4,906 research outputs found

    Learning from medical data streams: an introduction

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    Clinical practice and research are facing a new challenge created by the rapid growth of health information science and technology, and the complexity and volume of biomedical data. Machine learning from medical data streams is a recent area of research that aims to provide better knowledge extraction and evidence-based clinical decision support in scenarios where data are produced as a continuous flow. This year's edition of AIME, the Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, enabled the sound discussion of this area of research, mainly by the inclusion of a dedicated workshop. This paper is an introduction to LEMEDS, the Learning from Medical Data Streams workshop, which highlights the contributed papers, the invited talk and expert panel discussion, as well as related papers accepted to the main conference

    Three-dimensional patchy lattice model: ring formation and phase separation

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    We investigate the structural and thermodynamic properties of a model of particles with 22 patches of type AA and 1010 patches of type BB. Particles are placed on the sites of a face centered cubic lattice with the patches oriented along the nearest neighbor directions. The competition between the self-assembly of chains, rings and networks on the phase diagram is investigated by carrying out a systematic investigation of this class of models, using an extension of Wertheim's theory for associating fluids and Monte Carlo numerical simulations. We varied the ratio rϵAB/ϵAAr\equiv\epsilon_{AB}/\epsilon_{AA} of the interaction between patches AA and BB, ϵAB\epsilon_{AB}, and between AA patches, ϵAA\epsilon_{AA} (ϵBB\epsilon_{BB} is set to 00) as well as the relative position of the AA patches, i.e., the angle θ\theta between the (lattice) directions of the AA patches. We found that both rr and θ\theta (60,90,60^\circ,90^\circ, or 120120^\circ) have a profound effect on the phase diagram. In the empty fluid regime (r<1/2r < 1/2) the phase diagram is re-entrant with a closed miscibility loop. The region around the lower critical point exhibits unusual structural and thermodynamic behavior determined by the presence of relatively short rings. The agreement between the results of theory and simulation is excellent for θ=120\theta=120^\circ but deteriorates as θ\theta decreases, revealing the need for new theoretical approaches to describe the structure and thermodynamics of systems dominated by small rings.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Tropical Homegardens in Riverine Communities of Amazonian Estuary, Marajó Island, Brazil.

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    Neste trabalho, apresenta-se descrição de quintais tropicais em comunidades ribeirinhas no Estuário amazônico

    Manejo sustentado para floresta de várzea na Amazônia Oriental.

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo definir opções de colheita em bases sustentadas para florestas de várzea no estuário amazônico. Os dados foram coletados na propriedade florestal da Exportadora de Madeira do Pará Ltda. (Emapa), localizada no Município de Afuá, ao norte do Estado do Pará. A amostragem foi realizada em 29 parcelas de 5.000 m2. Foram medidas todas as árvores e palmeiras com dap > 45 cm. As espécies comerciais que apresentaram condições de serem colhidas por terem apresentado os melhores índices fitossociológicos e qualitativos foram: Virola surinamensis, Carapa guianensis e Hymenaea oblongifolia. Entre as espécies potenciais, destacou-se Terminalia dichotoma; e no grupo das espécies não-comerciais, Eschweilera coriacea, Swartizia racemosa e Licania macrophylla. Os resultados indicaram que a floresta pode ser manejada, adotando-se o plano de colheita que utiliza um Quociente de De Liocourt 50% maior do que o original (q = 2,61) e remoção de 30 % da área basal, o que corresponde a um lucro potencial de US$ 3.945,40/ha