234 research outputs found

    Epicyclic gear train dynamics including mesh efficiency

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    The paper presents an epicyclic gear train dynamic mathematical model including mesh efficiency, bearings/seals losses and inertial effects

    A model for a flywheel automatic assistedmanual transmission

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    This paper is focused on the model and dynamical analysis of a flywheel assisted transmis- sion aiming at reducing the torque gap during gear shift manoeuvres. A completely passive device, consisting of a planetary gear set mounting a flywheel on the sun gear shaft, allows to continuously connect the engine to the load shaft. Depending on the operating condi- tions, it can either absorb energy from the engine or deliver the previously stored kinetic energy to the wheels when the clutch is disengaged, thus allowing better vehicle performances and/or ride comfort through a suitable coordinated control of engine and clutc

    Experimental device to identify friction levels for airport applications

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    This paper presents an experimental device aimed at identifying different road friction levels; it has been designed at the Politecnico di Torino as part of the research program AWIS (Airport Weather Information System: study and realisation of a system for the prediction, monitoring and management of meteorological winter emergencies in airports) funded by Regione Piemonte

    On the Power-Weighted Efficiency of Multimode Powertrains: A Case Study on a Two-Mode Hybrid System

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    Multimode powertrains represent one of the most versatile solutions for hybrid electric vehicles where multiple power sources are integrated with aim of improving fuel economy and reducing pollutants emission in every operating condition. Some hybrid powertrain designs feature multiple planetary gear sets whose components can be directly driven by the powertrain actuators (electric motor or thermal engine) or can be connected through clutches and brakes. The advantages due to the availability of multiple modes are mitigated by the increase of production costs and complexity because of the higher number of components required if compared with the single mode solutions. A numerical methodology is adapted from the literature to analyze, categorize, and compare each distinct working configuration. The energy consumption of each powertrain configuration is then evaluated through the power-weighted efficiency concept whose formulation normalize the contribution from each power source. This paper aims at extending the methodology to investigate the operating range for each powertrain configuration to always achieve the maximum efficiency. The methodology is then applied to the realistic case study of the EVT 2-Mode Hybrid System

    Articulated Steering Control for an All-Terrain Tracked Vehicle

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    The objective of this study is to analyse and control the cornering behaviour of an Articulated All-Terrain Tracked Vehicle (ATV). The ATV is characterized by two units connected through a mechanical multiaxial joint designed to overcome extreme longitudinal and side slopes. The hydraulic actuation of the joint enables an articulated steering feature thus avoiding any thrusts adjustment as it happens for skid-steering vehicles. A direct curvature controller is presented for analysing the steady-state ATV behaviours through a nonlinear model. Furthermore, a hitch angle controller is introduced to overcome the necessity of a curvature feedback measurement. The methodology is verified by simulating typical manoeuvres adopted for evaluating vehicle handling performance

    Adaptive Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy with Rule-based Gear Selection for the Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles Equipped with Dual Clutch Transmissions

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    Based on observations of the behaviour of the optimal solution to the problem of energy management for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, a novel real-time Energy Management Strategy (EMS) is proposed. In particular, dynamic programming results are used to derive a set of rules aiming at reproducing the optimal gearshift schedule in electric mode while the Adaptive Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (A-ECMS) is employed to decide the powertrain operating mode and the current gear when power from the internal combustion engine is needed. In terms of total fuel consumption, simulations show that the proposed approach yields results that are close to the optimal solution and also outperforms those of the A-ECMS, a well-known EMS. One of the main aspects that differentiates the strategy here proposed from previous works is the introduction of a model to use physical considerations to estimate the energy consumption during gearshifts in dual-clutch transmissions. This, together with a series of properly tuned fuel penalties allows the controller to yield results in which there is no gear hunting behaviour

    A Methodology for Parameter Estimation of Nonlinear Single Track Models from Multibody Full Vehicle Simulation

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    In vehicle dynamics, simple and fast vehicle models are required, especially in the framework of real-time simulations and autonomous driving software. Therefore, a trade-off between accuracy and simulation speed must be pursued by selecting the appropriate level of detail and the corresponding simplifying assumptions based on the specific purpose of the simulation. The aim of this study is to develop a methodology for map and parameter estimation from multibody simulation results, to be used for simplified vehicle modelling focused on handling performance. In this paper, maneuvers, algorithms and results of the parameter estimation are reported, together with their integration in single track models with increasing complexity and fidelity. The agreement between the multibody model, used as reference, and four single track models is analyzed and discussed through the evaluation of the correlation index. The good match between the models validates the adopted simulation methodology both during steady-state and during transient maneuvers. In a similar way, this method could be applied to experimental data gathered from a real instrumented car rather than from a multibody model

    Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Multimode Powertrains: Influence of Inertial Properties and Road Inclination

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    Multimode hybrid powertrains have captured the attention of automotive OEMs for their flexible nature and ability to provide better and optimized efficiency levels. However, the presence of multiple actuators, with different efficiency and dynamic characteristics, increases the problem complexity for minimizing the overall power losses in each powertrain operating condition. The paper aims at providing a methodology to select the powertrain mode and set the reference torques and angular speeds for each actuator, based on the power-weighted efficiency concept. The power-weighted efficiency is formulated to normalize the efficiency contribution from each power source and to include the inertial properties of the powertrain components as well as the vehicle motion resistance forces. The approach, valid for a wide category of multimode powertrain architectures, is then applied to the specific case of a two-mode hybrid system where the engagement of one of the two clutches enables an Input Split or Compound Split operative mode. The simulation results obtained with the procedure prove to be promising in avoiding excessive accelerations, drift of powertrain components, and in managing the power flow for uphill and downhill vehicle conditions

    Torsional Dynamic Performance of a Transmission Test Bench: An Investigation on the Effect of Motors Controllers Parameters

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    Besides in-vehicle testing, automotive powertrains and their subsystems are extensively studied and verified, in the different development phases, through dedicated test benches having various mechanical layouts according to the specific target. The torsional load is typically applied to the transmission by electric motors connected at both ends of the driveline. The electric motors drives allow speed and torque closed-loop control so that the desired combination of speed and torque can be imposed over time during the experiment. The parameters of such controllers therefore play a crucial role in the torsional dynamic behavior of the bench and therefore must be carefully selected and tuned to achieve optimal reference tracking and disturbance rejection performance. This paper aims at proposing a model-based sensitivity analysis of the PID controllers parameters starting from an experimentally validated torsional model of a Dual Clutch Transmission test rig. The methodology here proposed also contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 11 promoted by ONU

    Sintering and mechanical properties of Ī²ā€SiC powder obtained from waste tires

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    Plasma synthesized SiC powder obtained from quartz and carbonaceous residue of waste tires was successfully sintered at 1925 ā„ƒ by pressureless liquid-phase method using yttria and alumina as sintering aids (T-SiC). Comparison with sintered SiC obtained from commercial powder (C-SiC) put in evidence of similar sintered density (98%T.D.), but much finer microstructure of T-SiC than that of C-SiC. T-SiC also showed higher flexural strength than C-SiC both at room temperature (508 vs. 458 MPa) and at 1500 ā„ƒ (280 vs. 171 MPa). Difference in liquid phase was responsible for the differences in hardness and fracture toughness. The high value of the Young's modulus of T-SiC (427 MPa) confirmed the high degree of sinterability of this powder and that it can be a promising candidate for structural applications with high added value. Ā© 2016, The Author(s)
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