23 research outputs found

    A commentary on the practice of using the so-called typeless species

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    The fears expressed by Santos et al. (2016) that description of typeless species (new species described based on field photographs) can be fatal for the practice of taxonomy which will succumb to an uncontrollable stream of "species of questionable delimitation" are, in our opinion, exaggerated. The Code already protects taxonomic practice from subjectivity quite well by limiting opportunities for descriptions of new species based on field photos by rigid requirements, and only skilled taxonomists with extensive knowledge of a group are capable of fulfilling them. If a taxonomist has omitted to compare the new typeless species with the known species externally similar to it, the latter cannot be diagnosed and its name in that case becomes nomen nudum. Typeless species can coincide with species described earlier, but can represent a new species differing in internal features. To describe typeless species without infringement of Article 13.1 a taxonomist should compare this species to all related and similar species described earlier

    Timia Wiedemann 1824

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    Timia Wiedemann 1824 Type species: Timia erythrocephala Pallas in Wiedemann, 1824 (by monotypy). Diagnosis. Timia species are yellow or black flies. Frons usually with dents and bumps, shining or subshining, sometimes with white microtrichose areas. Antennal grooves deep, oval, well-separated by wide facial carina. Thorax and abdomen shining or shagreened, sometimes almost matt, sometimes with green metallic shine, often with microtrichose areas. Wings hyaline, some species with dark cells bc, c, sc and apical spot on wing. Male genitalia: epandrium with deep notch at apex; phallus long, coiled and partially flattened tube divided into two halves; pair of sclerotized taeniae ending approximately at its mid-length; another pair of taeniae beginning at phallus middle almost reaching phallus apex; phallus apical half bearing long membranous caecum-like membranous appendix. Distiphallus apex bowed and bearing numerous sclerotized cuticular spurs, and “glans” formed by hooks or lobes surrounding gonopore. Surstylus hook-like, sometimes with expressed postero-dorsal lobe. Cerci clearly bilobed. Female terminalia: aculeus moderately long and wide, with oval cercal unit; three spherical spermathecae with smooth or micropapillose surface. Remarks. Adults of Timia species, as well as many other ulidiid, feed mainly on various organic residues (decaying plant tissue, animal corpses, excrements). In arid habitats the surface of organic residues is quickly covered with dried crust, under which semi-liquid substrate remains for a relatively long time. The proboscis of Timia has longitudinal rows of pointed outgrowths located on the labellum; flies make a hole in such a crust by these appendages and then penetrate with long tubular appendage of the proboscis in it, then absorbing semi-liquid food (Zaitzev, 1982). Sometimes it is difficult to separate Timia from Ulidia Meigen, 1826. The differences used so far are mainly as follow: the frons smooth (in Timia) or dimpled (in Ulidia) (with some exceptions), head and thorax microtrichose (in Timia) or bare (in Ulidia, but some assigned to Timia have shiny head and thorax, and Ulidia metope Kameneva, 2010 has frons widely microtrichose) (Chen & Kameneva, 2009). The genus Ulidia contains no yellow representatives.Published as part of Galinskaya, Tatiana V., 2011, Review of the yellow-bodied species of the genus Timia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) with description of two new species, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 2888 on pages 1-2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20254

    Timia (Empyelocera) flaveola Galinskaya, sp. nov.

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    Timia (Empyelocera) flaveola Galinskaya sp. nov. (Figs 9–10) Type material. Holotype Ƥ: Turkmenistan: “Репетек, личинки в корнях Convolvulus. Лет-конец июня, собр. Каплин, 27.IV. 1980 ” [Repetek, larvae on the roots of Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae), hatching in the late June, 27 Apr. 1980 Kaplin leg.] (ZISP). Paratypes: 5 Ƥ, label as in holotype; 1 Ƥ, Turkmenistan: “Репетек, Туркм. бел., саксаульник близ усадьбы, Стальмакова, 21.VI. 1947 ” [Repetek, (bel., saxaul near the estate), 21 June 1947 Stal’makova leg.] (ZISP). Diagnosis. The new species is similar to T. (E.) orientalis, differing by the mesonotum silvery white microtrichose, without rows of confluent shining spots around setae. Posteroapical extension of cell bcu 1.5 times as long as cell at its middle (in T. (E.) orientalis, with posteroapical extension of cell bcu 0.4 times as long as cell at its middle). Cercal unit with three pairs of long basal setulae (T. (E.) orientalis with two pairs of setulae). Aculeus with four rows of short setae at each side (T. (E.) orientalis with two rows of setae). Description of the holotype. Female: Head. Frons yellow, evenly covered with short and thin black setulae. Frons with weak microtrichosity close to eyes. Ocellar triangle shining black. Lateral parts of vertex entirely yellow without dark markings. Occiput yellow, covered with short and thin black setulae. Median occipital sclerite pale yellow, with silver-white microtrichosity close to vertex; lateral occipital sclerites pale yellow, with silverwhite microtrichosity close to eye margin. Postgena yellow. Parafacialium narrow, 0.5 times as wide as antennal grooves, or the same width as the flagellomere 1. Gena yellow, shining, 0.3 times as high as eye. Eye 1.3 times as high as wide. Lunula yellow. Face yellow, without darkened band along the lower edge. Clypeus yellow. Scape and pedicel yellow. Flagellomere 1 yellow, matted, with a dark spot on the dorsal side, distally. Arista yellow. Antennal grooves yellow, with thin silver-white microtrichosity. Proboscis yellow. Palpus yellow. Setae. 8 small orb (first orbital seta a little longer than the other ones), 1 divergent oc, 1 divergent poc, 1 long divergent m vt, 10 divergent pocl, 1 short pa vt and 1 long convergent i vt. 12 gn, 10 pgn setulae, 1 long gn seta. 2 groups of spc setae over occipital foramen. Thorax. Yellow, with brown lateral spots (mainly on presutural area of scutum) and median strips. Mesonotum with solid silver-white microtrichosity, without rows of confluent shining spots around base of setae. Postpronotum with silver-white microtrichosity. Scutellum subshining pale yellow, faintly sculptured, with short black setulae over its upper surface. Mediotergite yellow, with brown spot at middle. Pleura yellow, with slight microtrichosity on the upper edge of anepisternum. Katepisternum with brown spot in ventral portion. Setae. 1 pprn, 2 npl, 1 spal, 1 prsc dc, 1 pal, 1 ial seta; 2 pairs of sctl; anepm setae absent; 1 anepst, 1 kepst seta; also anepisternum and katepisternum covered with short black setulae. Legs. Entirely yellow, last tarsomere darkened to pale brown. Wings. Hyaline. Cell r 4 + 5 open, but apices of veins R 4 + 5 and M almost contact. Posteroapical extension of cell bcu 1.5 times as long as width of the cell at its middle. Halter yellow. Abdomen subshining, evenly short and thin black setulose. All tergites laterally yellow, brown at middle. Sternites yellow. Female terminalia: Aculeus 3.5 times as long as wide at its middle, with four rows of short setae at each side. Cercal unit elongate oval, with 1 pair of long basal setulae, 1 pair long and 3 pair short apical setulae. 3 spherical spermathecae with smoothed cellular surface and inverted necks; two left with T-shape bifurcated common duct. Body length 3.5 –5.0 mm. Wing length 2.7 –4.0 mm. Male. Unknown. Remarks. Variability was observed in number of setae among examined specimens: 8–14 small orb, 10–12 divergent pocl, 12–16 gn, 10–12 long pgn setae; microtrichosity on anepisternum sometimes almost indistinguishable. Etymology. This name is derived from the Latin world “flava”, yellow. Distribution. Turkmenistan.Published as part of Galinskaya, Tatiana V., 2011, Review of the yellow-bodied species of the genus Timia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) with description of two new species, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 2888 on pages 14-15, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20254

    Two new species of the genus Timia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) with a key to species with microtrichose black scutellum

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    Galinskaya, Tatiana V. (2014): Two new species of the genus Timia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) with a key to species with microtrichose black scutellum. Zootaxa 3753 (6): 573-584, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3753.6.

    Two new species of the genus Timia and a redescription of Timia mongolica (Diptera, Ulidiidae)

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    Two new species of the genus Timia Wiedemann, 1824 are described and illustrated. Timia lazebnayae sp. n. from Uzbekistan has yellow body and is similar to Timia gobica Zaitzev, 1982, differing from it only by the entirely yellow flagellomere 1. Timia shatalkini sp. n. from Mongolia has dark body and differs from all other dark-colored representatives of the genus by the cell r4+5 being completely closed, forming petiole at the wing apex. Timia mongolica Zaitsev, 1982 is redescribed and an updated key for yellow-coloured Timia is provided


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    Key to the yellow-bodied species of the genus Timia 1. Parafacialium very wide, as long as, or longer than flagellomere 1 and wider or at least as wide as antennal groove...........................................................................................subgenus Timia s. str... 2 - Parafacialium never as wide as flagellomere 1, always narrower than antennal groove..... subgenus Empyelocera Loew … 3 2. Posteroapical extension of cell bcu long, about 1.5–2 times as long as maximum width of cell. Mesonotum shining, without microtrichose areas. Female: cercal unit of aculeus with 1 pair of long basal setae. Male: cerci separated and rounded on top................................................................................ T. (T.) testacea Portschinsky - Posteroapical extension of cell bcu short, at most as long as cell width at its middle. Mesonotum silvery white microtrichose, with rows of confluent shining spots around setae. Female: cercal unit of aculeus with 2 pairs of long setae. Male: cerci separated, each with obtuse angulate apex........................................... T. (T.) zaitzevi Galinskaya sp. nov. 3. Cell r 4 + 5 open. Parafacialium area wide, almost as wide as flagellomere 1.......................................... 4 - Cell r 4 + 5 completely closed, forming petiole at wing tip. Frons completely yellow, except black ocellar triangle. Parafacialium narrow, almost 0.3 times as wide as flagellomere 1. Flagellomere 1 entirely black.................. T. (E.) gobica Zaitzev 4. Cell r 4 + 5 widely open, distance between apices of veins R 4 + 5 and M longer than vein R-M. Scape and pedicel entirely black, contrasting with yellow flagellomere 1..................................................... T. (E.) dimidiata Becker - Cell r 4 + 5 narrowly open, but the distance between apices of veins R 4 + 5 and M shorter than vein R-M. Scape and pedicel entirely yellow (or brown-yellow, in this case flagellomere 1 black).................................................... 5 5. Flagellomere 1 and apex of palpus yellow. Flagellomere almost as long as wide. Distance between apices of veins R 4 + 5 and M 0.5–0.7 as long as vein R-M. Male fore femur with moderately long and thin setae.................................. 6 - Flagellomere 1 and palpus apex black or dark brown. Flagellomere 1 almost twice as long as wide. Frons yellow, with black ocellar triangle. Cell r 4 + 5 opened narrower: apices of veins R 4 + 5 and M are almost contact. Male fore femur with posteroventral series of short black spines......................................................... T. (E.) canaliculata Becker 6. Microtrichose areas on mesonotum forming a median vitta and various forms of spots at its sides...................... 7 - Mesonotum entirely silvery white microtrichose, without rows of confluent shining spots around setae........................................................................................... T. (E.) flaveola Galinskaya sp. nov. 7. Mesonotum at each side silver microtrichosity forming broad bands in the direction of the posterior part, and this band extends over wings. Parafacialium wider (0.3 times as wide, as eye), than that of T. (E.) orientalis. Posteroapical extension of cell bcu shorter (0.75 times as long, as width of the cell in its middle) than that of T. (E.) orientalis. Face wider (1.85 times as wide as its height) than that of T. (E.) orientalis................................................... T. (E.) berlandi Séguy - On each side of the mesonotum silver microtrichity forming broad bands in the direction of the posterior part, and this band not extends over wings. Parafacialium narrower (0.2 times as wide, as eye), than that of T. (E.) berlandi. Posteroapical extension of cell bcu longer (1.7 times as long, as width of the cell in its middle) than that of T. (E.) berlandi. Face narrower (as wide as its height) than that of T. (E.) berlandi.................................................... T. (E.) orientalis ZaitzevPublished as part of Galinskaya, Tatiana V., 2011, Review of the yellow-bodied species of the genus Timia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) with description of two new species, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 2888 on pages 2-3, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20254

    Timia (Empyelocera) orientalis Zaitzev

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    Timia (Empyelocera) orientalis Zaitzev (Figs 13–14) Timia (Empyelocera) orientalis Zaitzev, 1982: 445. Other citations. Kameneva, 2000: 191. Type material. Holotype 3: Mongolia: “ Монголия, Южно-Гобийский аймак, Бордзон-Гоби, 80 км. ЮЮВ Номгона, Зайцев, 5–8.VIII. 1967 ” [Ă–mnögovi province, Bordzon Gobi, 80 km. SSE Nomgon, 5–8 Aug. 1967, V.Zaitzev leg.] (ZISP). Paratypes. China: 3 Ƥ, “Баинхудук; с. Алашань, Козлов, 20.V. 1909 ” [Bainhuduk, north Alashan Plateau, Gobi Desert, 20 May 1909, Kozlov leg.] (ZISP). Additional material. China: 3, “Эцзин-гол, с. Алашань, Гоби, Козлов, 18.VI. 1909 ” [Etszin-gol, north Alashan Plateau, Gobi Desert, 18 June 1909, Kozlov leg.] (ZISP); Mongolia: Ƥ, “ Монголия, Южно-Гобийский аймак, Бордзон-Гоби, 80 км. ЮЮВ Номгона (пески), Кержнер, 5–8.VIII. 1967 ” [Ă–mnögovi province, Bordzon Gobi, 80 km. SSE Nomgon, (sands), 5–8 Aug. 1967, Kerzhner leg.]; 8 Ƥ, 3 3, “ Монголия, Южно-Гобийский аймак, Бордзон-Гоби, 80 км. ЮЮВ Номгона (пески), Емельянов, 5–8.VIII. 1967 ” [Ă–mnögovi province, Bordzon Gobi, 80 km. SSE Nomgon, (sands), 5–8 Aug. 1967, Yemelyanov leg.] (ZISP). Diagnosis. This species is similar to T. (E.) flaveola sp. nov., but differing by the mesonotum with silver-white microtrichose lateral spots and median strips (T. (E.) flaveola sp. nov. with the mesonotum entirely silvery white microtrichose, without rows of confluent shining spots around setae). Posteroapical extension of cell bcu 0.4 times as long as width of the cell at its middle (in T. (E.) flaveola sp. nov. with posteroapical extension of cell bcu 1.5 times as long as width of the cell at its middle). Cercal unit with two pairs of long basal setulae (T. (E.) flaveola sp. nov. with three pairs of setulae). Aculeus with two rows of short setae at each side (T. (E.) flaveola sp. nov. with four rows of setae). Description of the holotype. Male: Head. Frons yellow, short and thin black setulose, non-microtrichose. Frons as high as wide. Ocellar triangle shining black. Lateral parts of vertex entirely yellow without dark markings. Occiput yellow, slightly microtrichose, short and thin black setulose. Median occipital sclerite yellow, with thin microtrichosity. Lateral occipital sclerites yellow, with silver-white microtrichosity close to eye margin. Genae yellow, 0.4 times as high as eye. Postgena yellow. Parafacialium yellow, relatively wide, 0.7 times as wide as antennal grooves, as wide as flagellomere 1. Eye as high as wide. Lunula yellow. Face yellow, without darkened band along the lower edge. Clypeus yellow. Scape and pedicel pale orange. Flagellomere 1 orange, matted, roundish. Arista pale brown. Antennal grooves yellow, with thin silver-white microtrichosity. Proboscis brown. Palpus yellow. Setae. 3 small orb (first orbital seta a little longer than the other ones), 1 divergent oc, 1 divergent poc, 1 long divergent m vt, 6 divergent pocl, 1 short pa vt and 1 long convergent i vt. 6 gn, 5 pgn setulae, 1 long gn seta. 2 groups of spc setae over occipital foramen. Thorax. Yellow, with pale brown lateral spots (mainly on presutural area of scutum) and median strips. Mesonotum with silver-white microtrichose lateral spots and median strips. Postpronotum with thin silver-white microtrichosity, connecting with a longitudinal median stripe by a band on the front margin of the mesonotum. Scutellum subshining yellow, faintly sculptured, with short brown setulae over its upper surface. Mediotergite brown, with brown spot at middle. Pleura yellow, with short black setulae, with slight microtrichosity on the upper edge of anepisternum and on the border of anepisternum and anepimeron. Katepisternum with pale-brown spot in ventral portion. Setae. 1 pprn, 2 npl, 1 spal, 1 prsc dc, 1 pal, 1 ial seta; 2 pairs of sctl; anepm setae absent; 1 anepst, 1 kepst seta, also anepisternum and katepisternum covered with short black setulae. Legs. Entirely yellow. Wings. Hyaline. Cell r 4 + 5 opened, but apices of veins R 4 + 5 and M are almost contact. Posteroapical extension of cell bcu 0.4 times as long as width of the cell at its middle. Halter pale yellow. Abdomen evenly short and thin black setulose. Tergite 1 + 2 brown, other tergites laterally yellow, brown at middle. Sternites yellow. Male genitalia. Surstylus with anteroventral lobe curved proximally at a right angle, bears 3 spines at its inner margin; and with short posteromedial lobe covered with setulae on its ventral side. Cerci tapered at the top, separated by a narrow slit, covered with long setulae. Phallus with one short serrate basal caecum and one wide bare apical caecum. Glans with 3 short hooks, 1 long hook and one membranous lobe. Body length 4.7–5.3 mm. Wing length 3.7–4.5 mm. Female: similar to male, except genital structures. Female terminalia: Aculeus 4.5 times as long as wide at its middle, with two rows of short setae at each side. Cercal unit elongate oval, with 1 pair of long basal setulae, 1 pair long and 3 pair short apical setulae. 3 spherical spermathecae with smoothed cellular surface and inverted necks; two left with T-shape bifurcated common duct. Body length 5.0–6.0 mm. Wing length 4.0– 5.5 mm. Remarks. Variability was observed in number of setae among examined specimens: 3–4 small orb, 6–8 divergent pocl, 6–10 gn, 5–6 long pgn setae; microtrichosity on anepisternum sometimes almost indistinguishable; the last tarsomere sometimes darkened to pale brown. Distribution. Mongolia, North China.Published as part of Galinskaya, Tatiana V., 2011, Review of the yellow-bodied species of the genus Timia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) with description of two new species, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 2888 on pages 19-22, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20254

    Timia (Empyelocera) canaliculata Becker

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    Timia (Empyelocera) canaliculata Becker (Figs 5–6) Timia canaliculata Becker, 1906: 117 Other citations. Hendel, 1908: 4; 1910: 14; Hennig, 1940: 26; Zaitzev, 1982: 443; Zaitzev, 1984 a: 63; Kameneva, 2000: 186. Type material. Lectotype (here designated): China: 3, “ syntypus, Бугасъ у Хами, на ЮВ от Тянь-Шаня, РобКозлов, 25.VIII. 1895 ” [syntypus, Bugaz near Hami, to the SE from Tien Shan, 25 Aug. 1895, Roborowsky and Kozlov leg.] (ZISP). Type-locality: “Bugas bei Chami, sĂĽdöstlich Tján-Schan” (North China); Paralectotypes: 3 3, 3 Ƥ, label as in lectotype (ZISP). Additional material. Mongolia: 3 3, Ƥ, “ Монголия, Баян-Хонгорский аймак, 30 км ССВ родн. Шара- Хулсны-Булак, Зайцев, 4.IX. 1970 ” [Bayankhongor aimag, 30 km NNE spring Shara Hulsny-Bulak, 4 Sept. 1970, Zaitzev leg.] (ZISP). Diagnosis. This species is similar to T. (E.) orientalis in having cell r 4 + 5 open, Section of costal vein between R 4 + 5 and M shorter than vein R-M. Scape and pedicel entirely yellow or brown-yellow. Differs by flagellomere 1 and the apex of palpus black or dark brown; flagellomere 1 almost twice as long as wide (in T. (E.) orientalis, with flagellomere 1 and the apex of palpus yellow and the length of the flagellomere 1 almost the same as his width). Apices of veins R 4 + 5 and M are almost contact (in T. (E.) orientalis, with the distance between apices of veins R 4 + 5 and M 0.5–0.7 as long as vein R-M). Male fore femur at its underside with a series of short black spines (T. (E.) orientalis with male fore femur with relatively long setulae). Description of the lectotype. Male: Head. Frons yellow, concave, without microtrichosity, evenly covered with short and thin black setulae. Ocellar triangle shining black. Lateral parts of vertex entirely yellow without dark markings. Occiput yellow, slightly microtrichose, covered with short and thin black setulae. Median occipital sclerite yellow; lateral occipital sclerite yellow, with thin silver-white microtrichosity close to eye margin. Gena yellow, 0.4 times as high as eye. Postgena yellow. Parafacialium yellow, 0.5 times as wide as antennal grooves and as wide as flagellomere 1. Eyes 1.3 times as high as wide. Lunula yellow. Face yellow, with narrow darkened band along the lower edge. Clypeus pale brown, darkened along the lower edge. Scape and pedicel brown. Flagellomere 1 brown at the base, almost black at the apex, matted. Arista brown. Antennal grooves yellow, with thin silver-white microtrichosity. Proboscis brown. Palpus brown at the base, black at the apex. Setae. 4 small orb (first orbital seta a little longer than the other ones), 1 divergent oc, 1 divergent poc, 1 long divergent m vt, 4 divergent pocl, 1 short pa vt and 1 long convergent i vt. 8 gn, 8 pgn setulae, 1 long gn seta. 2 groups of spc setae over occipital foramen. Thorax. Yellow, with brown lateral spots (mainly on presutural area of scutum) and median strips. Mesonotum with silver-white microtrichose lateral spots and median strips. Postpronotum with silver-white microtrichosity. Scutellum subshining yellow, faintly sculptured, with short black setulae over its upper surface. Mediotergite yellow, with brown spot at middle. Pleura yellow. Katepisternum with brown spot in ventral portion. Setae. 1 pprn, 2 npl, 1 spal, 1 prsc dc, 1 pal, 1 ial setae, 2 pairs of sctl; anepm setae absent; 1 anepst, 1 kepst setae, also anepisternum and katepisternum covered with short black setulae. Legs. Entirely yellow. Tarsus, mid- and hindcoxae darkened to pale brown. Wings. Hyaline, with yellowish apex. Cell r 4 + 5 narrowly opened. Apices of veins R 4 + 5 and M are almost contact. Posteroapical extension of cell bcu 0.3 times as long as width of the cell at its middle. Halter yellow. Abdomen evenly short and thin black setulose. All tergites laterally yellow, brown at middle, syntergite 1–2 and tergite 3 completely brown. Sternites yellow. Male genitalia. Surstylus with anteroventral lobe curved proximally at a right angle, bears 2 spines at its inner margin; and with short posteromedial lobe covered with setulae on its ventral side. Cerci tapered at the top, separated by a narrow slit, covered with long setulae. Phallus with one short serrate basal caecum and one wide bare apical caecum. Glans with 3 short hooks and one membranous lobe. Body length 5.0– 6.5 mm. Wing length 3.5–4.5 mm. Female: similar to male, except genital structures. Female terminalia: Aculeus five times as long as wide at its middle, with two rows of short setae at each side. Cercal unit elongate oval, with 1 pair of long basal setulae, 1 pair long and 3 pair short apical setulae. 3 spherical spermathecae with smoothed cellular surface and inverted necks; two left with T-shape bifurcated common duct. Body length 5.0–7.0 mm. Wing length 3.5–4.5 mm. Remarks. Variability was observed in number of setae among examined specimens: 4–5 small orb, 4–6 divergent pocl, 8–12 gn, 8–10 long pgn setae; microtrichosity on anepisternum sometimes almost indistinguishable. Distribution. North China, Mongolia.Published as part of Galinskaya, Tatiana V., 2011, Review of the yellow-bodied species of the genus Timia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) with description of two new species, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 2888 on pages 8-11, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20254

    Timia (Timia) zaitzevi Galinskaya, sp. nov.

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    Timia (Timia) zaitzevi Galinskaya sp. nov. (Figs 3–4) Type material. Holotype 3: Kazakhstan: “Ю.-З. Кызыл-Кумы, Ю. Казахст. обл., Лер, 20.V. 1960 ” [SW Kyzyl Kum, 20 May 1960, Lehr leg.] (ZISP). Paratypes: 12 3, 3 Ƥ, label as in holotype, 20 May 1960, Lehr leg. (ZISP). Diagnosis. The new species is similar to T. testacea in having parafacialium twice as wide as antennal groove and three times as wide as flagellomere 1, differing by short postero-dorsal extension of cell bcu (as long as or shorter than width of the cell bcu), and by the mesonotum silvery white microtrichose, with rows of confluent shining spots around setae. Cercal unit of the aculeus with two pairs of long setae (in T. testacea, the cercal unit has one pair of long setae). Surstylus with a gently sloping posteromedial lobe (in T. testacea, with a big rounded posteromedial lobe). Description of the holotype. Male: Head. Frons pale yellow, with dents and bumps; with pair of short lightbrown stripes above lunule. Frons evenly covered with short and thin black setulae. Ocellar triangle shining black. Lateral parts of vertex entirely yellow without black marks. Occiput yellow, covered with short and thin black setulae. Median occipital sclerite pale yellow, with silver-white microtrichosity close to vertex; lateral occipital sclerite pale yellow, with silver-white microtrichosity close to eye margin. Postgena pale yellow. Parafacialium wide, twice as wide as antennal groove, three times as wide as flagellomere 1. Gena yellow, slightly darkened along the lower edge and with a series of short black setulae, without large spines. Gena 0.4 times as high as eye. Eye 1.5 times as high as wide. Lunula pale yellow. Face pale yellow, without darkened band along the lower edge. Scape and pedicel orange-yellow. Flagellomere 1 orange, pale brown apically, matted. Arista pale brown. Antennal grooves yellow, with thin silver-white microtrichosity. Proboscis brown. Palpus yellow, on their apices darkened to pale brown. Setae. 5 small orb (first orbital seta not longer than the other ones), 1 divergent oc, 1 divergent poc, 1 long divergent m vt, 10 divergent pocl, 1 short pa vt and 1 long convergent i vt seta. 4 gn, 5 pgn setulae, 1 long gn seta. 2 groups of spc setae over occipital foramen. Thorax. Yellow, with brown lateral spots (mainly on presutural area of scutum) and median strips. Mesonotum silvery white microtrichose, with rows of confluent shining spots around setae. Postpronotum with silver-white microtrichosity. Scutellum subshining yellow, faintly sculptured, with short black setulae over its upper surface. Mediotergite yellow, with brown spot at middle. Pleura yellow. Anepisternum with sparse microtrichosity at its upper edge and at the border of anepisternum and anepimeron. Katepisternum with brown spot in ventral portion. Setae. 1 pprn, 2 npl, 1 spal, 1 prsc dc, 1 pal, 1 ial seta; 2 pairs of sctl; anepm setae absent; 1 anepst, 1 kepst seta, also anepisternum and katepisternum covered with short black setulae. Legs. Entirely yellow. Tarsus (except first tarsomere) pale brown. Wings. Hyaline, with yellowish apex. Section of costal vein between R 4 + 5 and M apices at wing apex wider than R-M crossvein. Posteroapical extension of cell bcu at most as long as width of the cell at its middle. Halter yellow. Abdomen evenly short and thin black setulose. All tergites laterally yellow, brown at middle and microtrichose at their posterior margin. Sternites yellow. Male genitalia. Surstylus with mesoventrally curved anteroventral lobe and with short posteromedial lobe covered with setulae on its ventral side. Cerci separated, each with obtuse angulate apex, covered with long setulae. Phallus with one short serrate basal caecum and one wide bare apical caecum. Glans with 4 short hooks and one membranous lobe. Body length 3.3–3.7 mm. Wing length 2.7–3.5 mm. Female: similar to male, except genital structures. Female terminalia: Oviscape yellow. Aculeus six times as long as wide at its middle, with two rows of short setae at each side. Cercal unit elongate oval, with 1 pair of long basal setulae, 1 pair long and 1 pair short apical setulae. 3 spherical spermathecae with smoothed cellular surface and inverted necks; two left with T-shape bifurcated common duct. Body length 4.5 –5.0 mm. Wing length 3.3–3.7 mm. Remarks. Variability was observed in coloration of frons among examined specimens: above lunula with pair of short light-brown stripes, sometimes with a reddish tinge; number of setae: 5–6 small orb, 8–10 divergent pocl, 4–6 gn, 4–5 long pgn setae; microtrichosity on anepisternum sometimes almost indistinguishable; tarsus sometimes entirely yellow. Etymology. Named in honor of V.F. Zaitzev. Distribution. Kazakhstan.Published as part of Galinskaya, Tatiana V., 2011, Review of the yellow-bodied species of the genus Timia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) with description of two new species, pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 2888 on pages 6-7, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20254

    FIGURE 3 in Two new species of the genus Timia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) with a key to species with microtrichose black scutellum

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    FIGURE 3. Timia (Empyelocera) anomala (Becker, 1907), male type; a—habitus, lateral view, b—head and thorax, dorsal view; c—head, lateral view; d—head, anterior view; e—wing.Published as part of Galinskaya, Tatiana V., 2014, Two new species of the genus Timia (Diptera: Ulidiidae) with a key to species with microtrichose black scutellum, pp. 573-584 in Zootaxa 3753 (6) on page 578, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3753.6.4, http://zenodo.org/record/24969