11 research outputs found

    Obstetric Doppler studies in prediction of perinatal outcome in intrauterine growth restriction

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    Background: Fetal surveillance of the pregnancies that are complicated by IUGR is essential to improve fetal outcome. Colour Doppler studies of uteroplacental and fetoplacental circulation are useful in identification of hypoxemic status of the fetus and allows timely intervention in at risk fetuses. The present study was aimed to know the significance of colour Doppler studies in intrauterine growth restriction cases and to correlate with the perinatal outcome thus to offer better strategies for early diagnosis of compromised fetus and timely intervention.Methods: This was a prospective study of 125 singleton pregnancies in the third trimester with IUGR. The results of last Doppler ultrasound within one week of delivery were used for analysis. Adverse perinatal outcome was studied in the form of emergency cesarean section for fetal distress, meconium stained amniotic fluid, Apgar at 5 min <7, NICU admission and perinatal mortality (stillbirths and neonatal death). Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV) and Diagnostic accuracy of various Doppler parameters were calculated after comparing with standard.Results: In the present study 63 patients had one or more adverse perinatal outcome parameter. The diagnostic accuracy of umbilical artery was more (71.20%) than other parameters in predicting adverse perinatal outcome. Middle cerebral artery RI was having highest specificity and positive predictive value of 100% than any other parameter in predicting adverse perinatal outcome. Patients with AEDF and REDF had 33.3% and 50% perinatal deaths respectively.Conclusions: Middle cerebral artery Doppler studies shown more specificity and positive predictive value than umbilical artery Doppler in prediction of adverse perinatal outcome

    Takayasu’s arteritis in pregnancy

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    We had the opportunity to manage a pregnant lady who presented for the first time at 34 weeks of amenorrhea with absent pulses in upper limbs on examination. She underwent Magnetic Resonance Angiography to confirm the diagnosis of Takayasu’s arteritis. Luckily she did not have complications of Takayasu’s such as hypertension, cardiac failure, neurological symptoms, visual disturbances. She proceeded to have a normal vaginal delivery after aggressive management which included a multidisciplinary team involving obstetrician, cardiologist, physician and rheumatologist

    Significance of obstetric Doppler studies in prediction of perinatal outcome in pregnancy induced hypertension

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    Background: Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) is associated with adverse perinatal outcome. Multi vessel color Doppler studies are useful in these cases for timely intervention. The aim of present study was to know the significance of umbilical, middle cerebral and uterine artery Doppler studies in PIH and to analyse its role in predicting perinatal outcome.Methods: This was a prospective study of 106 singleton pregnancies in the third trimester with PIH. The results of last Doppler ultrasound within one week of delivery were used for analysis. Adverse perinatal outcome was studied in the form of emergency cesarean section for fetal distress, meconium stained amniotic fluid, Apgar at 5 min <7, NICU admission and perinatal mortality (stillbirths and neonatal death). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and diagnostic accuracy of various Doppler parameters were calculated after comparing with standard.Results: In the present study specificity and diagnostic accuracy of all Doppler ultrasound parameters was high in predicting adverse perinatal outcome. Cerebroplacental ratio showed highest specificity (98.55%), PPV (94.44%) and diagnostic accuracy (80.19%) in predicting adverse perinatal outcome and it is better than MCA PI and UA PI alone. Uterine artery Doppler evaluation also gives additional information in predicting adverse perinatal outcome.Conclusions: Amongst various Doppler parameters cerebroplacental index (MCA/UA PI) is best predictor of adverse perinatal outcome

    A study comparing vaginal misoprostol alone with vaginal misoprostol in combination with Foley catheter for cervical ripening and labour induction

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    Background: Induction of labor is a commonly practised intervention in modern obstetrics. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of vaginal misoprostol alone with vaginal misoprostol in combination with Foley catheter for labour induction. It aims to assess the induction delivery interval, the outcome of labour, the incidence of instrumental delivery and Cesarean section. The neonatal outcomes and maternal complications would also be assessed.Methods: 105 women with singleton viable pregnancies of 28 weeks or more gestation with cephalic presentation, intact membranes and an unfavorable cervix (Bishops score less than 6) were randomly assigned to induction of labor using vaginal misoprostol or Foley catheter in combination with vaginal misoprostol. Women in the misoprostol only group received 25 micrograms of misoprostol per vagina every 4 hours for a maximum of six doses. Whereas women in the combination group received vaginal misoprostol and in addition Foley catheter was introduced through the cervix for 12 hours. Interruption of the trial was done in case of failure to enter the active phase of labour after 24 hours of induction, fetal distress, hyperstimulation, hypersensitivity to drugs.Results: The induction to delivery time was shorter in misoprostol group as compared to the Foley with misoprostol group by 3 hours. There was no significant change in Bishops score after induction with Foley in combination with misoprostol as compared to misoprostol alone. There was no increase in the maternal and fetal complications in the misoprostol group as compared to Foley with misoprostol.Conclusions: Misoprostol alone was more efficacious for ripening and inducing agent as compared to Foley in combination with misoprostol

    A study of the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and its maternal and fetal outcomes in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: The aim of this study was to study the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) using Diabetes in Pregnancy Study group India (DIPSI) criteria to diagnose patients with GDM and to study the maternal and neonatal outcomes.Methods: 500 patients attending the antenatal clinic between January 2013 to September 2014 with singleton pregnancies between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation were evaluated by administering 75g glucose in a nonfasting state and diagnosing GDM if the 2-hour plasma glucose was more than 140 mg/ dl. Women with multiple pregnancies, pre-existing diabetes mellitus, cardiac or renal disease were excluded from the study.Results: 31 women were diagnosed with GDM (prevalence 6.2%). The prevalence of risk factors such as age more than 25, obesity, family history of Diabetes Mellitus, history of GDM or birth weight more than 4.5kg in previous pregnancy and history of perinatal loss were associated with a statistically significant risk of developing GDM. Though the incidence of Gestational hypertension, polyhydramnios and postpartum haemorrhage was higher in the GDM group, it did not reach statistical significance. More women in the GDM group were delivered by LSCS. There was no significant difference in the incidence of SGA or preterm delivery in the groups. The mean birth weight in GDM group was higher than in the non GDM group.Conclusions: Early detection helps in preventing both maternal and fetal complications. This method of screening is convenient to women as it does not require them to be fasting

    Perinatal outcome in oligohydramnios and borderline amniotic fluid index: a comparative study

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    Background: Oligohydramnios is associated with adverse perinatal outcome in the form of meconium staining, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), caesarean section for abnormal fetal heart rate tracing, low Apgar score and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission.Methods: This was a prospective study of 100 singleton pregnancies beyond 28 weeks of gestation with AFI< 8 cm, delivered within seven days of admission. Patients were divided in two groups, those with AFI ≤ 5 cm and borderline AFI of 5.1 to 8 cm. Perinatal outcome was studied in the form of onset of labor, mode of delivery, fetal heart rate variations, meconium staining  and lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) for fetal distress, Apgar score, birth weight, NICU admission and neonatal mortality.Results: Patients with oligohydramnios with AFI ≤5 cm were significantly associated with IUGR and presence of abnormal umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry (p <0.05). Adverse perinatal outcome was seen in higher percentage of patients having AFI ≤5 cm than with borderline AFI. The difference was statistically significant for overall caesarean delivery rate and LSCS for fetal distress (p <0.05).Conclusions: Oligohydramnios with AFI of ≤5 cm is associated with high caesarean delivery rate and LSCS for fetal distress

    Primary ovarian pregnancy: rare site of ectopic gestation

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    Ovarian pregnancy is one of the rarest varieties of ectopic gestation. Intrauterine devices have evolved as probable risk factor. It is often difficult to distinguish it from tubal ectopic clinically. Diagnosis is generally retrospective during surgery with confirmation by histopathological examination. Hereby we are presenting a case of primary ovarian pregnancy in a multiparous female of reproductive age group using cu-t as contraception presented with acute abdomen managed by conservative surgery and diagnosis confirmed by histopathological examination

    A Novel Method for Graphical Password Mechanism

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    For the verification of authorized users in computer systems, various text based or biometrics methods are used. But these methods have some drawbacks. It is difficult to remember and recall the textual i.e. alphanumeric passwords. To avoid this drawback users prefer to create effortless, short, easy and insecure passwords which are easily guessable by hacker and this makes the system more vulnerable to attacks. On other hand, verification mechanisms based on biometrics offers security to a good extents. But they are quite luxurious for implementation. Cost becomes a key factor in the case of biometrics. Also any injury to the body part used in biometric authorization results in denial of access or performance issues. Graphical password provides another way by providing passwords that are more protected and unforgettable in a reasonable price. In this system, user clicks on images instead of typing passwords for accessing the system. This paper describes and examines usability and security of graphical password mechanism for authentication using graphical passwords. Proposed system describes characteristics for security and performed empirical study comparing Graphical password mechanism with Biometric passwords and alphanumeric password. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15013