5 research outputs found

    Character and Multiplicity Formulas for Compact Hamiltonian G-spaces

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    Let K ⊂\subset G be compact connected Lie groups with common maximal torus T. Let (M, ω\omega) be a prequantisable compact connected symplectic manifold with a Hamiltonian G-action. Geometric quantisation gives a virtual representation of G; we give a formula for the character χ\chi of this virtual representation as a quotient of virtual characters of K. When M is a generic coadjoint orbit our formula agrees with the Gross-Kostant-Ramond-Sternberg formula. We then derive a generalisation of the Guillemin-Prato multiplicity formula which, for λ\lambda a dominant integral weight of K, gives the multiplicity in χ\chi of the irreducible representation of K of highest weight λ\lambda.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Journal of Geometry and Physic