10 research outputs found
Malattie granulomatose delle cavitĂ nasali e paranasali
Vengono prese in considerazione le principali malattie granulomatose delle cavità nasali e paranasali: tubercolosi, lebbra, sarcoidosi, rinoscleroma, granulomatosi di Wegner, ect. In particolare viene evidenziato in modo sintetico, per ogni patologia, l’eziologia, il comportamento clinico, la sintomatologia e le indagini strumentali necessarie , in riferimento al comportamento generale e poi, specificamente a quello delle cavità nasali e paranasali
Incrementi di volumi ossei in implantoprotesi:soluzioni alternative
Scope del Iwwo Le atrofie ossee, in particoiare que.i-
le legate alja perdita degll element' deniari, se da un
canto pongono svariati problem; lerapeutici, dairahio
trovano ogg! risposra in un'anicolata serie di tecniche
chirurgsche ane a risoiverii, Neiia valuiazione preiimi-
nare grander imponanza rivestono i'esame clinico, !'al-
iestln-iento di fi-iodelJ! in gesso e {'esecuzione di
esami radiografici acciirati con^prendenrj asiche ia
TC con rscostri.izione tridimensionaie e I'eve-ntuale ini-
iizzo di software dedicate nella programn-iazione chi-
rurgica deii'lnl erverii o.
Milteri^SI c mcio<li La ricosfruzione di segmenti
ossei atrofici richicdc i'ini-iesto di maieriaii osteoso-
Slitutivi aIJopiasiici, anuairnente in disuse, o eterolo-
ghi (di origine bovir^a, equina o suina).
RisuSHiil c c<M}rinsI<){il Gii auiori esempilticano le
principaii tecniche chirurgiche eseguibili ssa In ane-
stesia loco-regionaie, a Jivelio arnbulatoriale, sia in
narcosi, in at-nbierite ospedaliero. cos-redando 1'espo
sizione con la present azione di imnriagini cliniche e
radiograriche pre e posr-os.^e.ratorie e des consroHS a
distcinza di tempo. I miglion risuitati sono pero otre-
nut! medianie rinnesro di osso autologo preievato da!
pazienie stesso a livello intraorale, quando la qxian-
ijta di osso necessaria e minima, o extraorale. in cast
di ricosrruzion! estese. La presenza neii'osso autojo-
go di cel'uie c>ssee vive e vital! favorisce una osieori-
ger)erazione icieale.
A^'s Bone atrophies, in particular those rekited {o roorh
loss, cause many tiwrapeutie problems, thouqh
nowadays the dsniaan has many surgical options, in
the preliminary patient evaluation, a major role is
played by clinical examination, plaster models studfj.
x-ray exanvnaiions, In particukir TC scans, with 3D
reconstriK'non. and surgicn! planning by means of
computer software.
Nascnats <md s»i-i(ii<mh The t-e.cofWruaion of atrophic
bone a-es?s requires grafting wuh enhcr anop'iastic |
bone substitutes, icss c.ind less used, or hefcroiogous I
material (bonine. equine, or swine). The main surqscc]! |
techniques, thaf can he earned oui either with a loea! I
anaesthesia and In narcosis, onri their fo!ioi.u up are J
presented, through both cismcoi photographs and )
ro.diographs. |
iu-sulils ,iii(i r<mc.lu?wm?, Bcsf resuhs are recorded (
iunli autografts, us ideal bone regeneratson occurs |
when the graft has liinng bone cei!s. Autograft is (
harvested from either an jntraora! or on cxiroorai site, |
depending on the quantity of material needed
Espansione palatale rapida chirurgicamente assistita (SARPE) in pazienti adulti e tardo-adolescenti.
The authors describe the indications and the procedures of surgical assisted rapid palatal expansion with the showing of a clinical case. The technique described is a classical procedure: the ortodontic treatment follows surgery. The expansion gave the space to place a screw and a ceramic crown to close the space of an agenesia
Mandibular traumatic peripheral osteoma: A case report
An osteoma is a slow-growing, benign lesion comprising mature bone tissue. Osteomas rarely occur in
maxillary bones, with the exception of the maxillary sinuses. Various possible etiologies have been proposed,
including congenital anomalies, chronic inflammation, muscular activity, embryogenetic changes, and trauma. Here
we present a case of an osteoma of the buccal plate of the mandible at the site where a sports-related traumatic injury
occurred 15 years earlier. Both conventional and 3-dimensional x-ray examinations were used for diagnosis and
preoperative evaluation of the possible involvement of the adjacent anatomic structures. The lesion was treated
surgically without complications and the patient made a complete recovery. Histologic tests confirmed the
preoperative diagnosis. A review of the international literature is also presente
Influenza del metabolismo osseo nei processi di guarigione degli impianti osteointegrati.
Il lavoro tratta dei processi di guarigione delle ossa mascellari in seguito ad interventi di innesto di osso con disamina sui vari materiali da innesto d'oss
Solitary fibrous tumours of the infratemporal fossa. Two case reports
Introduction: The solitary fibrous tumour is a rare neoplasm originally described as a pleural tumour. An increasing number of different locations are described in the literature. Among the extrapulmonary sites, head and neck can be involved and particularly the nose, the paranasal sinuses, the submandibular region, the parapharyngeal space and the infratemporal fossa. Material: Two cases, one of a young woman and another of an elderly gentleman are reported, each presenting with a solitary fibrous tumour of the infratemporal fossa. In one case an antero-lateral, transcranio-facial and in the other, a transmandibular approach (without labiotomy) were utilized. In both cases complete excision of the lesion and good cosmetic results were achieved. Results: Both patients were free from the disease for 5 postoperatively. Conclusions: To date, very few cases of solitary fibrous tumour of the craniofacial complex have been observed to enable an accurate prognosis. Thus, treatment and follow-up should be identical to fibrous tumours located in other areas. (C) 2006 European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Solitary fibrous tumours of the infratemporal fossa: two casese reports
INTRODUCTION: The solitary fibrous tumour is a rare neoplasm originally described as a pleural tumour. An increasing number of different locations are described in the literature. Among the extrapulmonary sites, head and neck can be involved and particularly the nose, the paranasal sinuses, the submandibular region, the parapharyngeal space and the infratemporal fossa.
MATERIAL: Two cases, one of a young woman and another of an elderly gentleman are reported, each presenting with a solitary fibrous tumour of the infratemporal fossa. In one case an antero-lateral, transcranio-facial and in the other, a transmandibular approach (without labiotomy) were utilized. In both cases complete excision of the lesion and good cosmetic results were achieved.
RESULTS: Both patients were free from the disease for 5 postoperatively.
CONCLUSIONS: To date, very few cases of solitary fibrous tumour of the craniofacial complex have been observed to enable an accurate prognosis. Thus, treatment and follow-up should be identical to fibrous tumours located in other area