9 research outputs found

    Spectrum of chlorophyll mutations and morphological variations in Abelmoschus esculentus L. induced through gamma radiation

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    Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench], is an economically exploited important traditional vegetable crop of the world. The present investigation examined the variability in induced chlorophyll mutants and othermorphological variations in okra. Seeds of two open pollinated popular varieties of okra namely Arka Anamika and Arka Abhay were irradiated with gamma doses of 30, 50 and 80 kR. The treatment 50 kR enhanced plant height, number of fruits per plant, fruit length, single fruit weight and total fruit yield per plant. Spectrum of several chlorophyll mutants were observed in the M1 generation. Other macro-mutants such as early and late flowering types, dwarf statured plants, leaf and flower mutants were also noticed at different doses of gamma radiation. The total number of visible mutation followed a trend of increasing frequency with the increase in dose of radiation

    Transcriptome profiling of Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton (small cardamom)

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    Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton, known as ‘queen of spices, is a perennial herbaceous monocot of the family Zingiberaceae, native to southern India. Cardamom is an economically valuable spice crop and used widely in culinary and medicinal purposes. In the present study, using Ion Proton RNA sequencing technology, we performed transcriptome sequencing and de novo transcriptome assembly of a wild and five cultivar genotypes of cardamom. RNA-seq generated a total of 22,811,983 (92 base) and 24,889,197 (75 base) raw reads accounting for approximately 8.21GB and 7.65GB of sequence data for wild and cultivar genotypes of cardamom respectively. The raw data were submitted to SRA database of NCBI under the accession numbers SRX1141272 (wild) and SRX1141276 (cultivars). The raw reads were quality filtered and assembled using MIRA assembler resulted with 112,208 and 264,161contigs having N50 value 616 and 664 for wild and cultivar cardamom respectively. The assembled unigenes were functionally annotated using several databases including PlantCyc for pathway annotation. This work represents the first report on cardamom transcriptome sequencing. In order to generate a comprehensive reference transcriptome, we further assembled the raw reads of wild and cultivar genotypes which might enrich the plant transcriptome database and trigger advanced research in cardamom genomics

    Data on identification of conserved and novel miRNAs in Elettaria cardamomum

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    Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton, or small cardamom referred as ‘queen of spices’, is a perennial herbaceous rhizomatous monocot of the family Zingiberaceae. Cardamom seeds and fruits are the economically significant parts and effectively used as a traditional medicine, food additive and flavoring agent. In the present study, using Ion Proton next generation sequencing technology we performed the small RNA sequencing, conserved and novel miRNA predictions of a wild and five cultivar genotypes of cardamom. Small RNA sequencing generated a total of 5,451,328 and 2,756,250 raw reads for wild and cultivar cardamom respectively. The raw data was submitted to SRA database of NCBI under the accession numbers and SRX2273863 (wild) and SRX2273862 (cultivars). The raw reads were quality filtered and predicted conserved and novel miRNAs for wild and cultivar cardamom. The predicted miRNAs, miRNA-targets and functional annotations might provide valuable insights into differences between wild progenitor and cultivated cardamom