44 research outputs found

    Edible films in the food industry

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    Jestivi filmovi nalaze se u uporabi već niz godina (želatina, kapsule, ovitci za kobasice, prevlake od čokolade, Å”ećera i od voska). Od suvremenih zaÅ”titnih fi lmova zahtijeva se: (i) dobra barijera prema vlazi; (ii) dobra barijera na kisik; i (iii) dobra mehanička i organoleptička svojstva. Aditivi hrane poput antimikotičnih tvari ili antioksidansi također se mogu dodati u jestive filmove u cilju poboljÅ”anja njihovih zaÅ”titnih svojstava koji ipak imaju slabija svojstva u odnosu na nejestive materijale. Primjena jestivih filmova je ogromna: pojedinačna zaÅ”tita proizvoda (npr. bombona, suhog voća, sireva, ribe, dijelova mesa, smrznute hrane itd.), kontrola unutarnje vlage ili transporta sokova, npr. kod proizvoda poput pita, pizza (smrznutih ili svježih proizvoda). Svrha jestivih filmova nije u zamjeni za nejestive-sintetičke ambalažne materijale. Njihova primjena očituje se u tome da djeluju na sveukupno poboljÅ”anje kvalitete hrane, povećaju njenu trajnost i/ili smanje udio upotrijebljene ambalaže.Edible food films have been used for many years (gelatine, capsules, sausage casings, chocolate or sugar coatings, wax coatings). Modern edible protective fi lms require: (i) good moisture barrier properties; (ii) good oxygen barrier properties; and (iii) good mechanical and organoleptic properties. Food additives such as antimycotic agents or antioxygen agents could be added to these films, to improve their protective effect which is generally poor compared to that of non-edible materials. Potential applications of edible films are numerous: individual protection (ex. candies, dry fruits, cheeses, fi sh, meat pieces, frozen foods etc.) control of internal moisture or solute transfers in products such as pies, cakes, pizzas (frozen or fresh). Food companies are looking to edible films and coatings to add value to their products, increase shelf-life and/or reduce packaging

    Food: The Chemistry of its Components

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    Food: The Chemistry of its Components

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    The Effect of Liquid Absorption on Gas Barrier Properties of Triplex Film Coated with Silicon Oxide

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    Polymeric triplex film with SiOx deposit (polyethylene terephthalate/polyethylene terephthalate+ SiOx/polyethylene) was analysed for its gas permeance characteristics. For this purpose the permeance of triplex film to oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide was analysed before and after the immersion into the test solutions (ethanol, acetic acid and distilled water). Gas permeance measurements were performed in temperature range from 20 to 60 Ā°C. The permeability of the treated triplex film (181ā€“241 cm3mā€“2 dā€“1 barā€“1) showed negligible changes in comparison with the untreated ones (164ā€“257 cm3 mā€“2 dā€“1 barā€“1). Due to the existence of inflection point at 40 oC, the Arrhenius equation was applied in narrow temperature ranges (20ā€“35 oC and 40ā€“60 oC). The obtained activation energies for the permeance of gases were correlated with different physical characteristics of permeates

    Possibilities of Nanotechnology Application in the Food Sector with Reference on its Consumers Acceptance

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    Nanotehnologija je jedna od najnovijih tehnologija koja je naÅ”la svoju primjenu u raznim granama industrije, uključujući i prehrambenu industriju. Ona ima važan utjecaj na znanost o hrani od toga kako je hrana proizvedena pa sve do toga kako je zapakirana. Nanotehnologija nudi niz prednosti za industriju i potroÅ”ače, ali treba uzeti u obzir i moguće rizike. Dostupna literatura ukazuje da mnoge nejasnoće oko nanomaterijala joÅ” uvijek postoje, uključujući i mogućnost bioakumulacije pa tako i potencijalne opasnosti za ljudsko zdravlje. Dok je moguća primjena nanotehnologije zaista Å”iroka i raznolika, razvoj se suočio s određenim oprezom, a napredak može biti stopiran zbog nedostatnog financiranja projekata i zbog potencijalnih rizika. U ovom radu prikazani su aspekti primjene nanotehnologije u prehrambenoj industriji, zakonodavni okvir te miÅ”ljenje potroÅ”ača o pitanju koriÅ”tenja nanotehnologije u hrani.Nanotechnology is one of the newest technologies that found its application in various fi elds, including food and beverage industry. It has an important impact on many aspects of food science, from the field of production to the fi eld of packaging. Although, nanotechnology offers many advantages for industry and consumers; the possible risks of its application should be taken into account. Available literature suggests that many uncertainties remain about nanomaterials, including the potential for bioaccumulation and potential human health risks. While proposed applications of nanotechnologies are wide and varied, developments are met with some caution, while progress may be stifled by lack of projects financial support and potential risks. This paper presents various possibilities of nanotechnology application in the food industry, the legislative framework and the opinion of consumers regarding the use of nanotechnology in food

    Trends in meat and meat products packaging ā€“ a review

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    The aim of any packaging system for fresh muscle foods is to prevent or delay undesirable changes to the appearance, flavour, odour, and texture. Deterioration in these qualities can result in economic losses due to consumer rejection of the product. Therefore, a preservative packaging should ideally inhibit undesirable enzyme activities, but not interfere with, or inhibit, activities that are beneficial. The non-enzimatic reactions that affect the organoleptic qualities of raw meats are invariably undesirable, so these should preferably be slowed or prevented by a preservative packaging

    Overview of packaging materials for Dairy packaging

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    Regarding milk producing, it is well known that processing and packaging are the two equally important operational phases. Packaging is the last, but definitely not the less important phase. Various automation strategies are constantly being utilized in every phase of processing, packaging and production/use of new packaging materials. The most suitable packaging will provide adequate properties to pack liquid milk and dairy products which have an important role to prolonged product shelf life. Temperature and moisture are important parameters which affect the shelf life of packaged milk and dairy products, due to their effect on the bacterial growth especially in fermented milk products. The aim of this review article is to introduce advantages and disadvantages and principles of packaging methods and materials correlated to shelflife of dairy products