13 research outputs found


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    Agriculture is an information intensive industry that is spatial in nature. For farmers to thrive, they must be generalists who are well versed in the latest farming technologies. Thus, farmers need to be well informed on the best agricultural practices, prime farming operation techniques, optimum methods of management, prevailing post harvest operations and transactions and so on. However, Nigerian and African agriculture in general is disadvantaged owing to factors that include: poor access to agriculture-related information, deficits in physical infrastructure, high transactional costs, digital divides, low literacy level, problems with availability of agricultural inputs to mention but a few. In this paper, we present an mAgriculture framework for agricultural information services delivery using the communication channels available on a feature phone. Features phones are easy to use and are increasingly able to bypass the barriers of illiteracy and affordability, and they provide access to a wide range of very useful services, such as transferring money, checking market prices, gathering weather information, obtaining personal agricultural extension and other professional advice. The three basic communication channels of feature phones employed by the developed framework are: voice, short message service (SMS) and Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) with the intent of providing a platform where farmers’ need of agriculture information could be met

    Delineation of Leachate Plume Migration Using Electrical Resistivity Imaging on Lapite Dumpsite in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria

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    A geophysical investigation involving 2D resistivity survey was carried out on Lapite dump site that has been in operation since 1998 in ancient city of Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria. The aim was to map the conductive leachate plume and extent of migration of leachate plumes in the subsurface for possible groundwater contamination. The 2D resistivity survey was carried out using Campus Tigre model resistivity meter with Wenner array configuration of electrode spacing distance ranging from 5 - 25m. A total of nine (9) 2D resistivity profiles with length ranging between 80 and 120 m were conducted within the dump site. A control profile of 2D resistivity survey was also carried out at about 300 m away from the dump site. The obtained resistivity data was interpreted using both RES2DINV and RES3DINV respectively. The 2D and 3D inverse resistivity models of the subsurface revealed the extent of leachate plumes with resistivity values less than 10 Ωm and allowed the location of leachate, clay soil, bedrock and seepage path from the dumpsite to be clearly delineated. There may be possible contamination of shallow groundwater system in the nearest future if proper mitigation measures are not taken into consideration at the dumpsit

    Geophysical and Sedimentological Characterization o f a Tar Sand Rich Area in South-western Nigeria.

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    Although huge deposits of tar sands have been disco vered in parts of south-western Nigeria, detailed g eological studies of many locations are yet to be executed. S uch studies would not only help in quantitative eva luation but also help in generating baseline data that would he lp in evolving exploitation technique that will be environmentally friendly. Vertical electrical Sound ings of southwest Okitipupa were extensively carrie d out while core samples were studied in order to generat e subsurface model of the study area. Detailed sedimentological studies of core samples were also executed. Correlations of geoelectric sections with borehole litho-logs revealed three layers from top to bottom of lateritic soil/clay, shale and sand/bituminous sand. The depth to tar sand horizon ranged from 0.5 to 50.0 m . Groundwater level of about 13 to 15m measured in dug wells occur above tar sand horizon. The most abunda nt mineral in the tar sand is quartz with subordina te amounts of microcline, muscovite and biotite. The m edium grained and moderately sorted nature of the t ar sands coupled with low amount of fine particles, indicate that the oil sand reservoir is of good quality. Op en cast mining can be employed but precaution must be taken to prevent blowout that may be induced by the over lying water bearing horizon. The fairly thick impervious clayey overburden will prevent pollution of groundw ater by waste likely to be associated with tar sand exploit ation

    Investigation of incessant road failure in parts of Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria using integrated geoelectric methods and soil analysis

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    A flexible pavement devoid of discontinuities allows for smooth movement of a vehicle load on the roadway. This study involved the use of integrated geoelectric methods comprised of 1D and 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) as well as soil analysis to investigate causes of unceasing road failures along busy Camp—Alabata Road, Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria. Four road sections (two failed portions and one fair section and one good section) were identified along which four resistivity traverses were established along the investigated roadway. Four 1D Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) points were also carried out on the 2D ERT lines. Apparent resistivity data were measured along the four traverses using Schlumberger and Wenner arrays with the aid of a Campus Ohmega resistivity meter. The VES and 2D resistivity data were processed and inverted using WinResist an

    Assessment of groundwater contamination around active dumpsite in Ibadan southwestern Nigeria using integrated electrical resistivity and hydrochemical methods

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    Investigation of groundwater contamination due to leachate migration in a solid waste disposal site was done using both geophysical and hydrochemical methods. The main goals were to delineate groundwater contamination due to leachate percolation and thus assessment of quality of groundwater from nearby hand-dug wells bordering the dumpsite for drinking purpose. A total of ten resistivity traverses were acquired within and outside the dumpsite using Wenner configuration with constant electrode separation ranging from 5 to 25 m. The 2D resistivity data were processed and inverted using RES2DINV and RES3DINV softwares, respectively. Geochemical assessment of groundwater samples were carried out according to APHA standards while hydrochemical facies of the sampled groundwater was evaluated using Piper Trilinear software. The inverse resistivity models of the subsurface from 2D and 3D imaging revealed low resistivity value less than 10 X m suspected to be leachate while 3D inverse sections allowed delineation of leachate, weathered layer, bedrock and seepage path from the dumpsite. The extent of migration was more pronounced in the southern part of the dumpsite, hence possible contamination of shallow groundwater system as dumpsite ages. The results of physico-chemical analyses showed the groundwater samples to be within the limits of WHO/NSDWQ for drinking purpose. However, higher values of concentrations of most analyzed parameters were noticed in well 1 due to its nearness to dumpsite and well 10 due to agricultural activities, respectively. Interpretation of Piper diagram showed CaHCO3 to be dominant facie in the area while alkaline earth metals (Ca2þ; Mg2þ) and weak acids (HCO3 -, CO3-) are dominant cations and anions during both climatic seasons. Groundwater in the study area is of hard, fresh and alkaline in natur

    Evaluation of seasonal variation of water quality using multivariate statistical analysis and irrigation parameter indices in Ajakanga area, Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Abstract The variation of groundwater quality across different regions is of great importance in the study of groundwater so as to ascertain the sources of contaminants to available water sources. Geochemical assessment of groundwater samples from hand-dug wells were done within the vicinity of Ajakanga dumpsite, Ibadan, Southwestern, Nigeria, with the aim of assessing their suitability for domestic and irrigation purposes. Ten groundwater samples were collected both in dry and wet seasons for analysis of physicochemical parameters such as: pH, EC, TDS, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3−\text{HCO}_{3}^{ - } HCO3- Cl−, SO42−\text{SO}_{4}^{2 - } SO42- , NO32−\text{NO}_{3}^{2 - } NO32- principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were used to determine probable sources of groundwater contamination. The results of the analyses showed the groundwater samples to be within permissible limits of WHO/NSDWQ, while elevated values of concentrations of most analyzed chemical constituents in water samples were noticed in S1 and S10 due to their nearness to the dumpsite and agricultural overflow, respectively. Groundwater in the study area is of hard, fresh and alkaline nature. There are very strong associations between EC and TDS, HCO3−\text{HCO}_{3}^{ - } HCO3- and CO32−\text{CO}_{3}^{2 - } CO32- in both seasons. PCA identified five and three major factors accounting for 95.7 and 88.7% of total variation in water quality for dry and wet seasons, respectively. PCA also identified factors influencing water quality as those probably related to mineral dissolution, groundwater–rock interaction, weathering process and anthropogenic activities from the dumpsite. Results of CA show groups based on similar water quality characteristics and on the extent of proximity to the dumpsite. Assessment for irrigation purpose showed that most of the water samples were suitable for agricultural purpose except in a few locations

    Groundwater Assessment of Hand Dug Wells around Open Landfill in Ibadan Metropolis for Domestic and Irrigation Purposes

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    Geochemical assessment of groundwater samples from hand-dug wells within the vicinity of Aba-Eku dumpsite was carried out for domestic and irrigation purposes. Ten groundwater samples were collected both in dry season and wet season for analysis of physico-chemical parameters: pH