4 research outputs found

    Weakly Supervised Visual Question Answer Generation

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    Growing interest in conversational agents promote twoway human-computer communications involving asking and answering visual questions have become an active area of research in AI. Thus, generation of visual questionanswer pair(s) becomes an important and challenging task. To address this issue, we propose a weakly-supervised visual question answer generation method that generates a relevant question-answer pairs for a given input image and associated caption. Most of the prior works are supervised and depend on the annotated question-answer datasets. In our work, we present a weakly supervised method that synthetically generates question-answer pairs procedurally from visual information and captions. The proposed method initially extracts list of answer words, then does nearest question generation that uses the caption and answer word to generate synthetic question. Next, the relevant question generator converts the nearest question to relevant language question by dependency parsing and in-order tree traversal, finally, fine-tune a ViLBERT model with the question-answer pair(s) generated at end. We perform an exhaustive experimental analysis on VQA dataset and see that our model significantly outperform SOTA methods on BLEU scores. We also show the results wrt baseline models and ablation study

    SHREC 2020 Track: 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation for Street Scenes

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    International audienceScene understanding of large-scale 3D point clouds of an outer space is still a challenging task. Compared with simulated 3D point clouds, the raw data from LiDAR scanners consist of tremendous points returned from all possible reflective objects and they are usually non-uniformly distributed. Therefore, it's cost-effective to develop a solution for learning from raw large-scale 3D point clouds. In this track, we provide large-scale 3D point clouds of street scenes for the semantic segmentation task. The data set consists of 80 samples with 60 for training and 20 for testing. Each sample with over 2 million points represents a street scene and includes a couple of objects. There are five meaningful classes: building, car, ground, pole and vegetation. We aim at localizing and segmenting semantic objects from these large-scale 3D point clouds. Four groups contributed their results with different methods. The results show that learning-based methods are the trend and one of them achieves the best performance on both Overall Accuracy and mean Intersection over Union. Next to the learning-based methods, the combination of hand-crafted detectors are also reliable and rank second among comparison algorithms

    SHREC 2021: Retrieval of cultural heritage objects

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    This paper presents the methods and results of the SHREC’21 track on a dataset of cultural heritage (CH) objects. We present a dataset of 938 scanned models that have varied geometry and artistic styles. For the competition, we propose two challenges: the retrieval-by-shape challenge and the retrieval-by-culture challenge. The former aims at evaluating the ability of retrieval methods to discriminate cultural heritage objects by overall shape. The latter focuses on assessing the effectiveness of retrieving objects from the same culture. Both challenges constitute a suitable scenario to evaluate modern shape retrieval methods in a CH domain. Ten groups participated in the challenges: thirty runs were submitted for the retrieval-by-shape task, and twenty-six runs were submitted for the retrieval-by-culture task. The results show a predominance of learning methods on image-based multi-view representations to characterize 3D objects. Nevertheless, the problem presented in our challenges is far from being solved. We also identify the potential paths for further improvements and give insights into the future directions of research