30 research outputs found

    Effect of flow shear on the onset of dynamos

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    Understanding the origin and structure of mean magnetic fields in astrophysical conditions is a major challenge. Shear flows often coexist in such astrophysical conditions and the role of flow shear on dynamo mechanism is only beginning to be investigated. Here, we present a direct numerical simulation (DNS) study of the effect of flow shear on dynamo instability for a variety of base flows with controllable mirror symmetry (i.e, fluid helicity). Our observations suggest that for helical base flow, the effect of shear is to suppress the small scale dynamo (SSD) action, i.e, shear helps the large scale magnetic field to manifest itself by suppressing SSD action. For non-helical base flows, flow shear has the opposite effect of amplifying the small-scale dynamo action. The magnetic energy growth rate (γ\gamma) for non-helical base flows are found to follow an algebraic nature of the form, γ=−aS+bS23\gamma = - aS + bS^\frac{2}{3} , where a, b > 0 are real constants and S is the shear flow strength and γ\gamma is found to be independent of scale of flow shear. Studies with different shear profiles and shear scale lengths for non-helical base flows have been performed to test the universality of our finding

    Revisiting Kinematic Fast Dynamo in 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic plasmas: Dynamo transition from non-Helical to Helical flows

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    Dynamos wherein magnetic field is produced from velocity fluctuations are fundamental to our understanding of several astrophysical and/or laboratory phenomena. Though fluid helicity is known to play a key role in the onset of dynamo action, its effect is yet to be fully understood. In this work, a fluid flow proposed recently [Yoshida et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 244501 (2017)] is invoked such that one may inject zero or finite fluid helicity using a control parameter, at the beginning of the simulation. Using a simple kinematic fast dynamo model, we demonstrate unambiguously the strong dependency of short scale dynamo on fluid helicity. In contrast to conventional understanding, it is shown that fluid helicity does strongly influence the physics of short scale dynamo. To corroborate our findings, late time magnetic field spectra for various values of injected fluid helicity is presented along with rigorous ``geometric'' signatures of the 3D magnetic field surfaces, which shows a transition from ``untwisted'' to ``twisted'' sheet to ``cigar'' like configurations. It is also shown that one of the most studied ABC dynamo model is not the ``fastest'' dynamo model for problems with lower magnetic Reynolds number. This work brings out, for the first time, the role of fluid helicity in moving from ``non-dynamo'' to ``dynamo'' regime systematically

    Three Dimensional Pseudo-Spectral Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic GPU Code for Astrophysical Plasma Simulation

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    This paper presents the benchmarking and scaling studies of a GPU accelerated three dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamic code. The code is developed keeping an eye to explain the large and intermediate scale magnetic field generation is cosmos as well as in nuclear fusion reactors in the light of the theory given by Eugene Newman Parker. The spatial derivatives of the code are pseudo-spectral method based and the time solvers are explicit. GPU acceleration is achieved with minimal code changes through OpenACC parallelization and use of NVIDIA CUDA Fast Fourier Transform library (cuFFT). NVIDIAs unified memory is leveraged to enable over-subscription of the GPU device memory for seamless out-of-core processing of large grids. Our experimental results indicate that the GPU accelerated code is able to achieve upto two orders of magnitude speedup over a corresponding OpenMP parallel, FFTW library based code, on a NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU. For large grids that require out-of-core processing on the GPU, we see a 7x speedup over the OpenMP, FFTW based code, on the Tesla P100 GPU. We also present performance analysis of the GPU accelerated code on different GPU architectures - Kepler, Pascal and Volta

    Aggregate morphing of self-aligining soft active disks in semi-confined geometry

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    We study the dependence of alignment and confinement on the aggregate morphology of self-aligning soft disks in a planer box geometry confined along y direction. We show that the wall accumulation of aggregates becomes non-uniform upon increase in alignment strength and decrease in box width. The height of these structures is found to be a non-monotonic function of alignment strength. Additionally, we identify two distinct categories of wall aggregates: layered and non-layered structures each exhibiting distinct local structural properties. For non-layered structures, local properties stay nearly constant as we move away from the boundary, while for layered structures, they increase with distance from the boundary. Our analysis shows that active pressure difference is a useful indicator for different aggregate morphologies and the peaks in the pressure curve are indicative of the average and minimum height of the structure