47 research outputs found


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    U kolovozu 2005., posebice u prvoj dekadi, istočnu jadransku obalu zahvatila su dva vremenska poremećaja popraćena značajnim padom temperature zraka i obilnijom oborinom, Å”to nije uobičajeno za taj dio ljeta. Ocjena ovih izvanrednih pojava provedena je pomoću podataka s meteoroloÅ”kih postaja: Rijeka, Mali LoÅ”inj, Zadar, Hvar i Dubrovnik, i to srednjih dnevnih temperatura zraka za kolovoz (1948-2005) i količine oborine u prvoj dekadi kolovoza (1961-2005). Ocjenjivanje je provedeno pomoću dvije metode: kriterija standardne devijacije i kriterija percentila. Kao referentno razdoblje koriÅ”teno je standardno klimatoloÅ”ko razdoblje 1961-1990. U promatranih 57 godina, samo je kod 7 godina prva dekada kolovoza bila hladnija od prve dekade kolovoza 2005. barem na jednoj od pet postaja. Samo kod dvije godine (1955. i 1976.) prva dekada kolovoza bila je na svim postajama hladnija od prve dekade kolovoza 2005. Prema kriteriju percentila, gledajući izdvojeno prvu dekadu kolovoza 2005., pokazalo se da su postaje Rijeka i Mali LoÅ”inj bile u kategoriji vrlo kiÅ”no (>91%), dok su Zadar, Hvar i Dubrovnik bili u kategoriji kiÅ”no (>75%)

    Stationarity, Trend and Periodicity of Precipitation at the Zagreb-Grič Observatory from 1862 to 1990

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    This paper deals with the climatic change in the annual, warm half-year and cold half-year precipitation data during the last 129 years, since the beginning of the series in 1862 to 1990, at the Zagreb-Grič Observatory (Ļ† = 45Ā° 49\u27, Ī» = 15Ā° 59\u27, H = 159 m a.s.l.) located in the northwestern part of Croatia. The analysis has been deduced by using tests for normality, the "quick test" for stationarity according to Schƶnwiese and Malcher, weighted moving average filters, the Mann-Kendall rank statistic for trend, and the power spectrum analysis. This analysis shows the stationarity of time series of precipitation amounts. A generally decreasing, not statistically significant trend is present over the entire time interval (1862-1990). The annual and warm half-year precipitation spectra can be fitted by Markov "red noise" continuum and the cold half-year precipitation series by that of "white noise". Quasi-periodic oscillations appear in two spectra ranges: short (2 - 6 years) and medium (16 - 43 years)


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    Mount Medvednica, situated at the SE edge of the Alps as an isolated mountain presents an attractive destination for large number of visitors during the whole year. Snow regime over Medvednica (about 1000 m high), presents very risky factor in winter tourism. This study investigates snow cover frequency, duration and quantity for the referent period 1961-1990 at different profiles. At the top of Medvednica snow is falling on average on 54 days and at the altitude of 600 m on 30 days, most frequently 41-70 days, and 21-30 days respectively. Snow winter lasts from 121-239 days at the top to 104-186 days at 600 m a.s.l., but not with continuous snow cover. Days with snow cover >= 30 cm, necessary for alpine skiing and snowboarding, appears in 15% days annually at the top and in 7% of days at 600 m, that is a rather short duration for ski season. Snow cover >= 10 cm, necessary for development of cross-country skiing or snow mobiling has been analysed as well. Because of rather short duration of snow cover >= 30 cm, climatological analysis of relations between minimum temperatures and relative humidity have been done as a base for estimation of snow making possibilities at higher altitudes


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    In this paper, we considered the occurrence of extreme short-term rainfall in the region of Rijeka city, analyzed the extreme values, and commented on application of the results. We estimated the maximum precipitation amounts for different occurrence probabilities (return periods) for time intervals of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 minutes, as well as 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours, using data taken at the Rijeka meteorological station over periods of 1958ā€“2011 and 1958ā€“2012. Additionally, we evaluated the extremity of a heavy rainfall event that affected the city of Rijeka on September 12th, 2012. Using absolute extremes recorded for time intervals of 20 minutes to 2 hours, we accounted for precipitation peaks to calculate new intensityā€“durationā€“return period curves for Rijeka. In this way, we revised the precipitation input parameters used to plan and design urban drainage systems. This revision included significant changes for durations of 20, 30, and 40 minutes, for which the amounts recorded on September 12th, 2012 had return periods of longer than 100 years


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    Data on air and road surface temperatures not beeing available, climatological data from the site of the meteorological station have been used to determine the temperature relations needed for predicting road slipperiness. The analysis has been made for the cold period of the year (September to May) for the 10-year period 1971-1980 at the Zagreb-Maksimir station, located in the Sava River valley at the foot of Mount Medvednica. The analysis involves the relations between minimum air temperatures at two levels, 2 m and 5 cm as well as between minimum air temperatures at 2 m height and soil temperatures at 5 cm depth at 7 a.m. during various weather situations, defined according to average cloudiness, wind conditions, fog and frozen ground during the night preceding the occurrence of minimum temperatures. In weather situations with prevailing radiation processes (clear/calm and partly cloudy/calm), the minimum surface air temperatures are always lower than at 2 m height. On the other hand, after cloudy nights, regardless of wind velocity, the minimum surface temperatures are lower than those at 2 m only above determined temperature levels. The minimum air temperatures at 5 cm height are lower than 0Ā°C when the minimum temperatures at 2 m height are lower than 3Ā°C during clear/calm, clear/windy and partly cloudy/calm situations. During partly cloudy/windy, cloudy/calm and cloudy/windy situations, the differences between minimum temperatures at these two levels are smaller, and consequently, negative minimum surface temperatures appear if the minimum temperatures at 2 m are about 0Ā°C. The relations between minimum air temperatures and soil temperatures do not differ significantly for different weather types. However, they differ considerably from month to month. According to these conclusions, soil temperatures should be predicted particularly by means of regression equations obtained for each month

    Climate change and the influence on health

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    Povećana koncentracija stakleničkih plinova zbog ljudskih aktivnosti uzrokovala je globalno zatopljenje koje je u proteklom stoljeću bilo najveće u posljednjih 1000 godina. Zatopljenje je zabilježeno i u Hrvatskoj, gdje je temperatura na obali porasla viÅ”e nego u unutraÅ”njosti, pri čemu je zatopljenju na obali najviÅ”e pridonio porast ljetnih, a u unutraÅ”njosti zimskih temperatura zraka. Klimatske promjene utječu na zdravlje ljudi, pri čemu se najviÅ”e ističe povećana smrtnost za toplinskih valova, čija se učestalost također povećava s globalnim zatopljenjem. Infektivne bolesti osobito su podložne vremenskom utjecaju, jer vrijeme, pa tako i klimatske promjene, utječe na sve sudionike transmisijskog ciklusa ā€“patogene, prijenosnike i ljude.The increased concentration of greenhouse gases caused by the human activities has an impact on the global warming, the highest one during the last 1000 years. The warming has been also observed in Croatia. The air temperature increased along the Croatian Adriatic coastland more than in the mainland. Summer temperature increase contributed at most to the annual increase at the coast, and the winter temperature increase over the inland. Climate change has an impact on the human health, mostly expressed in an increased mortality during heat waves, whose frequency has also increased with the global warming. Infectious diseases are especially subject to weather influence, because weather, and thereby climate changes, influence all participants in the transmission cycle ā€“ pathogens, vectors and humans