6,730 research outputs found

    Measuring the ratio of HWWHWW and HZZHZZ couplings through W+W−HW^+W^-H production

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    For a generic Higgs boson, measuring the relative sign and magnitude of its couplings with the WW and ZZ bosons is essential in determining its origin. Such a test is also indispensable for the 125-GeV Higgs boson. We propose that the ratio of the HWWHWW and HZZHZZ couplings λWZ\lambda_{WZ} can be directly determined through the W+W−HW^+W^-H production, where HH denotes a generic Higgs boson, owing to the tree-level interference effect. While this is impractical at the LHC due to the limited sensitivity, it can be done at future e+e−e^+e^- colliders, such as a 500-GeV ILC with the beam polarization P(e−,e+)=(−0.8,+0.3)P(e^-,e^+)=(-0.8,+0.3) in the jjℓ±bbjj\ell^{\pm}bb and ℓ±ℓ±ℓ∓jj\ell^{\pm}\ell^{\pm}\ell^{\mp}jj channels. The discovery potential of a general ratio and the power to discriminate it from the SM value are studied in detail. Combining the cross section of e+e−→W+W−He^+e^-\to W^+ W^- H with the measurements of HZZHZZ coupling at the HL-LHC, one can further improve the sensitivity of λWZ\lambda_{WZ}.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Search for a heavy dark photon at future e+e−e^+e^- colliders

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    A coupling of a dark photon A′A' from a U(1)A′U(1)_{A'} with the standard model (SM) particles can be generated through kinetic mixing represented by a parameter ϵ\epsilon. A non-zero ϵ\epsilon also induces a mixing between A′A' and ZZ if dark photon mass mA′m_{A'} is not zero. This mixing can be large when mA′m_{A'} is close to mZm_Z even if the parameter ϵ\epsilon is small. Many efforts have been made to constrain the parameter ϵ\epsilon for a low dark photon mass mA′m_{A'} compared with the ZZ boson mass mZm_Z. We study the search for dark photon in e+e−→γA′→γμ+μ−e^+e^- \to \gamma A' \to \gamma \mu^+ \mu^- for a dark photon mass mA′m_{A'} as large as kinematically allowed at future e+e−e^+e^- colliders. For large mA′m_{A'}, care should be taken to properly treat possible large mixing between A′A' and ZZ. We obtain sensitivities to the parameter ϵ\epsilon for a wide range of dark photon mass at planed e+  e−e^+\;e^- colliders, such as Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), International Linear Collider (ILC) and Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee). For the dark photon mass 20 GeV≲mA′≲330 GeV20~\text{GeV}\lesssim m_{A^{\prime}}\lesssim 330~\text{GeV}, the 2σ2\sigma exclusion limits on the mixing parameter are ϵ≲10−3−10−2\epsilon\lesssim 10^{-3}-10^{-2}. The CEPC with s=240 GeV\sqrt{s}=240~\text{GeV} and FCC-ee with s=160 GeV\sqrt{s}=160~\text{GeV} are more sensitive than the constraint from current LHCb measurement once the dark photon mass mA′≳50 GeVm_{A^{\prime}}\gtrsim 50~\text{GeV}. For mA′≳220 GeVm_{A^{\prime}}\gtrsim 220~\text{GeV}, the sensitivity at the FCC-ee with s=350 GeV\sqrt{s}=350~\text{GeV} and 1.5 ab−11.5~\text{ab}^{-1} is better than that at the 13~TeV LHC with 300 fb−1300~\text{fb}^{-1}, while the sensitivity at the CEPC with s=240 GeV\sqrt{s}=240~\text{GeV} and 5 ab−15~\text{ab}^{-1} can be even better than that at 13~TeV LHC with 3 ab−13~\text{ab}^{-1} for mA′≳180 GeVm_{A^{\prime}}\gtrsim 180~\text{GeV}.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Nonparametric Inference via Bootstrapping the Debiased Estimator

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    In this paper, we propose to construct confidence bands by bootstrapping the debiased kernel density estimator (for density estimation) and the debiased local polynomial regression estimator (for regression analysis). The idea of using a debiased estimator was recently employed by Calonico et al. (2018b) to construct a confidence interval of the density function (and regression function) at a given point by explicitly estimating stochastic variations. We extend their ideas of using the debiased estimator and further propose a bootstrap approach for constructing simultaneous confidence bands. This modified method has an advantage that we can easily choose the smoothing bandwidth from conventional bandwidth selectors and the confidence band will be asymptotically valid. We prove the validity of the bootstrap confidence band and generalize it to density level sets and inverse regression problems. Simulation studies confirm the validity of the proposed confidence bands/sets. We apply our approach to an Astronomy dataset to show its applicabilityComment: Accepted to the Electronic Journal of Statistics. 64 pages, 6 tables, 11 figure

    Forecast Combination Under Heavy-Tailed Errors

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    Forecast combination has been proven to be a very important technique to obtain accurate predictions. In many applications, forecast errors exhibit heavy tail behaviors for various reasons. Unfortunately, to our knowledge, little has been done to deal with forecast combination for such situations. The familiar forecast combination methods such as simple average, least squares regression, or those based on variance-covariance of the forecasts, may perform very poorly. In this paper, we propose two nonparametric forecast combination methods to address the problem. One is specially proposed for the situations that the forecast errors are strongly believed to have heavy tails that can be modeled by a scaled Student's t-distribution; the other is designed for relatively more general situations when there is a lack of strong or consistent evidence on the tail behaviors of the forecast errors due to shortage of data and/or evolving data generating process. Adaptive risk bounds of both methods are developed. Simulations and a real example show superior performance of the new methods

    Nucleation of membrane adhesions

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    Recent experimental and theoretical studies of biomimetic membrane adhesions [Bruinsma et al., Phys. Rev. E 61, 4253 (2000); Boulbitch et al., Biophys. J. 81, 2743 (2001)] suggested that adhesion mediated by receptor interactions is due to the interplay between membrane undulations and a double-well adhesion potential, and should be a first-order transition. We study the nucleation of membrane adhesion by finding the minimum-energy path on the free energy surface constructed from the bending free energy of the membrane and the double-well adhesion potential. We find a nucleation free energy barrier around 20kBT for adhesion of flexible membranes, which corresponds to fast nucleation kinetics with a time scale of the order of seconds. For cell membranes with a larger bending rigidity due to the actin network, the nucleation barrier is higher and may require active processes such as the reorganization of the cortex network to overcome this barrier. Our scaling analysis suggests that the geometry of the membrane shapes of the adhesion contact is controlled by the adhesion length that is determined by the membrane rigidity, the barrier height, and the length scale of the double-well potential, while the energetics of adhesion is determined by the depths of the adhesion potential. These results are verified by numerical calculations
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