7 research outputs found

    Ionizing Radiations–Hygiene Problems And Their Impact On Human Health

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    Ionizing radiation is a summarizing term for the various kinds of radiation that cause ionization in sub-stances. Ionizing radiations include: alpha and beta particles, gamma rays, electrons, positions, x-rays, neutrons, etc. They are formed by natural and artifi-cial radioactive sources. All organisms in everyday life are inevitably exposed to the non-stopping action of the ionizing rays from natural sources, a.k.a. „natural radiation background.“ It is critical to understand that not all ionizing rays that strike the human body have a biological impact. Only those who are absorbed by the organism have a biological effect. However, when the intensity of the irradiation exceeds that of the natural radiation background, it can harm the organism. Re-search shows that the highest proportion of human ir-radiation is due to medical procedures with ionizing radiation. This entails taking precautions to protect the organism from ionizing radiation and determining ways to mitigate its harmful effects. The report‘s goal is to familiarize the audience with the various types of ionizing radiation used for medical purposes, their im-pact on human health, and methods for reducing the risk of harmful consequences from their use. Knowing the nature of ionizing radiation and its biological ef-fects on living organisms allows for the development of appropriate rules and measures to protect against the radiation‘s harmful effects

    Is there a place for the X-ray technician in echographic diagnostics in Bulgaria?

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    Ехографската диагностика е образен метод, използван за доказване на редица заболявания, като в някои сфери от медицината дори е основен диагностичен метод. За да е по-широко достъпен за пациентите, е необходимо да има повече добре подготвени специалисти в тази област, които да използват по най-добрия начин възможностите на ехографската апаратура. Целта на статията е да представи мнението на медицински специалисти възможно ли е и има ли полза рентгенов лаборант да изпълнява технически ехографски изследвания. Използвани са документален, социологически и статистически метод. Проучени са източници по темата. Чрез направеното изследване, със собствена пряка анонимна анкета, е получено мнението на 93 броя специалисти - 34 лекари, 48 рентгенови лаборанти и 11 медицински сестри и друг медицински персонал. Направено е математико-статистическо обработване на данните и резултатите са представени графично. От направеното проучване установихме, че по-голяма част и от лекарите и от рентгеновите лаборанти не считат, че рентгеновият лаборант може да провежда ехографско изследване. Същата е тенденцията в отговорите и на въпросите: „Има ли полза за лекаря ехографското изследване да се провежда от рентгенов лаборант?` и „Достатъчно ли е подготвен рентгеновият лаборант да извършва ехографско изследване?`. Според почти 53% от лекарите и 64.58% от лаборантите обаче след допълнително обучение рентгеновият лаборант ще може да извършва изследването. Групата на медицинските сестри и друг медицински персонал отговарят по-скоро положително на всички зададени въпроси. Препоръките, дадени за допълнително обучение, са: практическо обучение в областта под контрол на специалист, компетентност за възможностите на ехографската техника, специализация, алгоритъм за изпълнение на изследванията. Основавайки се на получените резултати, отговорът на поставения въпрос, „Има ли място рентгеновият лаборант в ехографската диагностика у нас?`, става ясен: „Не`.Ultrasound diagnostics is an imaging method used to prove a number of diseases. In some areas of medicine it is even a basic diagnostic method. More well-trained specialists in this area, who make the best use of the echography equipment, are needed to provide more access to it for patients. The aim of this article is to present the medical professional`s opinion whether it is possible and useful for an X-ray technician to perform technical ultrasound examinations. Documentary, sociological and statistical methods are used. Sources on this topic are investigated. Through this survey, using our own direct anonymous questionnaire, the opinion of 93 specialists: 34 doctors, 48 X-ray technicians and 11 nurses and other medical staff, is obtained. Mathematical and statistical data processing has been done and the results are presented graphically. As a result of the study we found that most of the doctors and X-ray technicians did not consider that the X-ray technician may conduct an ultrasound examination. The trend is the same also in the answers of the questions: `Is it useful for the doctor the ultrasound examination to be carried out by an X-ray technician?` and `Is the X-ray technician prepared enough to perform an ultrasound examination?` According to almost 53% of the doctors and 64.58% of the laboratory workers, the X-ray technician will be able to perform the examination after further training. The group of nurses and other medical staff respond rather positively to all the asked questions. The recommendations for further training are: practical training in that area under the supervision of a specialist, competences regarding the capabilities of the ultrasound technique, specialization, algorithm for performing the research. Based on the results obtained, the answer to the asked question: `Is there a place for the X-ray technician in the echographic diagnostis in our country?` is a clear - `No`

    A Survey On Parents’ Awareness About The X-Ray Diagnostic Examinations Of Their Children

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    Diagnostic imaging is a set of different types of non-invasive examinations that provide information about the internal structure of the body. In his prac-tice, the X-ray technician conducts examinations and imaging tests with the help of X-rays. According to studies, medical examinations are the most responsi-ble for the population’s radiation exposure. They are used to diagnose injuries or illnesses, and patients are frequently children. Parents, on the other hand, are not always informed about the benefits and harms of X-rays. The purpose of this report is to present the re-sults of a survey among parents on their awareness of issues related to X-ray diagnostic examinations of children. Documentary and sociological methods were used. Literature and Internet sources on the effect of X-rays on children were studied. A sociological sur-vey was conducted through our own anonymous elec-tronic survey among parents whose children under-went X-ray examinations. The obtained information was processed statistically, and an analysis of the re-sults was made. The study showed that one of the most common X-ray examinations in children is an X-ray of the lungs, followed by images of the limbs. In a larger percentage of cases, the positioning of children is done according to the rules of good medical practice. Just over half of the respondents are aware of the possible side effects of contrast agents and the need for sedation in young patients. Awareness among parents about the impact of ionizing radiation on the child’s body leads to greater control over the quality of work of the X-ray technician and reduces the exposure of children to medical procedures

    The X-ray technician in the echographic diagnosis

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    Ултразвуковото изследване, познато още като ехографска диагностика, е част от образната диагностика. Повече от петдесет години то се използва в медицината и няма данни да има вреден ефект върху пациентите. Дава възможност на лекарите да откриват болести, без да използват йонизираща радиация.Целта на настоящата статия е да представи мнението на студенти рентгенови лаборанти относно евентуалното участие на рентгеновия лаборант в извършването на ехографското изследване.Използвани са документален, социологически и статистически метод. Проучени са интернет източници по темата, проведена е пряка анонимна анкета сред 38 студенти от Медицински колеж - София и е направена математико-статистическа обработка на резултатите. Проучването показа, че 58% от студентите проявяват интерес към този вид диагностика, но 79% са на категоричното мнение, че подготовката им не е достатъчна за самостоятелно провеждане на изследването. 39% от анкетираните не знаят, че в други страни ехографското изследване се провежда от лаборанти, a не от лекари. Световният опит показва, че след профилирано обучение лаборантите самостоятелно провеждат ехографски изследвания. Без да подценяваме сложността и отговорността за поставяне на диагноза чрез ултразвуковото изследване, считаме, че след допълнително разширено обучение провеждането на ехографско изследване от рентгеновите лаборанти ще облекчи работата на лекарите специалисти, използващи този метод.The ultrasound examination, also known as echographic diagnosis, is part of the imaging diagnostics. It has been applied in medicine for more than 50 years and there is no data of harmful effects on patients. It enables doctors to detect diseases without using ionizing radiation.The aim of the current article is to present the opinion of x-ray technician students about the possible participation of x-ray technicians in performing the echographic examination.Documentary, sociological and statistical methods were used. Internet resources concerning this topic were researched. A direct anonymous questionnaire among 38 students in the Medical College - Sofia was applied and a mathematical and statistic analysis of the results was prepared.The investigation shows that 58% of the students are interested in this type of diagnostics but 79% categorically declare that their preparation is not sufficient to conduct the examination alone. Of the respondents, 39% are unaware that in other countries the echographic examination is conducted by x-ray technicians instead of doctors. Experience worldwide shows that after profiled education, the x-ray technicians are able to conduct echographic examinations alone.Without underestimating the complexity and responsibility of determining a diagnosis by ultrasound examination, we consider that after further advanced training, conducting echographic examination by the x-ray technicians will facilitate the work of medical specialists who use this method

    Student attitudes to participate in volunteer programs

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    Students education in medical colleges has its own traditions and follows the principles of pedagogy and psychology, applying good practices in medical science. With the selection of students accepted for teaching, the foundation is laid, on which further empathic and professional training is built. Nowadays, during a pandemic and a shortage of medical staff in healthcare we talk about volunteering practices by young professionals and students to get out of the crisis situation. Medical university students were given the opportunity to volunteer to serve patients with COVID-19. The purpose of this report is to present students 'attitudes to participate in volunteer programs and analyze opportunities to increase learners' motivation for such activities.There were used documentary and sociological methods. Internet sources related to volunteering as a concept are reviewed and analyzed. The sociological survey made through its own anonymous survey, covers 90.3% of the students majoring in " X-ray technician" at the Medical College in Sofia. The results of the survey showed that half of the respondents were involved in various volunteer activities; the biggest percentage of respondents have information about volunteer activities from social networks and friends; 86.3% want to get involved in volunteer programs, but 59.8% of respondents have free time to spend on it. 70.6% believe that volunteering can help their professional careers.In conclusion, it can be said that most of the respondents positively accept the idea of volunteering, but the commitment of the university, respectively the college and its teachers is to guide and stimulate its students to such activities that develop feelings such as empathy and satisfaction in helping others. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to innovations in education, and volunteering practices would contribute to a positive change in the attitude of medical staff towards patients and their own profession

    Comparative analysis of the awareness of students from the X-ray technician and Dental technician programs on issues related to the specifics of the work and the professional risk

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    Всеки човек в един момент от своя живот трябва да направи своя избор за това каква ще е неговата професия. За да бъде мотивиран изборът му, той трябва да е информиран и да познава естеството на работата, с която ще се заеме. Студентите от специалностите „Рентгенов лаборант` и „Зъботехник` попадат в специфична работна среда. Тези професии изискват определени професионални качества и компетент-ност от упражняващите я. Целта е да се проучи информираността на новоприетите студенти относно начина на избор на професия, спецификата на работата и имат ли представа за наличието на професионални вредности. Използвани са документален, социологически и статистически метод. Проведена е собствена анонимна анкета сред новопостъпили студенти в специалностите „Рентгенов лаборант` и „Зъботехник` на Медицински колеж „Й. Филаретова` - София. Проучването показа, че резултатите от отговорите на респондентите от двете сравнявани групи са близки като количествени показатели. Наблюдава се съществено различие при отговорите относно информираността по повод спецификата на работа, където 83% от рент-геновите лаборанти отговарят положително, a само 34% от зъботехниците дават отговор „да`. На базата на сравнителния анализ на получените резултати са направени изводи. И от двете изследвани групи по-голяма част е направила самостоятелен избор на професията си; информация за професията са получили от семейството и приятелите си; водеща мотивация за избор на професията е възможността за професионална реализация. По-голяма част от изследваните твърдят, че са запознати с професионалните вредности, но се установява, че малко са анкетираните, които ги изброяват вярно. За да се промени това, е необходимо да има по-пълна и достъпна информация на сайта на висшето училище.Everyone should make his or her own choice about what their profession will be at some point in life. To motivate this choice, he or she should be informed about the nature of that profession. The students from the X-ray Technician and Dental Technician programs enter a specific working environment. Each of these professions requires certain professional qualities and competences from the practitioners. The aim of this paper is to study the information that new students have about how to choose a profession, the specifics of the job and whether there is professional risk. Documentary, sociological and statistical methods have been used. An anonymous poll among the new students in the the X-ray Technician and Dental Technician programs at Medical College „J. Filaretova` - Sofia was conducted. The study showed that the results obtained from responses by students from both compared groups were similar as quantitative indicators. There is a significant difference in the responses due to the specifics of the work. Of all participants, 83% X-ray Technicians and only 34% of Dental Technicians responded positively. Based on the comparative analysis of the results obtained, conclusions were drawn. The vast majority of both groups have made an independent choice of profession, information concerning the profession has been received from family and friends, the leading motivation for choosing the profession was the possibility of professional realization. The majori ty of those surveyed said that they are aware of the professional risk, but there were only a few respondents who could list them correctly. In order to change this, it is necessary to share more complete and accessible in-formation on the site of the Medical College

    Abstracts Of The Proceedings And The Posters From The Third Scientific Session Of The Medical College Of Varna

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    October 2-3, 201