5 research outputs found

    Validierung von potenziellen Biomarkern fĂŒr die neurodegenerative Erkrankung SpinozerebellĂ€re Ataxie Typ 3 (SCA3) und des krankheitsmodulierenden Einflusses intragenischer Polymorphismen im Gen ATXN3

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    Die Ursache der autosomal-dominant vererbten, neurodegenerativen Erkran-kung SpinozerebellĂ€re Ataxie Typ 3 (SCA3) liegt in einer Mutation im ATXN3-Gen mit einer CAG-Expansion, die zur Expression des Polyglutamin-expandierten Proteins ATXN3 fĂŒhrt. Dieses neurotoxische Protein bewirkt vermutlich ĂŒber Aggregate und VerĂ€nderung der Zellhomöostase den Neuronenuntergang umschriebener Gehirnregionen, was eine charakteristische Symptomatik mit Ataxie, Dysarthrie und zerebellĂ€re Augenbewegungsstörungen hervorruft. Fehlendes ausfĂŒhrliches Wissen ĂŒber die Physiologie von ATXN3 und die Pathogenese der Erkrankung ist einer der GrĂŒnde, weshalb bis heute weder symptomatische noch kurative Therapien fĂŒr die Erkrankung zur VerfĂŒgung stehen. Therapierfolge in randomisiert, kontrollierten Studien sind gegenwĂ€rtig außerdem nur anhand klinischer Scores bewertbar, deren SensitivitĂ€t nicht zur Detektion einer Verbesserung der klinischen Symptomatik ausreicht. In dieser Promotion im Rahmen der europaweiten, multizentrischen European Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type3/Machado-Joseph-Disease Initiative (ESMI) wurde deshalb an der Validierung von Biomarkern fĂŒr die Erkrankung SCA3 gearbeitet. Sie sollen helfen Krankheitsprogression messbar zu machen und Therapieerfolge zu signalisieren. Die Nutzung hochstandardisierter Protokolle ermöglichte dabei eine einheitliche Verarbeitung der Biomaterialien EDTA-Blut und PBMCs (mononuklĂ€ren Zellen des peripheren Blutes). Insgesamt wurden fĂŒr 39 Kontrollprobanden, 17 prĂ€symptomatische SCA3-MutationstrĂ€ger und 102 SCA3-Patienten die CAG-LĂ€nge, das ATXN3-Proteinlevel und die Genotypen dreier Einzelnukleotidpolymorphismen (SNPs) bestimmt und statistisch analysiert. Die CAG-LĂ€nge wurde als wichtigster Traitmarker zur Diagnosefindung bestĂ€tigt. Durch Korrelationen mit dem Alter bei Krankheitsbeginn (AAO) und dem Krankheitsprogressionsmarker CSDP (cross-sectional disease progression) prĂ€sentierte sich die CAG-LĂ€nge zusĂ€tzlich als Traitmarker mit prognostischem Charakter. MutationstrĂ€ger mit hoher Anzahl an CAG-Tripletts im ATXN3-Gen erkrankten frĂŒher im Leben, die Symptomatik schritt im Anschluss schneller und gravierender voran. Die ATXN3-Proteinlevel wurden mit zwei Antikörper-Assays (MW1-D2 und 1C2-D2) im Time-resolved fluorescence energy transfer (TR-FRET) bestimmt. Da direkte Korrelationen mit der Krankheitsdauer (DD) und CSDP ausblieben, eignete sich ATXN3 nur bedingt als Krankheitsprogressionsmarker. In der relativ großen ESMI-Kohorte waren fĂŒr ein AAO < 40 Jahre und grĂ¶ĂŸere Anzahl an CAG-Tripletts lediglich Tendenzen zu höheren ATXN3-Proteinleveln auszumachen. Eine statistisch signifikante Korrelation zu den klinischen Scores SARA (Scale of the Assessment of Rating of Ataxia) und INAS (Inventory of Non-Ataxia Symptoms) bekrĂ€ftigten auf der anderen Seite das Potenzial von ATXN3 zur zukĂŒnftigen Nutzung als Statemarker. Im Vergleich beider Antikörper-Assays ĂŒberzeugte der 1C2-D2 Assay mit einer höheren TrennschĂ€rfe zwischen Kontrollprobanden und SCA3-MutationstrĂ€gern. Die Genotypisierung der SNPs identifizierte der Literatur entsprechend unter den kombinierten Genotypen aus ATXN3 BP 987 und 1118 C-A als den tragenden Haplotyp expandierter Allele, wĂ€hrend nicht-expandierte Allele mit großer HĂ€ufung TrĂ€ger des Haplotyps G-C waren. ZusĂ€tzlich imponierte das gehĂ€ufte Vorkommen der full-length Isoform ATXN3aS unter MutationstrĂ€gern, der eine erhöhte Aggregationstendenz nachgesagt wird und in ESMI mit frĂŒhem AAO und hohem CSDP einherging. Die Genotypen der SNPs könnten somit in Zukunft als diagnostischer Traitmarker in die Diagnostik der Erkrankung SCA3 einfließen. Zusammenfassend lieferte diese Promotion mit der CAG-LĂ€nge und den Genotypen der SNPs in ATXN3 zwei potenzielle prognostische Traitmarker, die Auskunft ĂŒber AAO und CSDP gaben, und mit dem ATXN3-Proteinlevel in PBMCs einen möglichen Statemarker fĂŒr die SpinozerebellĂ€re Ataxie Typ 3. Somit könnten MutationstrĂ€ger mit Erkrankungsrisiko frĂŒhzeitig einer Therapie zugefĂŒhrt und Therapieerfolge in krankheitsmodifizierenden Studien ĂŒberprĂŒft werden

    Antiemetic Prophylaxis with Fosaprepitant and 5-HT3-Receptor Antagonists in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Background: High-dose myeloablative conditioning prior to autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (autoHSCT) in pediatric patients is usually highly emetogenic. The antiemetic neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist fosaprepitant was safe and effective in children receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy. Data on fosaprepitant during autoHSCT in children are currently not available. Methods: A total of 35 consecutive pediatric patients, who received an antiemetic prophylaxis with fosaprepitant (4 mg/kg;single dose, max. 1 x 150 mg/kg BW) and ondansetron (24-hours continuous infusion;8-32 mg/24h) or granisetron (2 x 40 mu g/kg.d(-1)) during highly emetogenic conditioning chemotherapy before autoHSCT were retrospectively analyzed, and their results were compared with a control group comprising 35 consecutive pediatric patients, who received granisetron or ondansetron only. The antiemetic efficacy and the safety of the two prophylaxis regimens were compared with respect to three time periods after the first chemotherapy administration (0-24h, >24-120h, >120-240h). Results: Clinical adverse events and clinically relevant increases/decreases of laboratory markers were similarly low and did not significantly differ between the two study groups (p>0.05). The registered number of vomiting events was significantly higher in the control group in the time periods of 0-24h (64 vs 22 events;p24-120h (135 vs 78 events;p120-240h (268 vs 105 events;p24-120h (100% vs 74.3%) but not the other analyzed time periods (p>0.05). Conclusion: The fosaprepitant-based antiemetic prophylaxis was safe, well tolerated and significantly reduced vomiting in children undergoing highly emetogenic chemotherapy prior to autoHSCT. Prospective randomized trials are necessary to confirm these results

    Antiemetic Prophylaxis with Fosaprepitant and 5-HT3-Receptor Antagonists in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Background: High-dose myeloablative conditioning prior to autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (autoHSCT) in pediatric patients is usually highly emetogenic. The antiemetic neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist fosaprepitant was safe and effective in children receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy. Data on fosaprepitant during autoHSCT in children are currently not available. Methods: A total of 35 consecutive pediatric patients, who received an antiemetic prophylaxis with fosaprepitant (4 mg/kg;single dose, max. 1 x 150 mg/kg BW) and ondansetron (24-hours continuous infusion;8-32 mg/24h) or granisetron (2 x 40 mu g/kg.d(-1)) during highly emetogenic conditioning chemotherapy before autoHSCT were retrospectively analyzed, and their results were compared with a control group comprising 35 consecutive pediatric patients, who received granisetron or ondansetron only. The antiemetic efficacy and the safety of the two prophylaxis regimens were compared with respect to three time periods after the first chemotherapy administration (0-24h, >24-120h, >120-240h). Results: Clinical adverse events and clinically relevant increases/decreases of laboratory markers were similarly low and did not significantly differ between the two study groups (p>0.05). The registered number of vomiting events was significantly higher in the control group in the time periods of 0-24h (64 vs 22 events;p24-120h (135 vs 78 events;p120-240h (268 vs 105 events;p24-120h (100% vs 74.3%) but not the other analyzed time periods (p>0.05). Conclusion: The fosaprepitant-based antiemetic prophylaxis was safe, well tolerated and significantly reduced vomiting in children undergoing highly emetogenic chemotherapy prior to autoHSCT. Prospective randomized trials are necessary to confirm these results

    PolyQ-expanded ataxin-3 protein levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells correlate with clinical parameters in SCA3: a pilot study

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    In view of upcoming clinical trials, quantitative molecular markers accessible in peripheral blood are of critical importance as prognostic or pharmacodynamic markers in genetic neurodegenerative diseases such as Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 (SCA3), in particular for signaling target engagement. In this pilot study, we focused on the quantification of ataxin-3, the protein altered in SCA3, in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) acquired from preataxic and ataxic SCA3 mutation carriers as well as healthy controls, as a molecular marker directly related to SCA3 pathophysiology. We established two different highly sensitive TR-FRET-based immunoassays to measure the protein levels of either total full-length, non-expanded and expanded, ataxin-3 or specifically polyQ-expanded ataxin-3. In PBMCs, a clear discrimination between SCA3 mutation carrier and controls were seen measuring polyQ-expanded ataxin-3 protein level. Additionally, polyQ-expanded ataxin-3 protein levels correlated with disease progression and clinical severity as assessed by the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia. Total full-length ataxin-3 protein levels were directly influenced by the expression levels of the polyQ-expanded ataxin-3 protein, but were not correlated with clinical parameters. Assessment of ataxin-3 levels in fibroblasts or induced pluripotent stem cells allowed to distinguish mutation carriers from controls, thus providing proof-of-principle validation of our PBMC findings across cell lines. Total full-length or polyQ-expanded ataxin-3 protein was not detectable by TR-FRET assays in other biofluids like plasma or cerebrospinal fluid, indicating the need for ultra-sensitive assays for these biofluids. Standardization studies revealed that tube systems, blood sampling, and PBMC preparation may influence ataxin-3 protein levels indicating a high demand for standardized protocols in biomarker studies. In conclusion, the polyQ-expanded ataxin-3 protein is a promising candidate as a molecular target engagement marker in SCA3 in future clinical trials, determinable even in-easily accessible-peripheral blood biomaterials. These results, however, require validation in a larger cohort and further standardization of modifying conditions