215 research outputs found

    Screw lifetime prediction based on wavelet neural network and empirical mode decomposition

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    To predict residual lifetime of ball screw, screw lifetime prediction technology based on wavelet neural network (WNN) and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is proposed. Screw accelerated lifetime test platform is introduced. Accelerometers are installed to monitor ball screw lifetime. With the method of principal component analysis (PCA), high dimension features are mapped to low dimensional space and stored into sample library together with screw expected remaining lifetime. Training samples and testing samples are randomly selected from the sample library to train and test the WNN. Then EMD is used to extract output tendency of WNN. Finally, screw lifetime prediction model can be obtained. The experimental results show that the maximum error of the training samples is 602 hours while the maximum error of the testing samples is 652 hours, which meet the need of screw lifetime prediction

    Analysis on Metabolic Functions of Stored Rice Microbial Communities by BIOLOG ECO Microplates

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    Microbial contamination has been a pervasive issue during the rice storage and triggers extensive researches. The metabolism of microorganisms was proved as an indicator to mirror the degree of microbial contamination. It is necessary to develop a scientific method to analyze the metabolism of rice microbial communities, thereby monitoring the microbial contamination. In this study, the metabolism of rice microbial communities in different storing-year were investigated by BIOLOG ECO microplates. The three rice samples were respectively stored for 1–3 years. The related indicators of BIOLOG ECO microplates were determined, including average well-color development (AWCD) of carbon sources and three metabolic functional diversity indices. The results showed that there were significant differences in the AWCD of all carbon sources among the three rice microbial communities (p < 0.05), and the functional diversity indices except Simpson index showed significant differences (p < 0.05). Additionally, the three rice microbial communities differed significantly in the metabolic utilization of carboxylic acids and miscellaneous (p < 0.05), and there were, however, no significant differences in the other four types of carbon sources. Furthermore, principal component analysis revealed that the microbial communities of stored rice had obviously different metabolic functions in different storage period. Therefore, the study indicated that the BIOLOG ECO microplate was applicable to evaluate the metabolic functions of rice microbial communities, and carboxylic acids and miscellaneous were two crucial parameters of carbon sources to identify the metabolic differences of microbial communities, a case in which it reflected the conditions of rice microbial contamination

    Ambient air pollution and adverse birth outcomes: a natural experiment study

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    Background Radical regulations to improve air quality, including traffic control, were implemented prior to and during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Consequently, ambient concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and particular matter 10 micrometers or less (PM 10 ), were reduced in a distinct and short window of time, which presented a natural experiment for testing the relationships between maternal exposure to PM 10 and NO 2 during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes. Methods We estimated the effect of PM 10 and NO 2 exposure during each trimester of gestation on the risk of preterm birth among live births and the birth weight among term babies. The data were based on 50,874 live births delivered between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2010 at the Beijing Haidian Maternal and Child Health Hospital. Air monitoring data for the same period were obtained from the Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center. Results Among full-term births, maternal exposure to NO 2 in the third trimester predicted birth weight, with each 10-unit increment (per 10 ug/m 3 ) in NO 2 concentration associated with a 13.78 g (95 % confidence interval: −21.12, −6.43; p \u3c 0.0001) reduction in birth weight. This association was maintained after adjusting for other pollutants, including carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), and PM 10 . No relationship was found between the concentration of PM 10 and low birth weight among full-term births. Neither PM 10 nor NO 2 concentrations predicted the risk of premature birth. Conclusions Exposure to ambient air pollution during certain periods of pregnancy may decrease birth weight, but the effect size is small

    SIDIS-RC EvGen: a Monte-Carlo event generator of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering with the lowest-order QED radiative corrections

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    SIDIS-RC EvGen is a C++ standalone Monte-Carlo event generator for studies of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) processes at medium to high lepton beam energies. In particular, the generator contains binary and library components for generating SIDS events and calculating cross sections for unpolarized or longitudinally polarized beam and unpolarized, longitudinally or transversely polarized target. The structure of the generator incorporates transverse momentum-dependent parton distribution and fragmentation functions, whereby we obtain multi-dimensional binned simulation results, which will facilitate the extraction of important information about the three-dimensional nucleon structure from SIDIS measurements. In order to build this software, we have used recent elaborate QED calculations of the lowest-order radiative effects, applied to the leading order Born cross section in SIDIS. In this paper, we provide details on the theoretical formalism as well as the construction and operation of SIDIS-RC EvGen, e.g., how we handle the event generation process and perform multi-dimensional integration. We also provide example programs, flowcharts, and numerical results on azimuthal transverse single-spin asymmetries.Comment: 53 pages, 10 figures, and 3 listing