6 research outputs found

    Propagation of Magnetic Fields from Electrical Domestic Appliances

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    The article presents a research into propagation of magnetic fields from electrical domestic devices. A safe distance at which magnetic induction does not exceed the background level is determined for each type of devices. It is proved that there are two stages of increasing magnetic induction as the distance from the source increases. At the first stage magnetic induction rises and electromagnetic field is formed. At the second stage exponential decrease of magnetic field induction takes place. Mathematical regularities of propagation of magnetic field from electrical domestic devices are experimentally educed

    Determination of the Absorption Coefficient and Cloudiness Multiplicity Attenuation During the Gamma-Radiation Passage

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    The paper presents background value equivalent dose of gamma-radiation investigation in different weather: clear cloudy and overcast. The change of the dose rate of gamma radiation, depending on the weather and the ability cloudiness to shield gamma rays is shown. A new method for eliminating the consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants or plants using radioactive elements is proposed. A calculation method of cloudiness coefficient absorption and cloudiness gamma-radiation multiplicity attenuation is developed. The gamma- radiation multiplicity attenuation and the absorption coefficient of gamma radiation were calculated

    Propagation of Magnetic Fields from Electrical Domestic Appliances

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    The article presents a research into propagation of magnetic fields from electrical domestic devices. A safe distance at which magnetic induction does not exceed the background level is determined for each type of devices. It is proved that there are two stages of increasing magnetic induction as the distance from the source increases. At the first stage magnetic induction rises and electromagnetic field is formed. At the second stage exponential decrease of magnetic field induction takes place. Mathematical regularities of propagation of magnetic field from electrical domestic devices are experimentally educed

    Digital Footprint in the Educational Environment as a Regulator of Student Vocational Guidance to the Teaching Profession

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    В статье рассматривается проблема совершенствования профориентации студентов педагогического вуза на всех этапах их теоретического и практического обучения на основе исследования цифрового следа в образовании. Целью статьи является описание подходов к анализу цифрового следа студента в цифровой образовательной среде вуза и внешних ресурсах для управления его профориентацией и педагогической направленностью. Для достижения данной цели проводится обзор отечественной и зарубежной научной литературы, рассматриваются научные исследования по проблемам сбора, анализа и интерпретирования данных цифрового следа студентов и профориентации будущих педагогов. Более того, в статье намечаются предварительные корректировки понятия профориентации в условиях погружения учебно-воспитательного процесса в цифровую образовательную среду с учетом развития мотивации и педагогической направленности обучаемых. Авторы анализируют возможность применения технологии фиксации и интерпретации различных цифровых данных, отражающих результаты образовательной деятельности студентов, в процессе поэтапного развития их профориентации на основе актуализации педагогической направленности. В результате авторы статьи пришли к выводу, что применение данных цифрового следа позволит вывести на новый качественный уровень процесс непрерывного формирования профориентации обучаемых на педагогическую профессию путем регулирования педагогической направленности будущих педагогов, выявлять направления развития их профессиональных интересов и мотивов с целью индивидуализации профессиональной подготовки. Намечена структура профиля «Профориентация» при разработке личного кабинета студента педагогического вузаThe article is devoted to the digital footprint in education as a method of improving the career guidance of students of pedagogical higher education at all stages of their theoretical and practical training. The article discusses approaches to students’ career guidance and pedagogical orientation based on the analysis of their digital footprint in the learning environment and external resources. The review of researches in collecting, analysing and interpreting students’ digital footprint and in career guidance of future teachers is provided. Moreover, the article outlines preliminary adjustments to the concept of vocational guidance to the teaching profession in a digital learning environment. The authors analyse the possibility of using the technology of fixing and interpreting various digital data to manage the process of gradual development of career guidance grounded in the actualization of pedagogical orientation. As a result, the authors conclude that the use of digital footprint brings the process of students’ vocational guidance to the teaching profession to a new quality level by regulating the pedagogical orientation of future teachers and identifies areas of their professional interests and motives in order to individualize professional training. The practical result is a section «Vocational guidance» in the personal account of the pedagogical university studen