3,456 research outputs found

    Tunable joint measurements in the dispersive regime of cavity QED

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    Joint measurements of multiple qubits have been shown to open new possibilities for quantum information processing. Here, we present an approach based on homodyne detection to realize such measurements in the dispersive regime of cavity/circuit QED. By changing details of the measurement, the readout can be tuned from extracting only single-qubit to only multi-qubit properties. We obtain a reduced stochastic master equation describing this measurement and its effect on the qubits. As an example, we present results showing parity measurements of two qubits. In this situation, measurement of an initially unentangled state can yield with near unit probability a state of significant concurrence.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Politics behind the Veil

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    Using a natural experiment, we find that in provinces where Turkey’s Islamic Justice and Development Party (AKP) just won the election in 2004, women, including those who are weakly religious or non-religious, now veil far more than in provinces in which AKP just lost, the more so the poorer they are. This effect, as we predict, does not occur for praying regularly which is more costly and harder to observe practice. We argue that veiling is higher in AKP provinces not only because of a generic aim to conform to the stricter mores fostered by the victorious party. We find that those who veil, particularly those in AKP provinces who are not pious, are more politically active than those who do not veil. This may be an indication that veiling could partly be a strategic response to policies, which favour those who are or appear pious. Our study suggests that observable religious practices may have their independent dynamics driven by the pursuit of instrumental goals. Our results also suggest that parties with a religious ideology have an advantage over their secular counterparts in solving the clientelistic information problem, for they can rely on religious symbols for screening and signalling

    The interpretation of non-Markovian stochastic Schr\"odinger equations as a hidden-variable theory

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    Do diffusive non-Markovian stochastic Schr\"odinger equations (SSEs) for open quantum systems have a physical interpretation? In a recent paper [Phys. Rev. A 66, 012108 (2002)] we investigated this question using the orthodox interpretation of quantum mechanics. We found that the solution of a non-Markovian SSE represents the state the system would be in at that time if a measurement was performed on the environment at that time, and yielded a particular result. However, the linking of solutions at different times to make a trajectory is, we concluded, a fiction. In this paper we investigate this question using the modal (hidden variable) interpretation of quantum mechanics. We find that the noise function z(t)z(t) appearing in the non-Markovian SSE can be interpreted as a hidden variable for the environment. That is, some chosen property (beable) of the environment has a definite value z(t)z(t) even in the absence of measurement on the environment. The non-Markovian SSE gives the evolution of the state of the system ``conditioned'' on this environment hidden variable. We present the theory for diffusive non-Markovian SSEs that have as their Markovian limit SSEs corresponding to homodyne and heterodyne detection, as well as one which has no Markovian limit.Comment: 9 page

    Robust randomized benchmarking of quantum processes

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    We describe a simple randomized benchmarking protocol for quantum information processors and obtain a sequence of models for the observable fidelity decay as a function of a perturbative expansion of the errors. We are able to prove that the protocol provides an efficient and reliable estimate of an average error-rate for a set operations (gates) under a general noise model that allows for both time and gate-dependent errors. We determine the conditions under which this estimate remains valid and illustrate the protocol through numerical examples.Comment: 4+ pages, 1 figure, and 1 tabl

    Supervised learning with quantum enhanced feature spaces

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    Machine learning and quantum computing are two technologies each with the potential for altering how computation is performed to address previously untenable problems. Kernel methods for machine learning are ubiquitous for pattern recognition, with support vector machines (SVMs) being the most well-known method for classification problems. However, there are limitations to the successful solution to such problems when the feature space becomes large, and the kernel functions become computationally expensive to estimate. A core element to computational speed-ups afforded by quantum algorithms is the exploitation of an exponentially large quantum state space through controllable entanglement and interference. Here, we propose and experimentally implement two novel methods on a superconducting processor. Both methods represent the feature space of a classification problem by a quantum state, taking advantage of the large dimensionality of quantum Hilbert space to obtain an enhanced solution. One method, the quantum variational classifier builds on [1,2] and operates through using a variational quantum circuit to classify a training set in direct analogy to conventional SVMs. In the second, a quantum kernel estimator, we estimate the kernel function and optimize the classifier directly. The two methods present a new class of tools for exploring the applications of noisy intermediate scale quantum computers [3] to machine learning.Comment: Fixed typos, added figures and discussion about quantum error mitigatio

    Improved qubit bifurcation readout in the straddling regime of circuit QED

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    We study bifurcation measurement of a multi-level superconducting qubit using a nonlinear resonator biased in the straddling regime, where the resonator frequency sits between two qubit transition frequencies. We find that high-fidelity bifurcation measurements are possible because of the enhanced qubit-state-dependent pull of the resonator frequency, the behavior of qubit-induced nonlinearities and the reduced Purcell decay rate of the qubit that can be realized in this regime. Numerical simulations find up to a threefold improvement in qubit readout fidelity when operating in, rather than outside of, the straddling regime. High-fidelity measurements can be obtained at much smaller qubit-resonator couplings than current typical experimental realizations, reducing spectral crowding and potentially simplifying the implementation of multi-qubit devices.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure