57 research outputs found

    Characteristics of thermal lens induced in active rod of cw Nd:YAG laser

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    The structure of thermal lens induced in active rod of cw Nd: YAG laser was investigated using the Mach-Zehnder interferometer and electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) system. It is shown that thermal lens has weak aberrations and coincides to the with that of parabolic lens. The se aberrations play role of perturbations and lead to the oscillation of all transversal modes that exceed the threshold of oscillation. It is shown that the change of the pumping level leads to thermal lens displacement and the changes of its principal planes

    Experimental study of the influence of pulse electrophoresis of blood plasma 0 (I) on healing of wounds and formation of normotrophic scars in laboratory animals

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    In experimental study confirmed the acceleration of wound healing and forming normotrophic scars tissue in laboratory animals using the transdermal administration of blood plasma 0 (I) by pulsed electrophoresis under the influence of an external magnetic field. It was established that the method proposed by the authors prevents the development of hypertrophic and keloid scars, and also stimulates tissue regeneration in the surgical area due to the activation of local regeneration processes

    Guías Argentinas para el diagnóstico, la prevención y el tratamiento de la osteoporosis 2015

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    La osteoporosis es una enfermedad en constante crecimiento y que afecta a más de 200 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Nuestras recomendaciones son guías para el diagnóstico, la prevención y tratamiento, pero no normas para las decisiones clínicas en casos individuales. El médico debe adaptarlas a situaciones en la práctica clínica cotidiana, incorporando factores personales que trascienden los límites de estas guías y hacen al saber y al arte de la práctica médica. Como todo conocimiento científico, deben ser actualizadas periódicamente a medida que se adquieran nuevas, mejores y más efectivas herramientas diagnósticas y terapéuticas.Osteoporosis is an evolving disease which affects over 200 million people worldwide. Our recommendations are guidelines for its diagnosis, prevention and treatment, but they do not constitute standards for clinical decisions in individual cases. The physician must adapt them to individual special situations, incorporating personal factors that transcend the limits of these guidelines and are dependent on the knowledge and art of the practice of Medicine. These guidelines should be reviewed and updated periodically as new, better and more effective diagnostic and therapeutic tools become available

    Strontium ranelate effect on bone mineral density is modified by previous bisphosphonate treatment

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of strontium ranelate (SrR) on bone mineral density (BMD) and boneturnover markers after 1 year of treatment. Additionally, theeffect of SrR in bisphosphonate-naïve patients (BP-naïve)compared to patients previously treated with bisphosphonates (BP-prior) was analyzed. This retrospective study included482 postmenopausal women treated with SrR (2 g/day) for 1year in ten Argentine centers; 41 patients were excludeddue to insufficient data, while 441 were included. Participants were divided according to previous bisphosphonatetreatment in two groups: BP-naïve (n = 87) and BP-prior (n = 350). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. After 1 year oftreatment with SrR the bone formation markers total alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin were increased (p < 0.0001),while the bone resorption marker s-CTX was decreased (p =0.0579). Also increases in BMD at the lumbar spine (LS,3.73%), femoral neck (FN, 2.00%) and total hip (TH, 1.54%) [p < 0.0001] were observed. These increments were significant(p < 0.0001) both among BP-naïve and BP-prior patients. Interestingly, the change in BMD after 1 year of SrR treatmentwas higher in BP-naïve patients: LS: BP-naïve = 4.58 ± 0.62%; BP-prior = 3.45 ± 0.28% (p = 0.078). FN: BP-naïve = 2.79 ±0.56%; BP-prior = 2.13 ± 0.29% (p = 0.161). TH: BP-naïve = 3.01± 0.55%; BP-prior = 1.22 ± 0.27% (p = 0.0006). SrR treatmentincreased BMD and bone formation markers and decreaseda bone resorption marker in the whole group, with betterresponse in BP-naïve patients.Fil: Brun, Lucas Ricardo Martín. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Ósea; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Galich, Ana M.. Hospital Italiano; ArgentinaFil: Vega, Eduardo. Instituto de la Mujer. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Salerni, Helena. Consultorios de Investigación Clínica Endocrinológica y del Metabolismo Óseo ; ArgentinaFil: Maffei, Laura. Consultorios Asociados de Endocrinología Dra. Laura Maffei; ArgentinaFil: Premrou, Valeria. Consultorios Asociados de Endocrinología Dra. Laura Maffei; ArgentinaFil: Costanzo, Paulo R. Consultorios de Investigación Clínica Endocrinológica y del Metabolismo Óseo ; ArgentinaFil: Sarli, Marcelo A. Instituto de Investigaciones Metabólicas Dr. Zanchetta; ArgentinaFil: Rey, Paula. Instituto de Investigaciones Metabólicas Dr. Zanchetta; ArgentinaFil: Larroudé, Maria S.. Hospital César Milstein; ArgentinaFil: Moggia, Maria S.. Centro Tiempo; ArgentinaFil: Brance, María Lorena. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Ósea; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez, Ariel. Centro de Endocrinología; ArgentinaFil: Grupo Argentino de Estudio del Ranelato de Estroncio. No especifica

    The Influence of the Game on the Intellectual Development of Preschool Children

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    В статье рассматриваются результаты опытно-экспериментальной работы по интеллектуальному развитию детей дошкольного возраста на основе игровой деятельности.The article deals with the results of experimental work on the intellectual development of preschool children based on play activities

    Argentine guidelines for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, 2015

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    La osteoporosis es una enfermedad en constante crecimiento y que afecta a más de 200 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Nuestras recomendaciones son guías para el diagnóstico, la prevención y tratamiento, pero no normas para las decisiones clínicas en casos individuales. El médico debe adaptarlas a situaciones en la práctica clínica cotidiana, incorporando factores personales que trascienden los límites de estas guías y hacen al saber y al arte de la práctica médica. Como todo conocimiento científico, deben ser actualizadas periódicamente a medida que se adquieran nuevas, mejores y más efectivas herramientas diagnósticas y terapéuticas.Osteoporosis is an evolving disease which affects over 200 million people worldwide. Our recommendations are guidelines for its diagnosis, prevention and treatment, but they do not constitute standards for clinical decisions in individual cases. The physician must adapt them to individual special situations, incorporating personal factors that transcend the limits of these guidelines and are dependent on the knowledge and art of the practice of Medicine. These guidelines should be reviewed and updated periodically as new, better and more effective diagnostic and therapeutic tools become available.Laboratorio de Investigación en Osteopatías y Metabolismo Minera

    Intellectual Development of Children in the Game

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    В статье рассматривается значение игры в интеллектуальном развитии. Даются определения таким терминам как: игра и интеллект. Авторами анализируются виды интеллекта, способы внутренней организации целостной системы интеллекта.The article discusses the importance of the game in intellectual development. Definitions are given for such terms as: game and intelligence

    Preoperative preparation of infected wounds of superficial tissues, using the method of hyperbaric oxygenation with the ozone-containing mixture

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    Preoperative preparation of infected wounds of superficial tissues, using the method of hyperbaric oxygenation with the ozone-containing mixtur

    Clinicomorphological features of various genesis multiple gestations

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    Проведен анализ клинико-морфологических особенностей 10 случаев индуцированной и 10 случаев спонтанной многоплодной беременности. Возраст первородящих женщин после экстракорпорального оплодотворения чаще превышал 30-летний рубеж. Редукции эмбрионов не сопровождались осложнениями. Оценка по Апгар новорожденных при индуцированном многоплодии превышала 7 баллов. Все многоплодные гестации, не учитывая генез многоплодия, имели осложнения течения беременности и в большинстве случаев — родоразрешение в срок. Бихориальная плацентация преобладала при индуцированной многоплодной беременности, при спонтанной многоплодной беременности монохориальные и бихориальные последы разделились поровну. Оболочечное прикрепление пуповины встречалось только при спонтанной многоплодной беременности в 5 % случаев.The clinicomorphological features were examined in 10 cases with multiple pregnancies after reproductive tecnologies application (IVF) and 10 cases with spontaneous multiple pregnancies. The age of primiparas after IVF was over 30. Selective reduction of multifetal pregnancies were not complicated. Apgar score assessment of newborns after induced multiple gestations was more than 7 points. All multiple pregnancies of a various genesis had complicated gestation and a delivery in time. The bichorionic placentation was registered more often in group of induced multiple gestations. At the same time in group of spontaneous multiple gestations monochorionic and bichorionic placentations were diagnosed equally. Velamentous placenta was registered in 5% cases only in the course of spontaneous multiple pregnancies

    Emerging topics in nanophononics and elastic, acoustic, and mechanical metamaterials: an overview

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    This broad review summarizes recent advances and “hot” research topics in nanophononics and elastic, acoustic, and mechanical metamaterials based on results presented by the authors at the EUROMECH 610 Colloquium held on April 25–27, 2022 in Benicássim, Spain. The key goal of the colloquium was to highlight important developments in these areas, particularly new results that emerged during the last two years. This work thus presents a “snapshot” of the state-of-the-art of different nanophononics- and metamaterial-related topics rather than a historical view on these subjects, in contrast to a conventional review article. The introduction of basic definitions for each topic is followed by an outline of design strategies for the media under consideration, recently developed analysis and implementation techniques, and discussions of current challenges and promising applications. This review, while not comprehensive, will be helpful especially for early-career researchers, among others, as it offers a broad view of the current state-of-the-art and highlights some unique and flourishing research in the mentioned fields, providing insight into multiple exciting research directions