since 1998. Russia's global trade balance for manufactures is rapidly deteriorating. However, the trade pattern in manufactures should be differentiated according to Russia’s main trading partners: the European Union (EU), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and China. On the basis of trade indicator analysis (revealed comparative advantages and Grubel-Lloyd index of intra-industry trade), we show that Russia is globally disadvantaged in the manufactures trade vis-à-vis the EU and China, and advantaged in the trade with the within the CIS. Russia is managing to expand its manufactured exports to other CIS countries. However, it is gradually losing its role of main supplier of capital goods in the post-Soviet space.international trade; trade specialisation; revealed comparative advantage; intra-industry trade; Russia

    Une intégration paneuropéenne ?

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    Cet article traite dans un premier temps de l'aspect asymétrique des relations russo-européennes sur le plan économique et politique. Dans un second temps, il s'intéresse à la participation de la Russie dans le projet stratégique de l'Europe. Enfin, dans un troisième temps, il s'interroge sur le modèle possible d'intégration russo-européenne.intégration économique ; relations économiques ; intégration européenne ; relations internationales ; géopolitique ; Russie ; Union Européenne

    Russian- Chinese relations : towards an energy partnership

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    This paper aims to investigate the Russian-Chinese energy relations in the context of evolution of bilateral strategic relations since 1991.The research is focused on Russia and encompasses three main aspects: strategic approach of Russian-Chinese relations, Russian hydrocarbons production and export potential and prospects for the Eastern Russia. The paper is based on qualitative analysis. It shows that the framework of bilateral relations is globally favourable for creation of costly energy transport infrastructures. The quest for diversification of Chinese energy supplies contributes to the promotion of Russian hydrocarbons exports towards Asia, the latter contributing to diversify Russian energy exports traditionally sent to Europe. However, the modalities of these projects are submitted to the Russian state interests. Moreover, while natural gas reserves are sufficient to meet the Chinese demand, oil production prospects in the East of Russia are uncertain at a long-term perspective.trade relationships ; energy policy ; energy resources ; hydrocarbon ; energy ; energy supply ; Russia ; China

    Evolution de la spécialisation internationale de la Russie depuis le début de la transition

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    L'objectif de cette recherche consiste à étudier l'évolution de la spécialisation internationale de la Russie depuis le début de la transition et estimer le potentiel de diversification de ses structures productives et d'exportation. L'article traite de trois thèmes majeurs : (1) l'évolution de la spécialisation internationale de la Russie (notamment, le calcul des indices de la spécialisation internationale en recourant à la méthode de Lafay et al. (1999), (2) l'évolution de la structure géographique des échanges de la Russie, (3) les perspectives pour l'avenir avec une attention particulière portée au secteur des hydrocarbures.spécialisation internationale ; commerce extérieur ; avantage comparatif ; avantage comparatif ; hydrocarbure ; diversification ; structure productive ; exportation ; Russie

    Liquidity, cash conversion cycle and financial performance: case of Russian companies

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    Managing liquidity and the cash conversion cycle play an important role in running a business successfully. Company officials must be confident that their organization does not suffer a shortage or a surplus of payment means and they must be ready to cover current liabilities when necessary. At the same time, the management’s aim is an increase in the company’s returns. The research covers the influence of the current liquidity ratio and cash conversion cycle on financial performance (as a return on net operating assets, RNOA) of Russian companies. A regression analysis of 720 Russian companies engaged in various economic activities for the period 2001 to 2012 was performed with Stata 12.0. The companies in the sample represent the following industries: telecommunications, transport, electric power industry, trade, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical and petrochemical, oil and gas. The authors find an inverse relation between the Russian companies’ cash conversion cycle and RNOA. Further research revealed that companies should seek to obtain a zero cash conversion cycle in order to increase their rate of return. The study also indicated a positive relation between companies’ current liquidity ratio and RNOA. This means that Russian companies should augment their current liquidity ratio in order to increase the RNOA, but the ratio should only be augmented to a defined value. In the paper we also present the calculations of the recommended intervals of current ratio for the analyzed economic sectors for the contemporary economic situation in Russia.Research has been conducted with financial support as part of the project “Support of Research Projects of Graduate School of Management SPbU Academic Staff” (project No.

    Methodical Tools of Philological Urbanistics

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    The research is devoted to the analysis of the methodological basis of philological urbanistics. The authors trace the history of formation of scientific problems of urbanistics and analyze trends in the study of the city as an object of research. The article provides a detailed analysis of linguistic methods in a comparatively new direction - philological urbanistics. The possibilities of applying general scientific methods and methods of linguistic research in linguo-communicative environment of the city have been described. Special attention is paid to the perspectives of new approaches to the study of the city, in particular, from the standpoint of general cultural city landscape studies. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5p25