1,567 research outputs found

    Osteoporosis and vertebral trabecular bone health: an historico-anthropological perspective

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    This brief review article aims to recapitulate the history of osteoporosis from the most ancient observations to the current clinical definition, by offering a perspective on trabecular bone health and degeneration, which has become of paramount important both in clinical, radiological and biological anthropological studies

    Functional biases in GRB's spectral parameter correlations

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    Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) show evidence of different spectral shapes, light curves, duration, host galaxies and they explode within a wide redshift range. However, the most of them seems to follow very tight correlations among some observed quantities relating to their energetic. If true, these correlations have significant implications on burst physics, giving constraints on theoretical models. Moreover, several suggestions have been made to use these correlations in order to calibrate GRBs as standard candles and to constrain the cosmological parameters. We investigate the cosmological relation between low energy α\alpha index in GRBs prompt spectra and the redshift zz. We present a statistical analysis of the relation between the total isotropic energy EisoE_{iso} and the peak energy EpE_p (also known as Amati relation) in GRBs spectra searching for possible functional biases. Possible implications on the EisoE_{iso} vs EpE_p relation of the α\alpha vs (1+z)(1+z) correlation are evaluated. We used MonteCarlo simulations and the boostrap method to evaluate how large are the effects of functional biases on the EisoE_{iso} vs EpE_p. We show that high values of the linear correlation coefficent, up to about 0.8, in the EisoE_{iso} vs EpE_p relation are obtained for random generated samples of GRBs, confirming the relevance of functional biases. Astrophysical consequences from EisoE_{iso} vs EpE_p relation are then to be revised after a more accurate and possibly bias free analysis.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, conference poster session: "070228: The Next Decade of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows", Amsterdam, March 2007, MNRAS submitte

    SVOM pointing strategy: how to optimize the redshift measurements?

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    The Sino-French SVOM mission (Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor) has been designed to detect all known types of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and to provide fast and reliable GRB positions. In this study we present the SVOM pointing strategy which should ensure the largest number of localized bursts allowing a redshift measurement. The redshift measurement can only be performed by large telescopes located on Earth. The best scientific return will be achieved if we are able to combine constraints from both space segment (platform and payload) and ground telescopes (visibility).Comment: Proceedings of Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007 conference, Santa Fe, USA, 5-9 November 2007. Published in AIP conf. proc. 1000, 585-588 (2008

    Phase transitions and phase diagram of the ferroelectric perovskite NBT-BT by anelastic and dielectric measurements

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    The complex elastic compliance and dielectric susceptibility of (Na_{0.5}Bi_{0.5})_{1-x}Ba_{x}TiO_{3} (NBT-BT) have been measured in the composition range between pure NBT and the morphotropic phase boundary included, 0 <= x <= 0.08. The compliance of NBT presents sharp peaks at the rhombohedral/tetragonal and tetragonal/cubic transitions, allowing the determination of the tetragonal region of the phase diagram, up to now impossible due to the strong lattice disorder and small distortions and polarizations involved. In spite of ample evidence of disorder and structural heterogeneity, the R-T transition remains sharp up to x = 0.06, whereas the T-C transition merges into the diffuse and relaxor-like transition associated with broad maxima of the dielectric and elastic susceptibilities. An attempt is made at relating the different features in the anelastic and dielectric curves to different modes of octahedral rotations and polar cation shifts. The possibility is also considered that the cation displacements locally have monoclinic symmetry, as for PZT near the morphotropic phase boundary.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Swiss Canton of Thurgau – not the Kingdom of Bavaria—was the first state to introduce compulsory vaccination against smallpox

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    In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries introduced compulsory vaccination. Even earlier, in the infancy of the vaccination tradition, there used to be instances of compulsory vaccination against smallpox, one of the deadliest known enemies of human health until its utter eradication in 1980.In the scientific literature, the Kingdom of Bavaria (1805–1918) is often reported to have been the first state entity to have introduced compulsory vaccination in 1807. Nonetheless, it was the Canton of Thurgau (Kanton Thurgau or Thurgovia, Fig. 1a), in Eastern Switzerland, that first issued such an ordinance in 1806..

    COVID-19, a viral endocrinological disease?

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    Ever since Chinese health officials informed the WHO of the presence of 44 patients suffering from an anomalous pneumonia apparently linked with the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market (Wuhan City) on 3rd January 2020, a conspicuous number of scientific publications on COVID-19 have understandably focused either on the main clinical presentation of the novel pathological entity or the response of the immune system to its pathogenic agent, thus following in the footsteps of the established hermeneutical research approach of contemporary infectivological studies..

    The antiquity of hydrocephalus: the first full palaeo-neuropathological description

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    The Pathology Museum of the University of Florence houses a rich collection of anatomical specimens and over a hundred waxworks portraying pathological conditions occurring in the nineteenth century, when the museum was established. Clinical and autopsy findings of these cases can still be retrieved from the original museum catalogue, offering a rare opportunity for retrospective palaeo-pathological diagnostics. We present a historical case of severe hydrocephalus backed by modern-day anthropological, radiological and molecular analyses conducted on the skeleton of an 18-month-old male infant deceased in 1831. Luigi Calamai (1796-1851), a wax craftsman of La Specola workshop in Florence, was commissioned to create a life-sized wax model of the child's head, neck and upper thorax. This artwork allows us to appreciate the cranial and facial alterations determined by 30&nbsp;lb of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) accumulated within the cerebral ventricular system. Based on the autopsy report, gross malformations of the neural tube, tumours and haemorrhage could be excluded. A molecular approach proved helpful in confirming sex. We present this case as the so-far most compelling case of hydrocephalus in palaeo-pathological research

    CFD Code Validation against Stratified Air-Water Flow Experimental Data

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    Pressurized thermal shock (PTS) modelling has been identified as one of the most important industrial needs related to nuclear reactor safety. A severe PTS scenario limiting the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) lifetime is the cold water emergency core cooling (ECC) injection into the cold leg during a loss of coolant accident (LOCA). Since it represents a big challenge for numerical simulations, this scenario was selected within the European Platform for Nuclear Reactor Simulations (NURESIM) Integrated Project as a reference two-phase problem for computational fluid dynamics (CFDs) code validation. This paper presents a CFD analysis of a stratified air-water flow experimental investigation performed at the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse in 1985, which shares some common physical features with the ECC injection in PWR cold leg. Numerical simulations have been carried out with two commercial codes (Fluent and Ansys CFX), and a research code (NEPTUNE CFD). The aim of this work, carried out at the University of Pisa within the NURESIM IP, is to validate the free surface flow model implemented in the codes against experimental data, and to perform code-to-code benchmarking. Obtained results suggest the relevance of three-dimensional effects and stress the importance of a suitable interface drag modelling

    Switchable Genetic Oscillator Operating in Quasi-Stable Mode

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    Ring topologies of repressing genes have qualitatively different long-term dynamics if the number of genes is odd (they oscillate) or even (they exhibit bistability). However, these attractors may not fully explain the observed behavior in transient and stochastic environments such as the cell. We show here that even repressilators possess quasi-stable, travelling-wave periodic solutions that are reachable, long-lived and robust to parameter changes. These solutions underlie the sustained oscillations observed in even rings in the stochastic regime, even if these circuits are expected to behave as switches. The existence of such solutions can also be exploited for control purposes: operation of the system around the quasi-stable orbit allows us to turn on and off the oscillations reliably and on demand. We illustrate these ideas with a simple protocol based on optical interference that can induce oscillations robustly both in the stochastic and deterministic regimes.Comment: 24 pages, 5 main figure