14 research outputs found

    A Study Regarding the Effects of Intercropping Celery with Cauliflower and Cherry Tomatoes

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    It has been proved that intercropping is a suitable approach for vegetable growing providing a high degree of sustainability. Due to its advantages this system reduces the presence of weeds, diseases and pests.Research was carried out in the experimental field of V. Adamachi farm from USAMV Iaşi. The biological material consist in three vegetable species: celery, cherry tomatoes and cauliflower and a flower, French marigold, cultivated in two intercropping systems, celery + cherry tomato + French marigold and celery + cauliflower. Biometric evaluations of celery plants were done on the edible part, length and width of the stalk and leaf, and number of leafs per plant.The obtained results showed in the two intercropping systems that celery plants were well developed, with a rich rosette and intense green colour of leaves. Celery, intercropped with cauliflower has a length and number of stalks slightly higher than the other system.The aim of this study is to analyze the agronomic and ornamental performances of the intercrop systems of celery with cauliflower and celery with tomatoes

    Stadiul cunoaşterii asupra cultivării plantelor legumicole microgreens

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    Microgreens are a form of young plants produced from vegetables, aromatic plants and other species harvested between 7 and 25 days. They range in size, from 3 to 10 cm, are more developed than germs and smaller than the "petit" and "baby" plants. Vegetable plants of the microgreens type can be considered a visual plus but also nutritional for any dish. The main advantage of this type of culture is the vegetation period, which is very short. This paper presents several important aspects of microgreens plant production technology and its success

    Rezultate partiale într-o cultură de busuioc în sistem de intercropping

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    The paper presents the behavior of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) crop in two intercropping systems with runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) and cherry tomatoes (Licopersicon esculentum L.). The obtained results were evaluated based on morphological and phenological characteristics of the chosen species, revealing the agrophitotechnological character of alimentary basil and its productivity in the two intercropping systems. Due to the decorative valences that basil presents, which were highlighted in the intercropping systems, this species brings unity and harmony to the specific ornamental vegetable garden of our country

    Grădini legumicole ornamentale in sistem familial

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    Ornamental vegetable gardens have a long history on the European continent. The design of the gardens is different due to influences originated from customs and traditions, which represent important elements in their composition and are reflected in the vegetable growing methods and species used. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the opportunities that these gardens have and to satisfy the nutritional and aesthetic needs of a family.To reach the aim and proposed objectives a series of experiments and case studies were conducted. By combining the owners underlined nutritional needs from our previous studies and the obtained results from our experiments, applicable solutions were created for family vegetable gardens.From a therapeutic pointof view this type of landscape design helps maintain cultural identity, encouraging communication and socialization between members of a community.The obtained results show that the studied family gardens situated in urban areas have a positive influenceon the sustainability of the community maintaining a “heathy life style” for its inhabitants

    Influence of ecological foliar fertilizers on yield and morphometric parameters in cultivated medicinal and aromatic plants (basil, marigold, artichoke)

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    The significance of cultivating aromatic and medicinal plants in ecological settings derives also from the fact that the usage of such species implies direct contact with humans, through consumption or otherwise. Enhanced knowledge of herbs and spices and their ecological cropping is required for a better exploitation of their outstanding properties and which are based on biologically active substances such as alkaloids, phenolic compounds or essential oils. This paper includes the results of the research conducted within UASVM Iasi, Faculty of Agronomy, focused on the influence of ecological foliar fertilizers (Fylo®, Geolino Plants&Flowers®, Cropmax®, Fitokondi®) on the yield and morphological indices on medicinal and aromatic plants: basil, marigold and artichoke. Our results showed positive effects of ecological foliar fertilizers on the investigated plant species, especially on the yield of fresh herbs

    Studii preliminare privind cultura plantelor legumicole în ghivece şi containere

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    This paper presents a literature review of the vegetable growing in pots and containers. Growing vegetables in this system it is known for a long time in the countries of Western Europe and in some areas of our country. Adopting this system in Romania requires in-depth studies regarding: the suitable species, the type of pots and soil recipes needed, crop establishment and maintenance (fertilizers aplication, irrigation) and, in some cases, optimization of the certain referring to light and placement of pots and containers. This cultivation system is spread mainly in peri-urban areas were the interest among gardeners to grow their own crops and secure their vegetable needs is high and has a favorable environment. Vegetable plants cultivated in pots and containers present a large diversity worldwide but, within this diversity, the climatic conditions from our country must be appropriate for an efficient activity

    Studii privind realizarea unei grădini ornamentale în stil geometric utilizând plante legumicole în sistem de intercropping

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    This paper presents a literature review of the species Lactuca sativa L. regarding its decorative characters and productive potential, in association with other vegetables, based on morphological, physiological and technological characteristics. Based on these characteristics, the geometric display of the species and the possibility of growing them in intercropping system was elaborated. The studied species are two tips of lettuce, Lollo Rossa and May King, in intercropping systems with spinach, red orache, onions and lavender. The obtained results were congruent with the ones that specialized literature offered, the needed ornamental valences of an aesthetic family vegetable garden are offered by the decorative characters of the chosen species

    Reziduurile de pesticide organofosforice din sol și fructe la o cultură de castraveți

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    This paper presents a study on the content of organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs) in a cucumber crop, in two different cultivation systems, conventional (intensive) of Tg. Frumos area and "V. Adamachi" organic farm that belongs of UASVM Iasi. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the content of OPPs correlate with cultivation system applied in poly-tunnels. OPPs residues were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometery on Shimadzu GC-2100. As a result of analysis, in conventional farm were detected in soil and fruits residue of pesticides as: Omethoate, Phorate and Phosmet. Pesticide contents were within the maximum allowed by EC Regulation no. 396/2005

    Studii de caz referitoare la folosirea design-ului peisager în cultura legumelor

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    The paper presents an analysis of Romanian household vegetable gardens, based on ornamental criteria and specific vegetable growing technologies characteristic to these plant displays in cultivation. The weak and strong points of the studied vegetable gardens were marked out through a SWOT analysis and based on it solutions were elaborated to improve them on an aesthetic, technologic and workable level in accordance with specialized literature. The obtained results offered unity, balance and an increasing aesthetic value to the plant display, participating in an active mater to the enlargement of their sustainability degree