3 research outputs found


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    The late Cretaceous-Cenozoic sediments of fossil soils and weathering crusts of the Baikal rift have been subject to long-term studies. Based on our research results, it is possible to distinguish the following litho-stratigraphic complexes which are related to particular stages of the rift development: the late Cretaceous–early Oligocene (crypto-rift Arheo-baikalian), the late Oligocene–early Pliocene (ecto-rift early orogenic Pra-baikalian), and the late Pliocene-Quaternary (ecto-rift late orogenic Pra-baikalian – Baikalian) complexes. Changes of weathering modes (Cretaceous-quarter), soil formation (Miocene-quarter) and differences of precipitation by vertical and lateral stratigraphy are analysed with regard to specific features of climate, tectonics and facial conditions of sedimentation. Tectonic phases are defined in the Cenozoic period of the Pribaikalie.Подведены итоги многолетних исследований позднемеловых–кайнозойских отложений, палеопочв и кор выветривания Байкальского рифта. Они расчленены на позднемеловой–раннеолигоценовый (крипторифтовый – Археобайкальский), позднеолигоценовый–раннеплиоценовый (экторифтовый раннеорогенный – Прабайкальский) и позднеплиоценовый–четвертичный (экторифтовый позднеорогенный Палеобайкальский – Байкальский) литостратиграфические комплексы, связанные с отдельными этапами геологического развития рифта. Прослежены изменения характера выветривания (мел–квартер), почвообразования (миоцен–квартер) и различия осадков по стратиграфической вертикали и латерали, определяемые особенностями климата, тектоники и фациальных условий осадконакопления. Выявлены тектонические фазы в кайнозое Прибайкалья – Тункинская (27–25 млн), Северобайкальская (10 млн), Ольхонская (4–3 млн), Приморская (1.2–0.8 млн), Тыйская (0.15–0.12 млн лет)


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    The late Cretaceous-Cenozoic sediments of fossil soils and weathering crusts of the Baikal rift have been subject to long-term studies. Based on our research results, it is possible to distinguish the following litho-stratigraphic complexes which are related to particular stages of the rift development: the late Cretaceous–early Oligocene (crypto-rift Arheo-baikalian), the late Oligocene–early Pliocene (ecto-rift early orogenic Pra-baikalian), and the late Pliocene-Quaternary (ecto-rift late orogenic Pra-baikalian – Baikalian) complexes. Changes of weathering modes (Cretaceous-quarter), soil formation (Miocene-quarter) and differences of precipitation by vertical and lateral stratigraphy are analysed with regard to specific features of climate, tectonics and facial conditions of sedimentation. Tectonic phases are defined in the Cenozoic period of the Pribaikalie

    Role of Mitochondria in the Regulation of Effector Functions of Granulocytes

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    Granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils) are the most abundant circulating cells in the innate immune system. Circulating granulocytes, primarily neutrophils, can cross the endothelial barrier and activate various effector mechanisms to combat invasive pathogens. Eosinophils and basophils also play an important role in allergic reactions and antiparasitic defense. Granulocytes also regulate the immune response, wound healing, and tissue repair by releasing of various cytokines and lipid mediators. The effector mechanisms of granulocytes include the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), degranulation, phagocytosis, and the formation of DNA-containing extracellular traps. Although all granulocytes are primarily glycolytic and have only a small number of mitochondria, a growing body of evidence suggests that mitochondria are involved in all effector functions as well as in the production of cytokines and lipid mediators and in apoptosis. It has been shown that the production of mitochondrial ROS controls signaling pathways that mediate the activation of granulocytes by various stimuli. In this review, we will briefly discuss the data on the role of mitochondria in the regulation of effector and other functions of granulocytes