82 research outputs found

    A Primer on Savanna Ecology.

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    An IES Special Report.Savanna is one of the world's major biomes (Figure 1). It occupies 54% of southern Africa, 60% of sub-Saharan Africa and 20% of the global land surface (Scholes and Walker, 1993). Furthermore, a large proportion of the world's human population and the majority of range-lands and livestock are found in savannas (Werner, Walker and Stott, 1991). Savannas contribute to both the informal and formal economies of many countries (Campbell, 1996). They supply grazing, fuel-wood, timber and other resources to the informal and subsistence economy. Savannas also contribute to the formal economy because they are the main location of the livestock and eco-tourism industries. Globally, savannas are important because of emissions of trace gases from fires, soils and animals (Justice, Scholes and Frost, 1994); sequestration of carbon in their soils and biomass; and their biological diversity. Savannas are, however, experiencing increasing pressures from demographic and economic changes that have increased dramatically over the past few decades. Severe damage to vegetation and soils is evident in. several regions (Werner, Walker and Stott, 1991). A further threat to the structure and functioning of savannas is the forecast of global warming and likely changes in precipitation pattems.Funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) of Canada. AFSA is a University Partnership in Co-operation and Development Project (UPCD) managed by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)

    Municipal commonage policy and livestock owners : findings from the Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    The new African National Congress government announced after 1994 that municipal commonage would be a pillar of their land reform programme. The Department of Land Affairs spearheaded this by acquiring new land to complement the existing ‘old’ commonages. The aim of old commonage was to supplement the income of poor urban residents through the subsistence user system whereas new commonage was intended as a ‘stepping stone’ for emergent farmers. We investigated the differences between old and new commonage farmers as well as how they perceived the Makana local municipality's capacity to manage the commonage. The results showed that local institutions were weak. Only 46% of the old commonage farmers were members of a local livestock association whereas 74% of the new commonage farmers were members. Most old commonage farmers (59%) were dissatisfied with local government's management of the commonage. In contrast, only 37% of the new commonage farmers were dissatisfied with the management of the commonage. There were no differences between old and new commonage farmers in terms of livestock owners’ characteristics and mean annual net direct-use value of livestock. There were also no differences in the age of the two types of commonage farmers. Furthermore, there was no association between the type of commonage and level of education. The mean annual net direct-use value of livestock on old commonage was R6308 compared with R9707 on new commonage. Although the income from livestock for new commonage farmers varied slightly from that of old commonage farmers, the annual productive output per farmer on old commonage was R473 ha−1, three times higher than that of new commonage farmers which was R134 ha−1. We suggest that new land policy legislation is needed in which poverty as well as the legal arrangements between all stakeholders is clearly defined. Furthermore, national departments need to be more involved with local municipalities to increase local management capacity

    The relationship between learning styles and perceptions of blended learning : a case study of third-year Environmental Science students at Rhodes University

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    The use of blended learning to support teaching and learning is growing globally. Few studies, however, have investigated the relation between students’ learning styles and their perceptions of blended learning. This study used a case-study approach to investigate third year Environmental Science students’ learning styles and perceptions of the online component of blended learning at Rhodes University. Vermunt’s inventory of learning’s styles instrument was used to assess the students’ learning styles. Students’ perceptions of online learning were assessed using an 84-item online experience questionnaire. Multivariate cluster analyses based on students’ learning styles, perceptions of online learning and final coursework marks were done. The correlation between learning styles and perceptions of blended learning was assessed. Students had been using computers for about 10 years. About 91% of students owned computers and 50% had access to Internet at home or in their residences. Internet and email were the most commonly used tools for student learning averaging about at least six times per week. Three of Vermunt’s four learning styles were identified. These were the meaning-directed, application-directed and reproduction-directed styles. The undirected learning style was absent. A major finding of this study was the dissonance in learning styles of students. For example, students with the meaning-directed style also scored high on reproduction-directed style. Students combined deep approaches with memorisation when learning. I developed an instrument consisting of seven scales that described students’ perceptions of online learning. The scales were epistemological judgements, multiple sources of information, learning goals, relevance, Internet experience, appropriate tool and student interaction. There was high within scale variability in students’ perceptions of online learning. The perception that the Internet provided multiple sources of information was positively associated with advanced models of epistemology that support the construction of knowledge. There was dissonance between the perception of the Internet as enhancing epistemological judgements and some components of learning style. A perception of epistemological judgements was positively correlated with both deep and surface cognitive processing strategies

    Growth of Aloe ferox Mill. at selected sites in the Makana region of the Eastern Cape

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    There is widespread harvesting of the leaves of Aloe ferox to supply bitters and gel for cosmetic and health products. Government and private agencies are interested in expanding the industry as a means of providing income for poor rural communities. With the growing interest in the commercial use of A. ferox it is important that harvesting programmes are based on an adequate understanding of the ecology and productivity of the species, which will underpin estimates of possible sustainable yields. In this paper we report mean annual growth rates of 283 A. ferox plants (at six sites) during the 2005/2006 season. Growth was variable across sites and plant height. In terms of sites, the mean height growth ranged between 1.7 cm per plant per year at site 4 and 4.6 cm at site 2. The mean height increment across all sites and plants was 2.8 ± 0.2 cm. Plant height had a strong effect on annual increment with small plants (< 6 cm) more than doubling their height in the 12 month period, whereas plants taller than 2 m grew by approximately 1% over the year. Across the five unburnt sites, the mean standing stock of leaves grew by two per plant. The proportion of plants flowering increased progressively with plant height. Most (90%) of the plants that flowered in 2005 did so again in 2006

    Fake news and social media regulation in Zimbabwe : a case study of the 2019 national #shutdown

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    Abstract: The question of “fake news”1 and social media regulation has become a central concern for governments worldwide, the private sector, media regulators and – gradually – media scholars (cf. Rochefort, 2020). In recent years the ubiquitous presence of “fake news” on various social media platforms, from national to global scale, has provoked a flurry of government-sponsored and private-sector sponsored regulations to deal with it (Allcott et al.2017). For instance, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, recently proposed that governments should help Facebook to regulate social media and weed out “fake news”.2 This may be because, as Parkinson (2016) writes, influence of verifiably false content on Facebook cannot be regarded as ‘small’ when it garners millions of shares and that social media companies have a responsibility when millions of users receive false information from their sites3. Still, this plea from Zuckerberg is surprising, not least because it suggests that social media companies may be losing the battle against “fake news”. Indeed, Koebler and Cox (2018) point out that “Moderating billions of posts a week in more than a hundred languages has become Facebook’s biggest challenge...M.A. (Communication Studies

    Fire behaviour in a semi-arid Baikiaea plurijuga savanna woodland on Kalahari sands in western Zimbabwe

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    Human-induced fires are a major disturbance in Baikiaea plurijuga woodland savannas that are economically important for timber production. Most fires occur during the late dry season, when they may severely damage woody plants. Prescribed burning during the early dry season is a management strategy to reduce fuel loads and thus the incidence of intense fires during the late dry season. There is, however, little information on fire behaviour characteristics of early dry season fires.We studied the relationship between experimental fuel conditions and fire behaviour by lighting 15 fires during the early dry season in a Baikiaea woodland. Fire intensity ranged from 25 to 1341 kW m[superscript (-1)], while rate of spread of fire varied between 0.01 and 0.35ms[superscript (-1)]. Fire intensity and rate of spread were positively related to flame height, leaf-scorch height and proportion of the area burnt. The relationships suggest that fire characteristics can be retrospectively determined using a variable such as scorch height. The grass fuel load, wind speed, relative humidity and to a lesser extent fuel moisture were important predictors of rate of spread, flame height, leaf-scorch height and proportion of the area burnt, with no impact due to the litter fuel load. The grass fuel load and wind speed had a positive effect on rate of spread, whereas relative humidity and fuel moisture had a negative effect. These findings indicate that managers can predict the likely damage to woody plants during an early dry season burn by assessing the grass fuel load and weather conditions at the time of burning

    The experiences of women in male-dominated professions and environments in South Africa

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    Women working in male-dominated professions and environments face experiences that are unique to their counterparts in more gender-balanced and female-dominated professions. The nature of these experiences affects women’s integration and potential success in male- dominated professions. To enhance employment equity in historically male-dominated professions and environments, an understanding of women’s experiences in such environments is beneficial. The purpose of this research was to explore the challenges and coping strategies of women working within male-dominated professions and environments. This was an exploratory qualitative study conducted within the interpretive research paradigm. A purposive sample consisting of five women working in identified male-dominated professions and environments was utilised. In-depth interviews were conducted and data was analysed using grounded theory. The main findings indicate that the central theme pertinent to women working in male-dominated professions and environments pertains to the types of challenges inherent in their work settings. The main challenges found were as follows: discrimination and bias; physical and health-related difficulties experienced; negative emotions resulting from working in male-dominated environments; lack of real transformation; and work/life balance. This study provides current insight into the plight of women working in male-dominated professions and environments in South Africa.Industrial and Organisational PsychologyM.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology

    Household fuelwood use in small electrified towns of the Makana District, Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    Access to secure energy supplies is a key foundation for sustainable development. Consequently local planning and development initiatives must be based on a sound knowledge of the energy use patterns and preferences of local users. This paper reports on such for three small urban settlements in the Eastern Cape Province, with a particular focus on fuelwood use. Despite widespread electrification over a decade ago, and perceptions that the ease of fuelwood collection was declining, most households continued to use fuelwood for cooking and space heating, whereas electricity was favoured for light-ing. The most common reason for this was because fuelwood was cheap (or free) compared to electric-ity. Annual demand was approximately 1 450 kg per household per year. Households that collected their own supplies of fuelwood were significantly poorer than those that either bought their stocks, or those that did not use fuelwood at all. Indigenous species were favoured over exotic species, although fuelwood vendors traded mostly in exotic species, particularly Eucalyptus and wattle. The greater reliance of poorer and unelectrified households on fuelwood requires that local authorities consider this in energy planning, otherwise the poor will be neg-lected in policies such as the Free Basic Electricity

    Household fuelwood use in small electrified towns of the Makana District, Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    Access to secure energy supplies is a key foundation for sustainable development. Consequently local planning and development initiatives must be based on a sound knowledge of the energy use patterns and preferences of local users. This paper reports on such for three small urban settlements in the Eastern Cape Province, with a particular focus on fuelwood use. Despite widespread electrification over a decade ago, and perceptions that the ease of fuelwood collection was declining, most households continued to use fuelwood for cooking and space heating, whereas electricity was favoured for light-ing. The most common reason for this was because fuelwood was cheap (or free) compared to electric-ity. Annual demand was approximately 1 450 kg per household per year. Households that collected their own supplies of fuelwood were significantly poorer than those that either bought their stocks, or those that did not use fuelwood at all. Indigenous species were favoured over exotic species, although fuelwood vendors traded mostly in exotic species, particularly Eucalyptus and wattle. The greater reliance of poorer and unelectrified households on fuelwood requires that local authorities consider this in energy planning, otherwise the poor will be neg-lected in policies such as the Free Basic Electricity

    Assessing the effects of invasive alien species on rural livelihoods: Case examples and a framework from South Africa

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    The detrimental impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) on ecosystem goods and services and local and regional economies are well documented. However, the use of IAS by rural communities is little understood, and rarely factored into IAS control programmes. Understanding the use of IAS by rural communities and factoring these into cost-benefit models is complex, depending upon a range of local-level attributes such as the time since invasion, abundance, and local-level costs and benefits. This paper reports on two case studies examining the role of IAS in rural livelihoods in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. In both cases, rural communities made widespread consumptive use of the IAS and generally would prefer higher densities, except in certain key localities. Several households traded in IAS products to generate supplementary income. We present a conceptual framework to guide interpretation of these and future case studies, considering attributes such as time since invasion, the competitiveness of the species, and the relative costs and benefits
