386 research outputs found

    Determination of absorption of vitamin B<SUB>12</SUB> by a double isotope tracer technique

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    A new simple method for the study of vitamin B12 absorption involving the use of two tracers is described. Along with 58Co labeled vitamin B12 an unabsorbable marker in the form of 51Cr labeled chromic oxide is administered to the patients. The ratio of the activities of the two isotopes in the standard is compared with the ratio of the activies of these isotopes in an aliquot of a stool sample collected after 24 or 48 hours. The absorption of labeled vitamin B12 is estimated from the alteration in the ratio of absorbable and unabsorbable isotopes in the stool sample. The method compares well with other methods of estimating vitamin B12 absorption such as Schilling's test, total faecal collection and whole body counting

    Fluctuation Effects And Order Parameter Symmetry In The Cuprate Superconductors

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    Effect of phase fluctuations on superconducting states with anisotropic order parameters is studied in a BCS like lattice model of cuprate superconductors. The degradation of the mean field transition temperature due to phase fluctuations is estimated within a Kosterlitz-Thouless scenario. Values of the interaction parameters for optimal doping, corresponding to a stable superconducting state of SxyS_{xy} symmetry, which fit the nodal structure of the superconducting order parameter in the Bi2212 compound, are obtained. The angular position of the node is found to be insensitive to the dopant concentration.Comment: Latex file, 8 output pages, 5 figures (available from Authors on request), to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Modeling low pressure collisional plasma sheath with space-charge effect

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    The present work develops a computationally efficient one-dimensional subgrid embedded finite element formulation for plasma-sheath dynamics. The model incorporates space-charge effect throughout the whole plasma and the sheath region using multifluid equations. Secondary electron emission is not considered. A third-order temperature dependent polynomial is used to self-consistently calculate the rate of ionization in the plasma dynamic equations. The applications include dc and rf sheath inside a glow discharge tube where the noble gas is immobile, and a partially ionized plasma sheath inside an electric propulsion thruster channel in which the gas flows. The electron and ion number densities of the numerical solution decrease in the sheath region as expected. The ion velocity and electron temperature profiles also exhibit the expected behavior. The computed sheath potential compares well with the available experimental data. © 2003 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/69919/2/PHPAEN-10-6-2578-1.pd

    Thyroid hormones And [<SUP>14</SUP>C] glucose metabolism in bacteria

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    The effects of triiodothyronine and thyroxine on metabolism and growth of bacteria were studied. It was observed that over a certain range of concentration thyroxine and triiodothyronine produced increase in 14CO2 release from [14C]-labeled glucose and also stimulated bacteria growth

    Resonant absorption at the vortex-core states in d-wave superconductors

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    We predict a resonant microwave absorption on collective vortex modes in a superclean d-wave superconductor. Energies of the collective modes are multiples of the distance between the exact quantum levels of bound states in the vortex core at lower temperatures and involve delocalized states for higher temperatures. We calculate the vortex mass in a d-wave superconductor as a response to a slow acceleration of the vortex. The universal flux-flow regime predicted by N. Kopnin and G. Volovik [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1377 (1997)] is discussed in more detail.Comment: RevTex file, 10 page

    Josephson Coupling through a Quantum Dot

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    We derive, via fourth order perturbation theory, an expression for the Josephson current through a gated interacting quantum dot. We analyze our expression for two different models of the superconductor-dot-superconductor (SDS) system. When the matrix elements connecting dot and leads are featureless constants, we compute the Josephson coupling J_c as a function of the gate voltage and Coulomb interaction. In the diffusive dot limit, we compute the probability distribution P(J_c) of Josephson couplings. In both cases, pi junction behavior (J_c < 0) is possible, and is not simply dependent on the parity of the dot occupancy.Comment: 9 pages; 3 encapsulated PostScript figure

    Dynamic vortex mass in clean Fermi superfluids and superconductors

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    We calculate the dynamic vortex mass for clean Fermi superfluids including both s- and d-wave superconductors as a response to a vortex acceleration. Assuming a finite quasiparticle mean free time, the vortex mass appears to be a tensor. The diagonal component dominates in the limit of long mean free time while the off-diagonal mass takes over in the moderately clean regime.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, typeset using RevTe

    Bilayers of Chiral Spin States

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    We study the behavior of two planes of Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet in the regime in which a Chiral Spin Liquid is stabilized in each plane. The planes are coupled by an exchange interaction of strength J3J_3. We show that in the regime of small J3J_3 (for both ferromagnetic {\it and} antiferromagnetic coupling), the system dynamically selects an \underline{antiferromagnetic} ordering of the ground state {\it chiralities} of the planes. For the case of an antiferromagnetic interaction between the planes, we find that, at some critical value J3cJ_3^c of the inter-layer coupling, there is a phase transition to a valence-bond state on the interlayer links. We derive an effective Landau-Ginzburg theory for this phase transition. It contains two U(1)U(1) gauge fields coupled to the order parameter field. We study the low energy spectrum of each phase. In the condensed phase an ``anti-Higgs-Anderson" mechanism occurs. It effectively restores time-reversal invariance by rendering massless one of the gauge fields while the other field locks the chiral degrees of freedom locally. There is no phase transition for ferromagnetic couplings.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. B; shortened version; several typos correcte

    Phase Diagram of the Half-Filled Extended Hubbard Model in Two Dimensions

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    We consider an extended Hubbard model of interacting fermions on a lattice. The fermion kinetic energy corresponds to a tight binding Hamiltonian with nearest neighbour (-t) and next nearest neighbour (t') hopping matrix elements. In addition to the onsite Hubbard interaction (U) we also consider a nearest neighbour repulsion (V). We obtain the zero temperature phase diagram of our model within the Hartree-Fock approximation. We consider ground states having charge and spin density wave ordering as well as states with orbital antiferromagnetism or spin nematic order. The latter two states correspond to particle-hole binding with dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry in the charge and spin channels respectively. For t=0t' = 0, only the charge density wave and spin density wave states are energetically stable. For non-zero t', we find that orbital antiferromagnetism (or spin nematic) order is stable over a finite portion of the phase diagram at weak coupling. This region of stability is seen to grow with increasing values of t'.Comment: Latex file, 10 output pages, 3 Figures (available on request to [email protected]), to appear in Phys. Rev. B (BR