17 research outputs found

    Rolling Horizon NEAT for General Video Game Playing

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    This paper presents a new Statistical Forward Planning (SFP) method, Rolling Horizon NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (rhNEAT). Unlike traditional Rolling Horizon Evolution, where an evolutionary algorithm is in charge of evolving a sequence of actions, rhNEAT evolves weights and connections of a neural network in real-time, planning several steps ahead before returning an action to execute in the game. Different versions of the algorithm are explored in a collection of 20 GVGAI games, and compared with other SFP methods and state of the art results. Although results are overall not better than other SFP methods, the nature of rhNEAT to adapt to changing game features has allowed to establish new state of the art records in games that other methods have traditionally struggled with. The algorithm proposed here is general and introduces a new way of representing information within rolling horizon evolution techniques.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) 202

    General Video Game for 2 players: Framework and competition

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    This paper presents a new track of the General Video Game AI competition for generic Artificial Intelligence agents, which features both competitive and cooperative real time stochastic two player games. The aim of the competition is to directly test agents against each other in more complex and dynamic environments, where there is an extra uncertainty in a game, consisting of the behaviour of the other player. The framework, server functionality and general competition setup are analysed and the results of the experiments with several sample controllers are presented. The results indicate that currently Open Loop Monte Carlo Tree Search is the overall leading algorithm on this set of games

    Self-adaptive MCTS for General Video Game Playing

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    Monte-carlo tree search (mcts) has shown particular success in general game playing (ggp) and general video game playing (gvgp) and many enhancements and variants have been developed. Recently, an on-line adaptive parameter tuning mechanism for mcts agents has been proposed that almost achieves the same performance as off-line tuning in ggp.in this paper we apply the same approach to gvgp and use the popular general video game ai (gvgai) framework, in which the time allowed to make a decision is only 40 ms. We design three self-adaptive mcts (sa-mcts) agents that optimize on-line the parameters of a standard non-self-adaptive mcts agent of gvgai. The three agents select the parameter values using naïve monte-carlo, an evolutionary algorithm and an n-tuple bandit evolutionary algorithm respectively, and are tested on 20 single-player games of gvgai.the sa-mcts agents achieve more robust results on the tested games. With the same time setting, they perform similarly to the baseline standard mcts agent in the games for which the baseline agent performs well, and significantly improve the win rate in the games for which the baseline agent performs poorly. As validation, we also test the performance of non-self-adaptive mcts instances that use the most sampled parameter settings during the on-line tuning of each of the three sa-mcts agents for each game. Results show that these parameter settings improve the win rate on the games wait for breakfast and escape by 4 times and 150 times, respectively

    “Did You Hear That?” Learning to Play Video Games from Audio Cues

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    Game-playing AI research has focused for a long time on learning to play video games from visual input or symbolic information. However, humans benefit from a wider array of sensors which we utilise in order to navigate the world around us. In particular, sounds and music are key to how many of us perceive the world and influence the decisions we make. In this paper, we present initial experiments on game-playing agents learning to play video games solely from audio cues. We expand the Video Game Description Language to allow for audio specification, and the General Video Game AI framework to provide new audio games and an API for learning agents to make use of audio observations. We analyse the games and the audio game design process, include initial results with simple Q~Learning agents, and encourage further research in this area.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted at IEEE COG 201