3 research outputs found


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    The treatment of acetylation on tropical woods is influenced by their different levels of permeability and how these affect the weight percentage gain (WPG) in acetylated wood. The objective of the current study was to identify the effect of acetylation on the thermal stability, color, physical properties, hygroscopic and dimensional stability, wetting rate, and durability of nine tropical species of woods used for the commercial reforestation in Costa Rica. Study results showed that WPG varied from 2.2% to 16.8%. Positive significant correlations were observed between WPG and pre-exponential factors in TGA analysis and two parameters of dimensional and hygroscopic stability, whereas a negative correlation was observed with water absorption. In species with a WPG of over 10% (Vochysia ferruginea, V. guatemalensis, Cordia alliodora, and Enterolobium cyclocarpum) the thermal stability, wetting rate, hygroscopic stability, and resistance to biological attack showed an increase while swelling, and water absorption decreased. For these species, the best behaviors were obtained with an acetylation time of 2.5 hours and WPG values of over 10%. The same properties of wood in species with a WPG under 5% were found to be less affected by the different acetylation times and showed little difference in relation to untreated wood. Finally, the analysis showed that the dimensional stability obtained was attributed to the reduction of the absorptive capacity of the acetylated wood

    Criterios de implementacion iso 14001 de 2015 caso de estudio sector lavado de automotores

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    Gracias a estos estudios, en los últimos años se han realizado campañas de sensibilización para el uso racional del agua, debido al alto impacto ambiental que genera los lavaderos de automotores, se vienen haciendo estudios para realizar mejoras a los siguientes aspectos generados: Uso ilegal de aguas subterráneas, Contaminación de cuerpos de aguas subterráneas y superciales, Contaminación con productos derivados del petróleo y lodos contaminados, Utilización ilegal de alcantarillado público para arrojar las aguas residuales sin ningún tipo de tratamiento, El no cumplimiento por algunos establecimientos de la normatividad ambiental , La falta de conciencia de la ciudadanía al realizar lavado en sitios y lugares que no son adecuados, Consumo desmedido de aguas en el lavado de todo tipo de vehículos, Contaminación de las quebradas y cuencas hidrográcas.Thanks to these studies, in recent years awareness campaigns have been carried out for the rational use of water, due to the high environmental impact generated by car washes, studies are being carried out to make improvements to the following generated aspects: Illegal use of Groundwater, Contamination of groundwater and surface water bodies, Contamination with petroleum products and contaminated sludge, Illegal use of public sewers to dump wastewater without any type of treatment, Non-compliance by some establishments with environmental regulations, The lack of public awareness when carrying out washing in places and places that are not suitable, Excessive consumption of water in the washing of all types of vehicles, Contamination of streams and river basins

    Empowering Latina scientists

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