14 research outputs found

    The clinical and epidemiological characteristics of hypogonadism in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    BACKGROUND: Male hypogonadism is a frequent complication of diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2; therefore, a study of its clinical and epidemiological characteristics is of interest. AIMS: Assessment of clinical and epidemiological characteristics of hypogonadism in men with diabetes mellitus type 2. METHODS: A full-design, cross-sectional, screening, multicenter, non-interventional study included men with diabetes mellitus type 2. The study was conducted from November 2017 to January 2019.Medical history assessment, sexological testing, estimation of luteinizing hormone (LH), sex hormone-binding globulin; total testosterone and glycated hemoglobin were performed. Free testosterone was calculated by the Vermeullen method. Comparison of groups was carried out using Yates’s corrected version of chi-squared test, Mann-Whitney U-test, and Spearman’s rank correlation method was also used. Differences were considered statistically significant with p <0,05. RESULTS: The age of 554 men included in the study was 55 [50; 58] years, total testosterone level was 12,5 [9,1; 16,4] nmol/L; free testosterone was 0,266 [0,205; 0,333] nmol/L; HbA1c 7,2 [6,2; 8,9] %. Hypogonadism syndrome was detected in 181 men (32,7%). Total testosterone level in these patients was 7,8 [6,5; 9,4] nmol/L, and free testosterone level was 0,182 [0,152; 0,217] nmol/L. In patients without hypogonadism, these parameters were 14,7 [12,4; 18,0] nmol/L and 0,308 [0,265; 0,362] nmol/L, respectively. In most cases, patients with hypogonadism had normal, but lower LH levels of 3,3 [2,2; 4,9] U/L compared with patients without hypogonadism 3,8 [2,7; 4,9], p = 0,022. Most often, normogonadotropic hypogonadism was detected (89,5%). Statistically significant negative correlations were found between total testosterone levels and body mass index (r = -0,24; p <0,001), and waist circumference (r = -0,21; p<0,001). The prevalence of decreased libido in patients with hypogonadism (66,8%) is statistically significantly higher than that in men without hypogonadism (56,3%, p = 0,022). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of hypogonadism syndrome in men with diabetes mellitus type 2 is 32,7%. This type of hypogonadism is characterized by normal LH values

    The changes of standard DXA measurements and TBS depending on outcomes of neurosurgical treatment in patients with Cushing's disease

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    BACKGROUND:Patients with endogenous hypercortisolism have reduced bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS) that are the causes of secondary osteoporosis and low-traumatic fractures. It is well known that radical treatment (neurosurgery or radiosurgery) of Cushings disease leads to a decline of cortisol levels in all body fluids to normal values. However, it is still uncertain whether bone tissue structure, and particularly its microarchitecture, does recover in remission of the disease. AIMS:To evaluate an influence of hormone activity (presence or absence of remission) in patients with Cushing's disease on changes of bone structure measurements in accordance with DXA values (TBS, BMD, T- and Z-scores), as well as significance of such changes in 12 and 24 months after neurosurgical treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS:In patients with confirmed active Cushing's disease (ACTH-producing pituitary adenoma) (n = 44) and in control group of healthy volunteers (n = 40), BMD in lumbar spine (L1-L4) and simultaneously TBS, in cut-off points before neurosurgical treatment (in both groups) and in 12 and 24 months after it (only in patients), were assessed. We diagnosed presence or absence of disease remission at cut-offs. All measurements were performed using a GE iDXA device (GE Healthcare Lunar, Madison, Wisconsin, USA). The TBS was calculated simultaneously from taken BMD scans, blinded to clinical outcome using TBS iNsight software v2.1 (Medimaps, Merignac, France). The activity of Cushings disease was evaluated using late-night salivary cortisol (LNSC, at 23:00). To determine the differences in DXA and TBS values before and after neurosurgical intervention depending on remission occurrence, covariate analysis (ANCOVA) was applied. RESULTS:There were found significant changes in TBS, BMD and T-score values in 12 months after neurosurgical treatment associated with presence or absence of disease remission (p = 0.039, 0.046 and 0.048, respectively). No differences in Z-score as well as in all measurements in 24 months, that might be associated with remission occurrence, were revealed. The gain in all DXA measurements (including TBS) during 24 months of observation period was statistically significant when analyzing data using Students paired t-test. However, the values corresponding to the age references had not been achieved for the specified time interval. CONCLUSIONS:Patients with Cushings disease have lower TBS values. In remission conditions TBS is getting significantly higher. The increase in BMD and TBS occurs during 24 months after achieving remission of Cushings disease but doesnt lead to a full restoration of normal bone mass and microstructure throughout observation period of 24 months

    Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of testosterone deficiency (hypogonadism) in male patients with diabetes mellitus (Draft)

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    Hypogonadism in male patients is defined as a decrease in the serum testosterone level; it is associated with specific symptoms and/or signs (see the detailed description below). It is a common complication in diabetes mellitus. The guidelines do not review all disorders leading to the development of hypogonadism but focus on options for the treatment of hypogonadism, which is generally observed in male patients with diabetes. In the literature, data on the prevalence of hypogonadism in patients with diabetes are available. In the section on diagnostics, the medical history of patients with hypogonadism and diabetes, including the necessary methods for physical and laboratory inspection. Risk factors for and the clinical consequences of hypogonadism are separately considered. In the section on treatment options, variations in treatment using various androgenic therapeutic agents based on patients’ requirements, conservation of their reproductive function, and their risk factors are provided. Special attention is given to indications of, contraindications of and risk factors for androgenic therapy in male patients with diabetes, particularly those in their advanced age. The principles of the clinical monitoring are developed. The favourable effects of androgenic therapy for hypogonadism in male patients with diabetes are shown

    The strategy of obesity management: the results of All-Russian observational program “Primavera”

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    Introduction. The prevalence of obesity and associated comorbidities is comparable to the scale of the epidemic. Along with the change in lifestyle, pharmacotherapy is necessary to lead obesity patients to a healthier state.Aim. The evaluation of efficacy and safety of Reduxin® (sibutramine + microcrystalline cellulose) application among patients with alimentary obesity and comorbidities in routine clinical practice. Analysis of results of Primavera program.Materials and methods. The observation program Primavera was conducted since November 2012 to July 2015 under the auspices ofEndocrinology Research Centre and the Russian Association of Endocrinologists. The program "Primavera" was attended by 3095 doctors of various specialties and 98.774 patients being treated in 1272 hospitals in 142 Russian cities. The average age of the patients was 39.4 ± 10.4 years, the ratio of male / female – 17.7%/82,3%, the average body mass – 99.1±14.28 kg, the average BMI – 35.7±4.41 kg/m2, the average waist circumstance – 105.7±13.7 cm. The Duration of Reduxine® treatment was determined by the attending physician and ranged from 3 months to 1 year.Results. The duration of therapy was 3 months for 3% of patients, 6 months for 59.3% of patients, 12 months for 37.7% of patients. The BMI reducing dynamics during 3, 6, 12 months was 3.4±1.53 kg/m2 (average 9.5±4.28 kg), 5.4±2.22 kg/m2 (15.0±6.22 kg), 7.2±3.07 kg/m2 (20.0±8.62 kg) respectively. The average waist circumference reduction for 3, 6 and 12 months was 6.3±4.31 sm, 10.6±6.30 sm, 16.0±8.94 sm, respectively. It was shown that the weight loss during prolonged (more than six months) Reduxine therapy under the supervision of a physician was associated with decreased levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and had no affect on heart rate. Adverse events were reported for 4.1% of patients, according to doctors, the cause-effect relationship with the use of Reduxine can be estimated as probable or definite for 1.9% of patients, possible – for 1.7%.Conclusions. Observation programs allow to implement the principles of active monitoring of the efficacy and safety of the drug in the current clinical practice and to develop a skill of reasonable prescribing. In Primavera program it was shown that the use of Reduxine® (sibutramine+ microcrystalline cellulose) leads to loss of body weight and doesn’t lead to serious adverse effects

    Metabolicheskie osobennosti sindroma polikistoznykh yaichnikov u zhenshchin s normal'noy i izbytochnoy massoy tela

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    Цель. Оценка тощаковой и стимулированной секреции инсулина во взаимосвязи с динамикой гликемии, кортизолемии и липидемии в ответ на оральную нагрузку глюкозой у женщин с СПКЯ с избыточной и нормальной массой тела; установление значения резистентности и чувствительности к инсулину, состояния функции бета-клеток в интегральном ответе инсулина на стимуляцию глю? козой у женщин с СПКЯ на фоне нормальной и избыточной массы тела; определение значимости избыточной массы тела или особенностей распределения жировой ткани на выраженность метаболических расстройств у женщин с СПКЯ; выявление особенностей атерогенных сдвигов липидов плазмы в зависимости от наличия избыточной массы тела или особенностей её распределения. Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 122 женщины с СПКЯ и 30 сопоставимых здоровых женщин. Критериями включения в исследование было подтверждение диагноза СПКЯ. Проводился расчет суррогатных индексов, позволяющих оценить инсулинорезистентность натощак (ИР), функцию бета-клеток и чувствительность к инсулину на основании опубликованных формул. Обследуемые женщины разделены на 4 группы: 1-я ? здоровые женщины, у которых индекс массы тела (ИМТ) был меньше 25 кг/м2; 2-я ? здоровые с индексом массы тела 25 кг/м2 и более; 3-я ? женщины с СПКЯ и ИМТ до 25 кг/м2; 4-я - СПКЯ и ИМТ более 25 кг/м2. Результаты. худые? женщины с СПКЯ отличались от здоровых женщин достоверным увеличением окружности талии и индекса талия-бедро (ИТБ) при отсутствии различий по массе тела, что является свидетельством тенденции к абдоминальной аккумуляции жира у них, т. е. проявлением метаболического синдрома и связанных с ним нарушений. Полные женщины с СПКЯ отличались от худых? с СПКЯ более высокой тощаковой и стимулированной инсулинемией, увеличением общей продукции инсулина за двухчасовой период ОП Т (по данным площади кривой инсулина) и не различались уровнями пиковой 30-минутной инсулинемии. Полные женщины с СПКЯ отличались от худых? женщин с СПКЯ повышением тощаковой и постнагрузочной гликемии. Выводы. Клинический фенотип СПКЯ с избыточной массой тела характеризовался сочетанием тощаковой ИР, сниженной инсулиночувствительностью (ИЧ), аддитивной гиперинсулинемией и нарушенной утилизацией глюкозы, высоким базальным уровнем кортизола и его супрессией после нагрузки глюкозой, дислипидемией с повышением содержания ХС, ХС ЛПОНП, ХС ЛПНП, тошаковых и постнагрузочных ТГ и снижением уровня ХС ЛПВП. Клинический фенотип СПКЯ с нормальной массой тела характеризовался тенденцией к абдоминальной аккумуляции жира при отсутствии избыточной массы тела, снижением ИЧ и метаболического клиренса глюкозы и повышением уровня двухчасового ОГТТ инсулина и тощаковой глюкозы, базальной гиперкортизолемией и его супрессией на фоне нагрузки глюкозой и дислипидемией в виде снижения уровня ХС ЛПВП

    The efficiency of obesity treatment in patients with insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the dynamics of body weight and sleep disorders in the treatment of obesity.Materials and methods. The study included 200 obese patients: 83 men and 117 women.Results. Complaints about problems sleeping (snoring, hypersomnia, insomnia, etc.) were present in 78% of obese patients. 89 patients were under the observation of an endocrinologist for 7 ± 1 months, they were divided into three matched by age, sex and BMI groups: patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) (n = 42), the second – with the syndrome of insomnia (n = 19), the third (control group) – patients without sleep disorders (n = 24). After treatment of obesity the weight loss in patients with insomnia syndrome was -2.5 [-4; 0]kg, in patients with OSAS -7 [-18; -2] kg, in patients without sleep disorders -6.5 [-12; -2.25] kg. Clinically significant weight reduction was reached in 25 (59.5%) patients with OSAS; 3 (16%) – with insomnia syndrome; 15 (62.5%) – without sleep disorders.Conclusion. Thus, the insomnia syndrome essentially influences the obesity treatment results – most of patients with this sleep disorder (81.2%) do not achieve clinically significant weight loss. The presence and severity of breathing disorders during sleep do not prevent weight loss. However, with the regular use of CPAP-therapy in patients with OSAS has a tendency of greater reduction of body weight


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the dynamics of body weight and sleep disorders in the treatment of obesity.Materials and methods. The study included 200 obese patients: 83 men and 117 women.Results. Complaints about problems sleeping (snoring, hypersomnia, insomnia, etc.) were present in 78% of obese patients. 89 patients were under the observation of an endocrinologist for 7 ± 1 months, they were divided into three matched by age, sex and BMI groups: patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) (n = 42), the second – with the syndrome of insomnia (n = 19), the third (control group) – patients without sleep disorders (n = 24). After treatment of obesity the weight loss in patients with insomnia syndrome was -2.5 [-4; 0]kg, in patients with OSAS -7 [-18; -2] kg, in patients without sleep disorders -6.5 [-12; -2.25] kg. Clinically significant weight reduction was reached in 25 (59.5%) patients with OSAS; 3 (16%) – with insomnia syndrome; 15 (62.5%) – without sleep disorders.Conclusion. Thus, the insomnia syndrome essentially influences the obesity treatment results – most of patients with this sleep disorder (81.2%) do not achieve clinically significant weight loss. The presence and severity of breathing disorders during sleep do not prevent weight loss. However, with the regular use of CPAP-therapy in patients with OSAS has a tendency of greater reduction of body weight

    “Pattern approach” or search for new templates. Respond to the article “Evaluating of significance of thyroglobulin (Tg) level in blood as a biomarker of iodine deficiency disorders severity in Uzbekistan”

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    Science will never stop in its search for new solutions. The process of investigating and predicting by scientific theories is the process of identifying and managing patterns (sets of repetitive models, stable combinations and sequences). Over the years, the problem of iodine deficiency remains important for global health. Despite all the measures have been taken to eliminate this disease, now it is not possible to optimize iodine deficiency diagnosis and treatment all over the world. So, previously published in Clinical and experimental thyroidology journal article Evaluating of significance of thyroglobulin (Tg) level in blood as a biomarker of iodine deficiency disorders severity in Uzbekistan is incredibly relevant and undoubtedly requires detailed analysis. The analysis and comments to provided research is the subject of current article

    Vliyanie kompensatsii uglevodnogo obmenai terapii atorvastatinom na lipidnyy obmen i uroven' S-reaktivnogo belka u patsientov s sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa

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    Цель. Изучение влияния компенсации углеводного обмена и терапии аторвастатином на показатели липидного спектра и атеросклеротическое воспаление у пациентов с СД 2 типа. Материалы и методы. В исследование были включены 26 пациентов с СД 2 типа. Критериями включения больных в исследование были HbA1c ? 6,5% и ХС ЛПНП ? 3 ммоль/л. Пациенты при помощи открытой блоковой рандомизации с использованием таблицы случайных чисел были разделены на две группы: основная группа: 14 пациентов на протяжении 3 мес получали аторвастатин в дозе 20 мг в сутки в 1 прием; контрольная группа: 12 пациентов на протяжении исследования аторвастатин (а также другие препараты из этой группы) не получали. Опеределяли гликированный гемоглобин, ХС, триглицериды, хс-ЛПВП, хс-ЛПНП, апо-А1, апо-В. Результаты. В результате коррекции сахароснижающей терапии через 12 нед в обеих группах отмечено значимое улучшение состояния углеводного обмена; при этом группы не отличались между собой по характеру сахароснижающей терапии. В контрольной группе через 12 нед отмечено статистически значимое повышение лишь уровня ХС ЛПВП с, в то время как уровени ХС ЛПНП, ТГ, ХС и апо В не изменились. Заключение. Гиполипидемическая терапия аторвастатином в дозе 20 мг позволяет существенно снизить уровень ОХС и ХС ЛПНП, что сопровождается выраженным снижением коэффициентов атерогенности. В результате терапии также отмечается снижение уровня ТГ и повышение уровня ХС ЛПВП. Улучшение компенсации углеводного обмена ведет к повышению уровня ХС ЛПВП и снижению коэффициентов атерогенности, однако не влияет на уровень ОХС, ХС ЛПНП и ТГ

    The assessment of Trabecular bone score to improve the sensitivity of FRAX in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Aim. To estimate the trabecular bone score (TBS) for evaluation of fracture probability in order to make decisions about starting osteoporosis treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Materials and methods. We obtained the bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS) using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (iDXA) in patients with T2DM (with and without a history of osteoporotic fractures) versus the control group. Before and after TBS measurements we assessed the ten-year probability of fracture using the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX). Results. We enrolled 48 patients with T2DM, including 17 with a history of low-traumatic fracture, 31 patients without fractures and 29 subjects of a control group. BMD was higher in patients with T2DM compared to the control group at L1–L4 (mean T-score 0.44, 95% CI -3.2 – 4.9 vs mean T-score 0.33, 95% CI -2.9 – 3.0 in a control group p=0.052) and Total Hip (mean T-score 0.51, 95% CI -2.1 – 3.0 vs mean T-score -0.03, 95% CI -1.4 – 1.2 in a control group p=0,025). The TBS and 10-year probability of fracture (FRAX) was not different in patients with T2DM versus the control group. However, when the TBS was entered as an additional risk factor, the 10-year probability of fracture became higher in patients with T2DM (10-year probability of fracture in T2DM- 8.68, 95% CI 0.3-25.0 versus 6.68, 95% CI 0.4–15.0 in control group, p=0.04). Among patients with diabetes with and without fractures the FRAX score was higher in subjects with fractures, but no difference was found in regards to BMD or TBS. Entering BMD and TBS values into the FRAX tool in subjects with diabetes and fractures decreased the FRAX score. However, patients with low-traumatic fractures should be treated for osteoporosis without a BMD, TBS or FRAX assessment. Conclusion. TBS improves the results of FRAX assessment in patients with T2DM and should be entered while evaluating FRAX in patients with T2DM. However, additional research is needed to develop a more sensitive tool to evaluate fracture risk in patients with T2DM