15 research outputs found

    Palmitoylation of claudins is required for efficient tight-junction localization

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    Palmitoylation of integral membrane proteins can affect intracellular trafficking, protein-protein interactions and protein stability. The goal of the present study was to determine whether claudins, transmembrane-barrier-forming proteins of the tight junction, are palmitoylated and whether this modification has functional implications for the tight-junction barrier. Claudin-14, like other members of the claudin family, contains membrane-proximal cysteines following both the second and the fourth transmembrane domains, which we speculated could be modified b

    Loss of ASP but not ROPN1 reduces mammalian ciliary motility

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    Protein kinase A (PKA) signaling is targeted by interactions with A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) via a dimerization/docking domain on the regulatory (R) subunit of PKA. Four other mammalian proteins (ASP, ROPN1, SP17, and CABYR) share this highly conserved RII dimerization/docking (R2D2) domain. ASP and ROPN1 are 41% identical in sequence, interact with a variety of AKAPs in a manner similar to PKA, and are expressed in ciliated and flagellated human cells. To test the hypothesis that these proteins regulate motility, we developed mutant mouse lines lacking ASP or ROPN1. Both mutant lines produced normal numbers of cilia with intact ciliary ultrastructure. Lack of ROPN1 had no effect on ciliary motility. However, the beat frequency of cilia from mice lacking ASP is significantly slower than wild type, indicating that ASP signaling may regulate ciliary motility. This is the first demonstration of in vivo function for ASP. Similar localization of ASP in mice and humans indicates that these findings may translate to human physiology, and that these mice will be an excellent model for future studies related to the pathogenesis of human disease

    In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of a Water-in-Oil Microemulsion System for Enhanced Peptide Intestinal Delivery

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    Peptide and protein drugs have become the new generation of therapeutics, yet most of them are only available as injections, and reports on oral local intestinal delivery of peptides and proteins are quite limited. The aim of this work was to develop and evaluate a water-in-oil (w/o) microemulsion system in vitro and in vivo for local intestinal delivery of water-soluble peptides after oral administration. A fluorescent labeled peptide, 5-(and-6)-carboxytetramethylrhodamine labeled HIV transactivator protein TAT (TAMRA-TAT), was used as a model peptide. Water-in-oil microemulsions consisting of Miglyol 812, Capmul MCM, Tween 80, and water were developed and characterized in terms of appearance, viscosity, conductivity, morphology, and particle size analysis. TAMRA-TAT was loaded and its enzymatic stability was assessed in modified simulated intestinal fluid (MSIF) in vitro. In in vivo studies, TAMRA-TAT intestinal distribution was evaluated using fluorescence microscopy after TAMRA-TAT microemulsion, TAMRA-TAT solution, and placebo microemulsion were orally gavaged to mice. The half-life of TAMRA-TAT in microemulsion was enhanced nearly three-fold compared to that in the water solution when challenged by MSIF. The treatment with TAMRA-TAT microemulsion after oral administration resulted in greater fluorescence intensity in all intestine sections (duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and colon) compared to TAMRA-TAT solution or placebo microemulsion. The in vitro and in vivo studies together suggested TAMRA-TAT was better protected in the w/o microemulsion in an enzyme-containing environment, suggesting that the w/o microemulsions developed in this study may serve as a potential delivery vehicle for local intestinal delivery of peptides or proteins after oral administration

    Safety Evaluation -Environmental Air Pollution and Brain Damage

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    ABSTRACT Exposure to complex mixtures of air pollutants produces in ammation in the upper and lower respiratory tract. Because the nasal cavity is a common portal of entry, respiratory and olfactory epithelia are vulnerable targets for toxicological damage. This study has evaluated, by light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemica l expression of nuclear factor-kappa beta (NF-j B) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), the olfactory and respiratory nasal mucosae, olfactory bulb, and cortical and subcortical structures from 32 healthy mongrel canine residents in Southwest Metropolitan Mexico City (SWMMC), a highly polluted urban region. Findings were compared to those in 8 dogs from Tlaxcala, a less polluted, control city. In SWMMC dogs, expression of nuclear neuronal NF-j B and iNOS in cortical endothelial cells occurred at ages 2 and 4 weeks; subsequen t damage included alterations of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), degenerating cortical neurons, apoptotic glial white matter cells, deposition of apolipoprotein E (apoE)-positive lipid droplets in smooth muscle cells and pericytes, nonneuritic plaques, and neuro brillary tangles. Persistent pulmonary in ammation and deteriorating olfactory and respiratory barriers may play a role in the neuropatholog y observed in the brains of these highly exposed canines. Neurodegenerativ e disorders such as Alzheimer's may begin early in life with air pollutants playing a crucial role

    Safety Evaluation -Environmental Air Pollution and Brain Damage

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    ABSTRACT Exposure to complex mixtures of air pollutants produces in ammation in the upper and lower respiratory tract. Because the nasal cavity is a common portal of entry, respiratory and olfactory epithelia are vulnerable targets for toxicological damage. This study has evaluated, by light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemica l expression of nuclear factor-kappa beta (NF-j B) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), the olfactory and respiratory nasal mucosae, olfactory bulb, and cortical and subcortical structures from 32 healthy mongrel canine residents in Southwest Metropolitan Mexico City (SWMMC), a highly polluted urban region. Findings were compared to those in 8 dogs from Tlaxcala, a less polluted, control city. In SWMMC dogs, expression of nuclear neuronal NF-j B and iNOS in cortical endothelial cells occurred at ages 2 and 4 weeks; subsequen t damage included alterations of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), degenerating cortical neurons, apoptotic glial white matter cells, deposition of apolipoprotein E (apoE)-positive lipid droplets in smooth muscle cells and pericytes, nonneuritic plaques, and neuro brillary tangles. Persistent pulmonary in ammation and deteriorating olfactory and respiratory barriers may play a role in the neuropatholog y observed in the brains of these highly exposed canines. Neurodegenerativ e disorders such as Alzheimer's may begin early in life with air pollutants playing a crucial role