82 research outputs found

    Developmental effects on sleep–wake patterns in infants receiving a cow’s milk-based infant formula with an added prebiotic blend: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background Few studies have evaluated nutritive effects of prebiotics on infant behavior state, physiology, or metabolic status. Methods In this double-blind randomized study, infants (n = 161) received cow’s milk-based infant formula (Control) or similar formula with an added prebiotic blend (polydextrose and galactooligosaccharides [PDX/GOS]) from 14–35 to 112 days of age. Infant wake behavior (crying/fussing, awake/content) and 24-h sleep–wake actograms were analyzed (Baseline, Days 70 and 112). Salivary cortisol was immunoassayed (Days 70 and 112). In a subset, exploratory stool 16S ribosomal RNA-sequencing was analyzed (Baseline, Day 112). Results One hundred and thirty-one infants completed the study. Average duration of crying/fussing episodes was similar at Baseline, significantly shorter for PDX/GOS vs. Control at Day 70, and the trajectory continued at Day 112. Latency to first and second nap was significantly longer for PDX/GOS vs. Control at Day 112. Cortisol awakening response was demonstrated at Days 70 and 112. Significant stool microbiome beta-diversity and individual taxa abundance differences were observed in the PDX/GOS group. Conclusions Results indicate faster consolidation of daytime waking state in infants receiving prebiotics and support home-based actigraphy to assess early sleep–wake patterns. A prebiotic effect on wake organization is consistent with influence on the gut–brain axis and warrants further investigation. Impact Few studies have evaluated nutritive effects of prebiotics on infant behavior state, cortisol awakening response, sleep–wake entrainment, and gut microbiome. Faster consolidation of daytime waking state was demonstrated in infants receiving a prebiotic blend in infant formula through ~4 months of age. Shorter episodes of crying were demonstrated at ~2 months of age (time point corresponding to age/developmental range associated with peak crying) in infants receiving formula with added prebiotics. Results support home-based actigraphy as a suitable method to assess early sleep–wake patterns. Prebiotic effect on wake organization is consistent with influence on the gut–brain axis and warrants further investigation

    Prenatal Stress and Balance of the Child's Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System at Age 5-6 Years

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    Objective: Autonomic nervous system (ANS) misbalance is a potential causal factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. The ANS may be programmed during pregnancy due to various maternal factors. Our aim is to study maternal prenatal psychosocial stress as a potential disruptor of cardiac ANS balance in the child. Methods: Mothers from a prospective birth cohort (ABCD study) filled out a questionnaire at gestational week 16 [IQR 12– 20], that included validated instruments for state anxiety, depressive symptoms, pregnancy-related anxiety, parenting daily hassles and job strain. A cumulative stress score was also calculated (based on 80 th percentiles). Indicators of cardiac ANS in the offspring at age 5–6 years are: pre-ejection period (PEP), heart rate (HR), respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) and cardiac autonomic balance (CAB), measured with electrocardiography and impedance cardiography in resting supine and sitting positions. Results: 2,624 mother-child pairs, only single births, were available for analysis. The stress scales were not significantly associated with HR, PEP, RSA and CAB (p0.17).AccumulationofmaternalstresswasalsonotassociatedwithHR,PEP,RSAandCAB(p0.17). Accumulation of maternal stress was also not associated with HR, PEP, RSA and CAB (p0.07). Conclusion: Results did not support the hypothesis that prenatal maternal psychosocial stress deregulates cardiac AN

    Blood pressure variability and closed-loop baroreflex assessment in adolescent chronic fatigue syndrome during supine rest and orthostatic stress

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    Hemodynamic abnormalities have been documented in the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), indicating functional disturbances of the autonomic nervous system responsible for cardiovascular regulation. The aim of this study was to explore blood pressure variability and closed-loop baroreflex function at rest and during mild orthostatic stress in adolescents with CFS. We included a consecutive sample of 14 adolescents 12–18 years old with CFS diagnosed according to a thorough and standardized set of investigations and 56 healthy control subjects of equal sex and age distribution. Heart rate and blood pressure were recorded continuously and non-invasively during supine rest and during lower body negative pressure (LBNP) of –20 mmHg to simulate mild orthostatic stress. Indices of blood pressure variability and baroreflex function (α-gain) were computed from monovariate and bivariate spectra in the low-frequency (LF) band (0.04–0.15 Hz) and the high–frequency (HF) band (0.15–0.50 Hz), using an autoregressive algorithm. Variability of systolic blood pressure in the HF range was lower among CFS patients as compared to controls both at rest and during LBNP. During LBNP, compared to controls, α-gain HF decreased more, and α-gain LF and the ratio of α-gain LF/α-gain HF increased more in CFS patients, all suggesting greater shift from parasympathetic to sympathetic baroreflex control. CFS in adolescents is characterized by reduced systolic blood pressure variability and a sympathetic predominance of baroreflex heart rate control during orthostatic stress. These findings may have implications for the pathophysiology of CFS in adolescents

    Multiple receptor tyrosine kinases are expressed in adult rat retinal ganglion cells as revealed by single-cell degenerate primer polymerase chain reaction

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    BACKGROUND: To achieve a better understanding of the repertoire of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) in adult retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) we performed polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using degenerate primers directed towards conserved sequences in the tyrosine kinase domain, on cDNA from isolated single RGCs univocally identified by retrograde tracing from the superior colliculi.RESULTS: All the PCR-amplified fragments of the expected sizes were sequenced, and 25% of them contained a tyrosine kinase domain. These were: Axl, Csf-1R, Eph A4, Pdgfrbeta, Ptk7, Ret, Ros, Sky, TrkB, TrkC, Vegfr-2, and Vegfr-3. Non-RTK sequences were Jak1 and 2. Retinal expression of Axl, Csf-1R, Pdgfrbeta, Ret, Sky, TrkB, TrkC, Vegfr-2, and Vegfr-3, as well as Jak1 and 2, was confirmed by PCR on total retina cDNA. Immunodetection of Csf-1R, Pdgfralpha/beta, Ret, Sky, TrkB, and Vegfr-2 on retrogradely traced retinas demonstrated that they were expressed by RGCs. Co-localization of Vegfr-2 and Csf-1R, of Vegfr-2 and TrkB, and of Csf-1R and Ret in retrogradely labelled RGCs was shown. The effect of optic nerve transection on the mRNA level of Pdgfrbeta, Csf-1R, Vegfr-2, Sky, and Axl, and of the Axl ligands Gas6 and ProteinS, was analysed. These analyses show transection-induced changes in Axl and ProteinS mRNA levels.CONCLUSIONS: The repertoire of RTKs expressed by RGCs is more extensive than previously anticipated. Several of the receptors found in this study, including Pdgfrbeta, Csf-1R, Vegfr-2, Sky, and Axl, and their ligands, have not previously been primarily associated with retinal ganglion cells

    A perspective on SIDS pathogenesis. The hypotheses: plausibility and evidence

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    Several theories of the underlying mechanisms of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) have been proposed. These theories have born relatively narrow beach-head research programs attracting generous research funding sustained for many years at expense to the public purse. This perspective endeavors to critically examine the evidence and bases of these theories and determine their plausibility; and questions whether or not a safe and reasoned hypothesis lies at their foundation. The Opinion sets specific criteria by asking the following questions: 1. Does the hypothesis take into account the key pathological findings in SIDS? 2. Is the hypothesis congruent with the key epidemiological risk factors? 3. Does it link 1 and 2? Falling short of any one of these answers, by inference, would imply insufficient grounds for a sustainable hypothesis. Some of the hypotheses overlap, for instance, notional respiratory failure may encompass apnea, prone sleep position, and asphyxia which may be seen to be linked to co-sleeping. For the purposes of this paper, each element will be assessed on the above criteria

    Translating it into real life: a qualitative study of the cognitions, barriers and supports for key obesogenic behaviors of parents of preschoolers

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about preschool parents' cognitions, barriers, supports and modeling of key obesogenic behaviors, including breakfast, fruit and vegetable consumption, sugary beverage intake, feeding practices, portion sizes, active playtime, reduced screen-time, sleep and selection of child-care centers with characteristics that promote healthy behaviors. METHODS: Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine these factors via survey and focus groups among 139 parents of 2- to 5-year-old children. Standard content analysis procedures were used to identify trends and themes in the focus group data, and Analysis of Variance was used to test for differences between groups in the survey data. RESULTS: Results showed 80% of parents ate breakfast daily, consumed sugary beverages 2.7 ± 2.5SD days per week, and had at least two different vegetables and fruits an average of 5.2 ± 1.8SD and 4.6 ± 2.0SD days per week. Older parents and those with greater education drank significantly fewer sugary drinks. Parents played actively a mean 4.2 ± 2.2 hours/week with their preschoolers, who watched television a mean 2.4 ± 1.7 hours/day. Many parents reported having a bedtime routine for their preschooler and choosing childcare centers that replaced screen-time with active play and nutrition education. Common barriers to choosing healthful behaviors included lack of time; neighborhood safety; limited knowledge of portion size, cooking methods, and ways to prepare healthy foods or play active indoor games; the perceived cost of healthy options, and family members who were picky eaters. Supports for performing healthful behaviors included planning ahead, introducing new foods and behaviors often and in tandem with existing preferred foods and behaviors, and learning strategies from other parents. CONCLUSIONS: Future education programs with preschool parents should emphasize supports and encourage parents to share helpful strategies with each other.This item is part of the UA Faculty Publications collection. For more information this item or other items in the UA Campus Repository, contact the University of Arizona Libraries at [email protected]

    Dysbiotic drift: mental health, environmental grey space, and microbiota

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