47 research outputs found

    Publisher Correction: Introgression of a synthetic sex ratio distortion system from Anopheles gambiae into Anopheles arabiensis.

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    High-resolution transcriptional profiling of Anopheles gambiae spermatogenesis reveals mechanisms of sex chromosome regulation

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    Although of high priority for the development of genetic tools to control malaria-transmitting mosquitoes, only a few germline-specific regulatory regions have been characterised to date and the presence of global regulatory mechanisms, such as dosage compensation and meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI), are mostly assumed from transcriptomic analyses of reproductive tissues or whole gonads. In such studies, samples include a significant portion of somatic tissues inevitably complicating the reconstruction of a defined transcriptional map of gametogenesis. By exploiting recent advances in transgenic technologies and gene editing tools, combined with fluorescence-activated cell sorting and RNA sequencing, we have separated four distinct cell lineages from the Anopheles gambiae male gonads: premeiotic, meiotic (primary and secondary spermatocytes) and postmeiotic. By comparing the overall expression levels of X-linked and autosomal genes across the four populations, we revealed a striking transcriptional repression of the X chromosome coincident with the meiotic phase, classifiable as MSCI, and highlighted genes that may evade silencing. In addition, chromosome-wide median expression ratios of the premeiotic population confirmed the absence of dosage compensation in the male germline. Applying differential expression analysis, we highlighted genes and transcript isoforms enriched at specific timepoints and reconstructed the expression dynamics of the main biological processes regulating the key stages of sperm development and maturation. We generated the first transcriptomic atlas of A. gambiae spermatogenesis that will expand the available toolbox for the genetic engineering of vector control technologies. We also describe an innovative and multidimensional approach to isolate specific cell lineages that can be used for the targeted analysis of other A. gambiae organs or transferred to other medically relevant species and model organisms

    The creation and selection of mutations resistant to a gene drive over multiple generations in the malaria mosquito

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    Gene drives have enormous potential for the control of insect populations of medical and agricultural relevance. By preferentially biasing their own inheritance, gene drives can rapidly introduce genetic traits even if these confer a negative fitness effect on the population. We have recently developed gene drives based on CRISPR nuclease constructs that are designed to disrupt key genes essential for female fertility in the malaria mosquito. The construct copies itself and the associated genetic disruption from one homologous chromosome to another during gamete formation, a process called homing that ensures the majority of offspring inherit the drive. Such drives have the potential to cause long-lasting, sustainable population suppression, though they are also expected to impose a large selection pressure for resistance in the mosquito. One of these population suppression gene drives showed rapid invasion of a caged population over 4 generations, establishing proof of principle for this technology. In order to assess the potential for the emergence of resistance to the gene drive in this population we allowed it to run for 25 generations and monitored the frequency of the gene drive over time. Following the initial increase of the gene drive we observed a gradual decrease in its frequency that was accompanied by the spread of small, nuclease-induced mutations at the target gene that are resistant to further cleavage and restore its functionality. Such mutations showed rates of increase consistent with positive selection in the face of the gene drive. Our findings represent the first documented example of selection for resistance to a synthetic gene drive and lead to important design recommendations and considerations in order to mitigate for resistance in future gene drive applications

    Regulating the expression of gene drives is key to increasing their invasive potential and the mitigation of resistance

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    Homing-based gene drives use a germline source of nuclease to copy themselves at specific target sites in a genome and bias their inheritance. Such gene drives can be designed to spread and deliberately suppress populations of malaria mosquitoes by impairing female fertility. However, strong unintended fitness costs of the drive and a propensity to generate resistant mutations can limit a gene drive's potential to spread. Alternative germline regulatory sequences in the drive element confer improved fecundity of carrier individuals and reduced propensity for target site resistance. This is explained by reduced rates of end-joining repair of DNA breaks from parentally deposited nuclease in the embryo, which can produce heritable mutations that reduce gene drive penetrance. We tracked the generation and selection of resistant mutations over the course of a gene drive invasion of a population. Improved gene drives show faster invasion dynamics, increased suppressive effect and later onset of target site resistance. Our results show that regulation of nuclease expression is as important as the choice of target site when developing a robust homing-based gene drive for population suppression

    A CRISPR–Cas9 gene drive targeting doublesex causes complete population suppression in caged Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes

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    In the human malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, the gene doublesex (Agdsx) encodes two alternatively spliced transcripts, dsx-female (AgdsxF) and dsx-male (AgdsxM), that control differentiation of the two sexes. The female transcript, unlike the male, contains an exon (exon 5) whose sequence is highly conserved in all Anopheles mosquitoes so far analyzed. We found that CRISPR-Cas9-targeted disruption of the intron 4-exon 5 boundary aimed at blocking the formation of functional AgdsxF did not affect male development or fertility, whereas females homozygous for the disrupted allele showed an intersex phenotype and complete sterility. A CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive construct targeting this same sequence spread rapidly in caged mosquitoes, reaching 100% prevalence within 7-11 generations while progressively reducing egg production to the point of total population collapse. Owing to functional constraint of the target sequence, no selection of alleles resistant to the gene drive occurred in these laboratory experiments. Cas9-resistant variants arose in each generation at the target site but did not block the spread of the drive

    Engineering CRISPR guide RNA riboswitches for in vivo applications

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    CRISPR-based genome editing provides a simple and scalable toolbox for a variety of therapeutic and biotechnology applications. Whilst the fundamental properties of CRISPR proved easily transferable from the native prokaryotic hosts to eukaryotic and multicellular organisms, the tight control of the CRISPR-editing activity remains a major challenge. Here we summarise recent developments of CRISPR and riboswitch technologies and recommend novel functionalised synthetic-gRNA (sgRNA) designs to achieve inducible and spatiotemporal regulation of CRISPR-based genetic editors in response to cellular or extracellular stimuli. We believe that future advances of these tools will have major implications for both basic and applied research, spanning from fundamental genetic studies and synthetic biology to genetic editing and gene therapy

    Vector-Focused Approaches to Curb Malaria Transmission in the Brazilian Amazon: An Overview of Current and Future Challenges and Strategies

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    In Brazil, malaria transmission is mostly confined to the Amazon, where substantial progress has been achieved towards disease control in the past decade. Vector control has been historically considered a fundamental part of the main malaria control programs implemented in Brazil. However, the conventional vector-control tools have been insufficient to eliminate local vector populations due to the complexity of the Amazonian rainforest environment and ecological features of malaria vector species in the Amazon, especially Anopheles darlingi. Malaria elimination in Brazil and worldwide eradication will require a combination of conventional and new approaches that takes into account the regional specificities of vector populations and malaria transmission dynamics. Here we present an overview on both conventional and novel promising vector-focused tools to curb malaria transmission in the Brazilian Amazon. If well designed and employed, these new vector-based approaches may improve the implementation of malaria-control programs, particularly in remote or difficult-to-access areas and in regions where existing interventions have been unable to eliminate disease transmission. However, much effort still has to be put on research expanding the knowledge of neotropical malaria vectors to set the steppingstones for the development of such innovative tools.</jats:p

    The germline of the malaria mosquito produces abundant miRNAs, endo-siRNAs, piRNAs and 29-nt small RNA

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    BACKGROUND Small RNAs include different classes essential for endogenous gene regulation and cellular defence against genomic parasites. However, a comprehensive analysis of the small RNA pathways in the germline of the mosquito Anopheles gambiae has never been performed despite their potential relevance to reproductive capacity in this malaria vector. RESULTS We performed small RNA deep sequencing during larval and adult gonadogenesis and find that they predominantly express four classes of regulatory small RNAs. We identified 45 novel miRNA precursors some of which were sex-biased and gonad-enriched , nearly doubling the number of previously known miRNA loci. We also determine multiple genomic clusters of 24-30 nt Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) that map to transposable elements (TEs) and 3'UTR of protein coding genes. Unusually, many TEs and the 3'UTR of some endogenous genes produce an abundant peak of 29-nt small RNAs with piRNA-like characteristics. Moreover, both sense and antisense piRNAs from TEs in both Anopheles gambiae and Drosophila melanogaster reveal novel features of piRNA sequence bias. We also discovered endogenous small interfering RNAs (endo-siRNAs) that map to overlapping transcripts and TEs. CONCLUSIONS This is the first description of the germline miRNome in a mosquito species and should prove a valuable resource for understanding gene regulation that underlies gametogenesis and reproductive capacity. We also provide the first evidence of a piRNA pathway that is active against transposons in the germline and our findings suggest novel piRNA sequence bias. The contribution of small RNA pathways to germline TE regulation and genome defence in general is an important finding for approaches aimed at manipulating mosquito populations through the use of selfish genetic elements

    Engineered RNA-Interacting CRISPR Guide RNAs for Genetic Sensing and Diagnostics

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    CRISPR guide RNAs (gRNAs) can be programmed with relative ease to allow the genetic editing of nearly any DNA or RNA sequence. Here, we propose novel molecular architectures to achieve RNA-dependent modulation of CRISPR activity in response to specific RNA molecules. We designed and tested, in both living Escherichia coli cells and cell-free assays for rapid prototyping, cis-repressed RNA-interacting guide RNA (igRNA) that switch to their active state only upon interaction with small RNA fragments or long RNA transcripts, including pathogen-derived mRNAs of medical relevance such as the human immunodeficiency virus infectivity factor. The proposed CRISPR-igRNAs are fully customizable and easily adaptable to the majority if not all the available CRISPR-Cas variants to modulate a variety of genetic functions in response to specific cellular conditions, providing orthogonal activation and increased specificity. We thereby foresee a large scope of application for therapeutic, diagnostic, and biotech applications in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems