1,627 research outputs found

    SVOM pointing strategy: how to optimize the redshift measurements?

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    The Sino-French SVOM mission (Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor) has been designed to detect all known types of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and to provide fast and reliable GRB positions. In this study we present the SVOM pointing strategy which should ensure the largest number of localized bursts allowing a redshift measurement. The redshift measurement can only be performed by large telescopes located on Earth. The best scientific return will be achieved if we are able to combine constraints from both space segment (platform and payload) and ground telescopes (visibility).Comment: Proceedings of Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007 conference, Santa Fe, USA, 5-9 November 2007. Published in AIP conf. proc. 1000, 585-588 (2008

    Resolving The ISM Surrounding GRBs with Afterglow Spectroscopy

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    We review current research related to spectroscopy of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows with particular emphasis on the interstellar medium (ISM) of the galaxies hosting these high redshift events. These studies reveal the physical conditions of star-forming galaxies and yield clues to the nature of the GRB progenitor. We offer a pedagogical review of the experimental design and review current results. The majority of sightlines are characterized by large HI column densities, negligible molecular fraction, the ubiquitous detection of UV pumped fine-structure transitions, and metallicities ranging from 1/100 to nearly solar abundance.Comment: Conference procedings for Gamma Ray Bursts 2007 November 5-9, 2007 Santa Fe, New Mexico (8 pages, 4 figures

    Coherent Control of Trapped Bosons

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    We investigate the quantum behavior of a mesoscopic two-boson system produced by number-squeezing ultracold gases of alkali metal atoms. The quantum Poincare maps of the wavefunctions are affected by chaos in those regions of the phase space where the classical dynamics produces features that are comparable to hbar. We also investigate the possibility for quantum control in the dynamics of excitations in these systems. Controlled excitations are mediated by pulsed signals that cause Stimulated Raman Adiabatic passage (STIRAP) from the ground state to a state of higher energy. The dynamics of this transition is affected by chaos caused by the pulses in certain regions of the phase space. A transition to chaos can thus provide a method of controlling STIRAP.Comment: 17 figures, Appended a paragraph on section 1 and explained details behind the hamiltonian on section

    TALON - The Telescope Alert Operation Network System: Intelligent Linking of Distributed Autonomous Robotic Telescopes

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    The internet has brought about great change in the astronomical community, but this interconnectivity is just starting to be exploited for use in instrumentation. Utilizing the internet for communicating between distributed astronomical systems is still in its infancy, but it already shows great potential. Here we present an example of a distributed network of telescopes that performs more efficiently in synchronous operation than as individual instruments. RAPid Telescopes for Optical Response (RAPTOR) is a system of telescopes at LANL that has intelligent intercommunication, combined with wide-field optics, temporal monitoring software, and deep-field follow-up capability all working in closed-loop real-time operation. The Telescope ALert Operations Network (TALON) is a network server that allows intercommunication of alert triggers from external and internal resources and controls the distribution of these to each of the telescopes on the network. TALON is designed to grow, allowing any number of telescopes to be linked together and communicate. Coupled with an intelligent alert client at each telescope, it can analyze and respond to each distributed TALON alert based on the telescopes needs and schedule.Comment: Presentation at SPIE 2004, Glasgow, Scotland (UK

    SkyDOT (Sky Database for Objects in the Time Domain): A Virtual Observatory for Variability Studies at LANL

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    The mining of Virtual Observatories (VOs) is becoming a powerful new method for discovery in astronomy. Here we report on the development of SkyDOT (Sky Database for Objects in the Time domain), a new Virtual Observatory, which is dedicated to the study of sky variability. The site will confederate a number of massive variability surveys and enable exploration of the time domain in astronomy. We discuss the architecture of the database and the functionality of the user interface. An important aspect of SkyDOT is that it is continuously updated in near real time so that users can access new observations in a timely manner. The site will also utilize high level machine learning tools that will allow sophisticated mining of the archive. Another key feature is the real time data stream provided by RAPTOR (RAPid Telescopes for Optical Response), a new sky monitoring experiment under construction at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).Comment: to appear in SPIE proceedings vol. 4846, 11 pages, 5 figure

    Thermodynamically self-consistent liquid state theories for systems with bounded potentials

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    The mean spherical approximation (MSA) can be solved semi-analytically for the Gaussian core model (GCM) and yields - rather surprisingly - exactly the same expressions for the energy and the virial equations. Taking advantage of this semi-analytical framework, we apply the concept of the self-consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation (SCOZA) to the GCM: a state-dependent function K is introduced in the MSA closure relation which is determined to enforce thermodynamic consistency between the compressibility route and either the virial or energy route. Utilizing standard thermodynamic relations this leads to two different differential equations for the function K that have to be solved numerically. Generalizing our concept we propose an integro-differential-equation based formulation of the SCOZA which, although requiring a fully numerical solution, has the advantage that it is no longer restricted to the availability of an analytic solution for a particular system. Rather it can be used for an arbitrary potential and even in combination with other closure relations, such as a modification of the hypernetted chain approximation.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Path-integral calculation of the third virial coefficient of quantum gases at low temperatures

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    We derive path-integral expressions for the second and third virial coefficients of monatomic quantum gases. Unlike previous work that considered only Boltzmann statistics, we include exchange effects (Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac statistics). We use state-of-the-art pair and three-body potentials to calculate the third virial coefficient of 3He and 4He in the temperature range 2.6-24.5561 K. We obtain uncertainties smaller than those of the limited experimental data. Inclusion of exchange effects is necessary to obtain accurate results below about 7 K.Comment: The following article has been accepted by The Journal of Chemical Physics. After it is published, it will be found at http://jcp.aip.org/ Version 2 includes the corrections detailed in the Erratu

    Interacting Binaries with Eccentric Orbits. III. Orbital Evolution due to Direct Impact and Self-Accretion

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    The rapid circularization and synchronization of the stellar components in an eccentric binary system at the onset of Roche lobe overflow (RLO) is a fundamental assumption common to all binary stellar evolution and population synthesis codes, even though the validity of this assumption is questionable both theoretically and observationally. Here we calculate the evolution of the orbital elements of an eccentric binary through the direct three-body integration of a massive particle ejected through the inner Lagrangian point of the donor star at periastron. The trajectory of this particle leads to three possible outcomes: direct accretion (DA) onto the companion star within a single orbit, self-accretion (SA) back onto the donor star within a single orbit, or a quasi-periodic orbit around the companion star. We calculate the secular evolution of the binary orbit in the first two cases and conclude that DA can increase or decrease the orbital semi-major axis and eccentricity, while SA always decreases the orbital both orbital elements. In cases where mass overflow contributes to circularizing the orbit, circularization can set in on timescales as short as a few per cent of the mass transfer timescale. In cases where mass overflow increases the eccentricity, the orbital evolution is governed by competition between mass overflow and tidal torques. In the absence of tidal torques, mass overflow resulting in DI can lead to substantially subsynchronously rotating donor stars. Contrary to common assumptions, DI furthermore does not always provide a strong sink of orbital angular momentum in close mass-transferring binaries; in fact we instead find that a significant part can be returned to the orbit during the particle orbit. The formulation presented here can be combined with stellar and binary evolution codes to generate a better picture of the evolution of eccentric, RLO binary star systems.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Relativistic Particle-In-Cell Simulation Studies of Prompt and Early Afterglows from GRBs

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    Nonthermal radiation observed from astrophysical systems containing relativistic jets and shocks e.g. gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and microquasars commonly exhibit power-law emission spectra. Recent PIC simulations of relativistic electron-ion (or electron-positron) jets injected into a stationary medium show that particle acceleration occurs within the downstream jet. In collisionless relativistic shocks particle (electron, positron and ion) acceleration is due to plasma waves and their associated instabilities (e.g. the Weibel (filamentation) instability) created in the shock region. The simulations show that the Weibel instability is responsible for generating and amplifying highly non-uniform small-scale magnetic fields. These fields contribute to the electron's transverse deflection behind the jet head. The resulting ``jitter'' radiation from deflected electrons has different properties compared to synchrotron radiation which assumes a uniform magnetic field. Jitter radiation may be important for understanding the complex time evolution and/or spectra in gamma-ray bursts, relativistic jets in general and supernova remnants.Comment: 19 pages,7 figures, contributed talk at Seventh European Workshop on Collisionless Shocks, Paris, 7- 9 November 2007. High resolution version can be obtained at http://gammaray.nsstc.nasa.gov/~nishikawa/shockws07.pd

    Efficient algorithms for rigid body integration using optimized splitting methods and exact free rotational motion

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    Hamiltonian splitting methods are an established technique to derive stable and accurate integration schemes in molecular dynamics, in which additional accuracy can be gained using force gradients. For rigid bodies, a tradition exists in the literature to further split up the kinetic part of the Hamiltonian, which lowers the accuracy. The goal of this note is to comment on the best combination of optimized splitting and gradient methods that avoids splitting the kinetic energy. These schemes are generally applicable, but the optimal scheme depends on the desired level of accuracy. For simulations of liquid water it is found that the velocity Verlet scheme is only optimal for crude simulations with accuracies larger than 1.5%, while surprisingly a modified Verlet scheme (HOA) is optimal up to accuracies of 0.4% and a fourth order gradient scheme (GIER4) is optimal for even higher accuracies.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. Added clarifying comments. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physic