9 research outputs found

    A Literacia em Saúde Mental e o Bem-Estar do Cuidador Informal de Pessoas com Doença Mental

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    Introdução: As doenças mentais são patologias complexas e, em alguns casos, graves, sendo consideradas como a principal causa de incapacidade dos indivíduos e uma das principais causas de morbilidade a nível mundial. O cuidador informal é o indivíduo da rede social do doente que não é remunerado pelas suas funções e que tem uma relação significativa com o doente. A prestação de cuidados exige responsabilidade e requer saber lidar com diversas tarefas e esforços que podem superar as possibilidades do cuidador em executá-las. As dificuldades como obter informação sobre a doença e os tratamentos, compreender essa informação, comunicar com o profissional de saúde/família/doente, gerir o stress e as emoções, estão relacionadas com um nível baixo de literacia em saúde mental, podendo comprometer o bem-estar e saúde do doente como também o bem-estar do próprio cuidador informal. Metodologia: Este estudo do tipo descritivo e observacional teve como objetivo analisar o nível de literacia em saúde mental e o bem-estar dos 17 cuidadores informais de pessoas com uma doença mental através da realização de grupos focais e inquérito por questionário, constituído pelas versões portuguesas do Mental Health Literacy Measure e Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale. Resultados: Os resultados encontrados neste estudo apontam para um impacto relevante da doença mental do familiar no bem-estar e dia-a-dia destes cuidadores informais, em particular na sua saúde física e emocional, relações sociais, condição financeira e organização familiar. É também reportado por estes cuidadores informais a insuficiência do suporte recebido, em particular pelo governo e profissionais de saúde. Os resultados apontam ainda para a inexistência de relação entre o nível de bem-estar dos cuidadores e o seu nível de literacia em saúde mental. Conclusão: A doença mental tem um impacto significativo na vida do cuidador informal a nível pessoal, relacional, financeiro e organizacional, tornando-se essencial desenvolver medidas políticas e programas de intervenção, centradas nas necessidades do cuidador formal, orientadas em particular, para a promoção da sua saúde e bem-estar e aumento da literacia em saúde mental.Introducción: Las enfermedades y los trastornos mentales son complejos y, en algunos casos, graves, y se consideran la principal causa de discapacidad de las personas y una de las principales causas de morbilidad en todo el mundo. El cuidador informal es el individuo de la red social del paciente a quien no se le paga por sus deberes y que tiene una relación significativa con el paciente. El cuidado requiere responsabilidad y requiere hacer frente a diversas tareas y esfuerzos que pueden superar la capacidad del cuidador para realizarlos. Las dificultades para obtener información sobre la enfermedad y los tratamientos, comprender esta información, comunicarse con el profesional de la salud/ familia/paciente, controlar el estrés y las emociones, están relacionadas con un bajo nivel de literatura en salud mental, lo que puede comprometer el bien. y la salud del paciente, así como el bienestar del cuidador informal. Metodología: Este estudio descriptivo y observacional tuvo como objetivo analizar el nivel de alfabetización en salud mental y el bienestar de los 17 cuidadores informales de personas con una enfermedad mental mediante la realización de grupos focales y encuestas de cuestionarios, que consisten en las versiones portuguesas de La Medida de alfabetización en salud mental y la Escala de Bienestar Mental de Warwick-Edimburgo. Resultados: Los resultados encontrados en este estudio apuntan a un impacto relevante de la enfermedad mental del miembro de la familia en el bienestar y la vida diaria de estos cuidadores informales, particularmente en su salud física y emocional, relaciones sociales, condición financiera y organización familiar. También se informa que estos cuidadores informales no cuentan con el apoyo suficiente, especialmente por parte del gobierno y profesionales de la salud. Los resultados también apuntan a la inexistencia de una relación entre el nivel de bienestar de los cuidadores y su nivel de alfabetización en salud mental. Conclusión: La enfermedad mental tiene un impacto significativo en la vida del cuidador informal a nivel personal, relacional, financiero y organizacional, por lo que es esencial desarrollar medidas de política y programas de intervención, centrándose en las necesidades del cuidador formal, particularmente orientado hacia la promoción. salud y bienestar y mayor alfabetización en salud mental.Introduction: Mental diseases and disturbances are complex and, in some cases, severe, representing a major cause of disability and a major cause of morbidity worldwide. The informal caregiver is the individual from the patient's social network who is unpaid for his or her duties and who have a significant relationship with the patient. The provision of care services is a task of responsibility. Difficulties in obtaining information about the disease and treatments, communicating this information, communicating with the health professional/family/patient, managing stress and emotions, are related to a low level of mental health literacy and may compromise the well-being and health of the cared person as well as the well-being of the informal caregiver. Methodology: This descriptive and observational study aimed to analyze the level of mental health literacy and well-being of the 17 informal caregivers of people with a mental illness by conducting focus groups and questionnaire survey, consisting of the Portuguese versions of the Mental Health Literacy Measure. and Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale. Results: The results found in this study point to a relevant impact of the family member's mental illness on the well-being and daily life of these informal caregivers, particularly on their physical and emotional health, social relations, financial condition and family organization. These informal caregivers are also reported to have insufficient support, particularly from government and health professionals. The results also point to the inexistence of a relationship between the caregivers' welfare level and their mental health literacy level. Conclusion: Mental illness has a significant impact on the informal caregiver's life at the personal, relational, financial and organizational levels, making it essential to develop policy measures and intervention programs, focusing on the needs of the formal caregiver, particularly oriented towards the promotion. health and well-being and increased mental health literacy

    A literacia em saúde mental e o bem-estar do cuidador informal de pessoas com doença mental

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    As doenças mentais são patologias complexas e, em alguns casos, graves, sendo consideradas como a principal causa de incapacidade dos indivíduos e uma das principais causas de morbilidade a nível mundial. O cuidador informal é o indivíduo da rede social do doente que não é remunerado pelas suas funções e que tem uma relação significativa com o doente. As dificuldades como obter informação sobre a doença e os tratamentos, compreender essa informação, comunicar com o profissional de saúde/família/doente, gerir o stress e as emoções, estão relacionadas com um nível baixo de literacia em saúde mental, podendo comprometer o bem-estar e saúde do doente como também o bem-estar do próprio cuidador informal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Some ways to wildlife research in a megalopolis (on the example of the city of Nizhny Novgorod)

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    The paper is aimed to characterize the abundance of wildlife species listed in the Red Data Books of Russia and the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast on the territory of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, a megalopolis located in the geographical center of European Russia, to identify particular areas as habitats of rare species, to justify the need for protection of these areas. The analysis was based on the results of the authors’ surveys, published data, stock information (since the end of the XIX century), facts collected by the methods of citizen science. We have been developed the database containing 938 units of information about the registrations of 119 rare wildlife species in the city and identified 37 areas as the most important habitats of rare wildlife species, the human transformation of which should be avoided or requires special attention to the conservation of rare wildlife species and their habitats. We have proposed the matrix to estimate the degree of protection of urban habitats of rare wildlife species. Today, the habitats of a third of rare species are not protected by law. If all 37 identified natural areas are adopted as protected, more than 82% of rare urban species will be provided with territorial protection in full or at a high level

    Students' Project Competency within the Framework of STEM Education

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    The article is devoted to formation of students' project competence within the framework of STEM education. Project competence is an important component of professional competence of a future specialist and is applicable to designate professionalism. The article identifies the main characteristics of STEM education as means of formation of project competence of students. Project competence is characterized by possession of special knowledge, skills and abilities (to solve problems on the basis of putting forward and substantiating hypotheses, to set an activity goal, to plan activities, to collect and to analyze necessary information, to carry out an experiment, to present research results). Structure of project competence is presented by information, research, and analytical components. The authors conclude that STEM education provides formation of students' project competence

    Immunogenicity and safety of a combined DTPa-IPV/Hib vaccine administered as a three-dose primary vaccination course and a booster dose in healthy children in Russia: a phase III, non-randomized, open-label study

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    We assessed the immunogenicity and safety of the combined diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis-inactivated poliovirus/Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (DTPa-IPV/Hib) in children in Russian Federation aiming to support the registration of the vaccine in Russia. In this phase 3, non-randomized, open-label study (NCT02858440), healthy children received three primary doses at 3, 4.5, and 6 months of age (N = 235) and a booster dose at 18 months of age (N = 225). Seroprotection rates against diphtheria, tetanus, Hib, and poliovirus 1–3, seropositivity rates against pertussis antigens, and antibody geometric mean concentrations/titers for all antigens were evaluated one month post-primary and post-booster vaccinations. Solicited local and general adverse events (AEs) were collected during a 4-day period and unsolicited AEs during a 31-day period post-vaccination. Serious AEs were recorded throughout the study. At post-primary vaccination, all infants were seroprotected against diphtheria, tetanus, and poliovirus 1 and 2, 99.3% against poliovirus 3, and 98.4% against Hib. At least 98.9% of participants were seropositive for the three pertussis antigens. At post-booster vaccination, all toddlers were seroprotected/seropositive against all vaccine components. The most frequent local and general solicited AEs were redness, reported for 52.6% and 44.9% of children, and irritability, reported for 64.7% and 39.1% of children, post-primary and post-booster vaccination, respectively. Unsolicited AEs were reported for 20.4% (post-primary) and 5.8% of children (post-booster vaccination). Most AEs were mild or moderate in intensity. Six serious AEs were reported in three (0.4%) children; none were fatal or assessed as vaccination-related. DTPa-IPV/Hib proved immunogenic and well tolerated in the Russian pediatric population

    Immunogenicity, safety, and reactogenicity of combined reduced-antigen-content diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine administered as a booster vaccine dose in healthy Russian participants: a phase III, open-label study

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    As vaccine-induced immunity and protection following natural pertussis infection wane over time, adults and adolescents may develop pertussis and become transmitters to unprotected infants. In Russia, diphtheria and tetanus but not pertussis-containing vaccines are registered for older children, adolescents, or adults. The reduced-antigen-content diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, and acellular pertussis (dTpa) vaccine (Boostrix, GSK) was developed for booster vaccination of children ≥4 years of age, adolescents, and adults. A phase III, open-label, non-randomized study was performed in eight centers in Russia between January and July 2018. The objective of this study was to assess immunogenicity, reactogenicity and safety of a single dose of dTpa vaccine in healthy Russian participants ≥4 years of age (age categories 4–9 years, 10–17 years, 18–64 years, and ≥65 years). At 1 month post-booster vaccination, across all age groups, >99.0% of participants were seroprotected against diphtheria and tetanus and >96.0% of participants were seropositive for anti-pertussis antibodies. For all antibodies across all age groups, antibody GMCs increased from pre- to 1 month post-booster vaccination and booster responses to diphtheria (in 71.5% of participants), tetanus (85.3%), and pertussis antigens (≥85.6%) were observed. One serious adverse event that was not causally related to the study vaccine was reported. No fatal cases were reported throughout the study period. In conclusion, administration of the dTpa vaccine as a booster dose in healthy Russian participants induced a robust immune response to all vaccine antigens and was generally well tolerated across all age groups

    Effects of the lercanidipine - Enalapril combination vs. The corresponding monotherapies on home blood pressure in hypertension: Evidence from a large database

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    103siObjective: To compare a combination of a dihydropyridine calcium-channel blocker with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor vs. monotherapy with one or the other drug and placebo for their effects on home blood pressure (HBP). Methods: After a 2-week placebo wash-out, patients with an elevated office blood pressure (BP) (diastolic 100–109 and systolic <180 mmHg) and HBP (diastolic 85 mmHg) were randomized double-blind to a 10-week treatment with placebo, lercanidipine, 10 or 20mg daily, enalapril, 10 or 20mg daily, or the four possible combinations. In addition to office BP, HBP was self-measured via a validated semiautomatic device twice in the morning and twice in the evening during the 7 days before randomization and at the end of treatment. Baseline and treatment HBP values were separately averaged for each day, morning, evening or the whole monitoring period, excluding the first day. Day-by-day HBP variability was defined as the SD or the variation coefficient of the daily BP averages. Results: Eight hundred and fifty-four patients with valid HBP recordings at baseline and at the end of treatment were analyzed (intention-to-treat population). From the baseline value (147.011.6 mmHg) systolic/diastolic HBP showed a small reduction (average baseline-adjusted change: –1.8/–1.6 mmHg) with placebo, a more marked significant fall with monotherapies (8.8/5.9 mmHg, P<0.001/<0.001 vs. placebo) and even more with combination treatment (11.6/7.6 mmHg, P<0.001/ <0.001 vs. placebo and P<0.01/<0.05 vs. monotherapy). A similar pattern was observed for each of the days of the BP self-monitoring period as well as for either morning or evening values, although the difference between mono and combination treatment appeared to be consistently significant for the morning values only. Dayby- day systolic BP-SD was unaffected by placebo and slightly reduced by drug treatments, with no, however, significant changes in SBP-variation coefficient. Baseline and end of treatment HBP values showed a limited correlation with office BP values, this being particularly the case for treatment-induced changes (correlation coefficients: 0.37 for systolic and 0.45 for diastolic BP). Conclusion: This large HBP database shows that the lercanidipine–enalapril combination lowers HBP more effectively than the corresponding monotherapies and placebo, and that this greater effect is consistent between days.reservedmixedMancia, Giuseppe; Omboni, Stefano; Chazova, Irina; Coca, Antonio; Girerd, Xavier; Haller, Hermann; Parati, Gianfranco; Pauletto, Paolo; Pupek-Musialik, Danuta; Svyshchenko, Yevgeniya; Boye, Alain; Charrier, Bruno; Couffin, Yvon; Marmor, Philippe; Marty, Jacques; Navarre, Jean Louis; Ansari, Anwar; Büttner, Claudia; Kropp, Maximilian; Mehling, Heidrun; Paschen, Christine; Schenkenberger, Isabelle; Schneider, Helmut; Sperling, Karsten; Stübler, Petra; Von Behren, Volker; Lembo, Giuseppe; Scanferla, Flavio; Sechi, Leonardo Alberto; Gębala, Andrzej; Hoffmann, Andrzej; Janik, Krzysztof; Klimza-Masłowska, Anna; Kaczmarek, Barbara; Koźminski, Piotr; Makowiecka-Cies̈la, Magdalena; Mordaka, Robert; Nowakowski, Tomasz; Pasternak, Dariusz; Skibińska, Elzbieta; Sulik, Piotr; Szpajer, Michał; Walczewska, Jolanta; Zaczek, Marcin; Zienciuk-Krajka, Agnieszka; Alexeeva, Nadezhda; Bokarev, Igor; Chazova, Iina; Conrady, Alexandra; Emelyanov, Alexander; Galustyan, Anna; Idrisova, Elena; Khasanov, Niyaz; Khokhlov, Alexander; Libov, Igor; Reshetko, Olga; Sokurenko, German; Stryuk, Raisa; Tereshchenko, Sergey; Trofimov, Vasily; Zrazhevsky, Konstantin; Carlos Calvo, S.; De Teresa, Luis; Ferre, Raimon; García, Juan; Gil, Apolonia; Gil, Blas; Montenegro, Jesús; Oliván, Josefina; Ortiz, Jacinto; Pascual, José María; Rivera, Antonio; De Quevedo, José Antonio Sainz; Zúñiga, Manuel; Martinez, Valentin; Pujol, Montserrat; Bazylevych, Andriy; Gyrina, Olga; Ignatenko, Grygoriy; Kazymyrko, Vitaly; Khomazyuk, Tetyana; Kononenko, Lyudmyla; Korzh, Oleksii; Kovalenko, Volodymyr; Kuryata, Oleksander; Kushnir, Mykola; Lishnevska, Viktoriia; Lymar, Iurii; Ostrovska, Lidiia; Popik, Galyna; Rudyk, Yuriy; Shershnyova, Oxana; Sierkova, Valentyna; Storozhuk, Borys; Tseluyko, Vira; Vatutin, Mykola; Vayda, Myroslava; Vizir, Vadym; Volkov, Volodymyr; Voloshyna, Olena; Yagensky, Andriy; Zhurba, Svitlana; Zorin, ValeriiMancia, Giuseppe; Omboni, Stefano; Chazova, Irina; Coca, Antonio; Girerd, Xavier; Haller, Hermann; Parati, Gianfranco; Pauletto, Paolo; Pupek Musialik, Danuta; Svyshchenko, Yevgeniya; Boye, Alain; Charrier, Bruno; Couffin, Yvon; Marmor, Philippe; Marty, Jacques; Navarre, Jean Louis; Ansari, Anwar; Büttner, Claudia; Kropp, Maximilian; Mehling, Heidrun; Paschen, Christine; Schenkenberger, Isabelle; Schneider, Helmut; Sperling, Karsten; Stübler, Petra; Von Behren, Volker; Lembo, Giuseppe; Scanferla, Flavio; Sechi, Leonardo Alberto; Gębala, Andrzej; Hoffmann, Andrzej; Janik, Krzysztof; Klimza Masłowska, Anna; Kaczmarek, Barbara; Koźminski, Piotr; Makowiecka Cies̈la, Magdalena; Mordaka, Robert; Nowakowski, Tomasz; Pasternak, Dariusz; Skibińska, Elzbieta; Sulik, Piotr; Szpajer, Michał; Walczewska, Jolanta; Zaczek, Marcin; Zienciuk Krajka, Agnieszka; Alexeeva, Nadezhda; Bokarev, Igor; Chazova, Iina; Conrady, Alexandra; Emelyanov, Alexander; Galustyan, Anna; Idrisova, Elena; Khasanov, Niyaz; Khokhlov, Alexander; Libov, Igor; Reshetko, Olga; Sokurenko, German; Stryuk, Raisa; Tereshchenko, Sergey; Trofimov, Vasily; Zrazhevsky, Konstantin; Carlos Calvo, S.; De Teresa, Luis; Ferre, Raimon; García, Juan; Gil, Apolonia; Gil, Blas; Montenegro, Jesús; Oliván, Josefina; Ortiz, Jacinto; Pascual, José María; Rivera, Antonio; De Quevedo, José Antonio Sainz; Zúñiga, Manuel; Martinez, Valentin; Pujol, Montserrat; Bazylevych, Andriy; Gyrina, Olga; Ignatenko, Grygoriy; Kazymyrko, Vitaly; Khomazyuk, Tetyana; Kononenko, Lyudmyla; Korzh, Oleksii; Kovalenko, Volodymyr; Kuryata, Oleksander; Kushnir, Mykola; Lishnevska, Viktoriia; Lymar, Iurii; Ostrovska, Lidiia; Popik, Galyna; Rudyk, Yuriy; Shershnyova, Oxana; Sierkova, Valentyna; Storozhuk, Borys; Tseluyko, Vira; Vatutin, Mykola; Vayda, Myroslava; Vizir, Vadym; Volkov, Volodymyr; Voloshyna, Olena; Yagensky, Andriy; Zhurba, Svitlana; Zorin, Valeri

    Dabigatran etexilate for the treatment of acute venous thromboembolism in children (DIVERSITY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, phase 2b/3, non-inferiority trial

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    Dabigatran etexilate is a direct oral anticoagulant with potential to overcome the limitations of standard of care in children with venous thromboembolism. The aims of this clinical trial were to study the appropriateness of a paediatric dabigatran dosing algorithm, and the efficacy and safety of dabigatran dosed according to that algorithm versus standard of care in treating children with venous thromboembolism