2,356 research outputs found

    A mass action model of a fibroblast growth factor signaling pathway and its simplification

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    We consider a kinetic law of mass action model for Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) signaling, focusing on the induction of the RAS-MAP kinase pathway via GRB2 binding. Our biologically simple model suffers a combinatorial explosion in the number of differential equations required to simulate the system. In addition to numerically solving the full model, we show that it can be accurately simplified. This requires combining matched asymptotics, the quasi-steady state hypothesis, and the fact subsets of the equations decouple asymptotically. Both the full and simplified models reproduce the qualitative dynamics observed experimentally and in previous stochastic models. The simplified model also elucidates both the qualitative features of GRB2 binding and the complex relationship between SHP2 levels, the rate SHP2 induces dephosphorylation and levels of bound GRB2. In addition to providing insight into the important and redundant features of FGF signaling, such work further highlights the usefulness of numerous simplification techniques in the study of mass action models of signal transduction, as also illustrated recently by Borisov and co-workers (Borisov et al. in Biophys. J. 89, 951–66, 2005, Biosystems 83, 152–66, 2006; Kiyatkin et al. in J. Biol. Chem. 281, 19925–9938, 2006). These developments will facilitate the construction of tractable models of FGF signaling, incorporating further biological realism, such as spatial effects or realistic binding stoichiometries, despite a more severe combinatorial explosion associated with the latter

    Mode doubling and tripling in reaction-diffusion patterns on growing domains: A piece-wise linear model

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    Reaction-diffusion equations are ubiquitous as models of biological pattern formation. In a recent paper [4] we have shown that incorporation of domain growth in a reaction-diffusion model generates a sequence of quasi-steady patterns and can provide a mechanism for increased reliability of pattern selection. In this paper we analyse the model to examine the transitions between patterns in the sequence. Introducing a piecewise linear approximation we find closed form approximate solutions for steady-state patterns by exploiting a small parameter, the ratio of diffusivities, in a singular perturbation expansion. We consider the existence of these steady-state solutions as a parameter related to the domain length is varied and predict the point at which the solution ceases to exist, which we identify with the onset of transition between patterns for the sequence generated on the growing domain. Applying these results to the model in one spatial dimension we are able to predict the mechanism and timing of transitions between quasi-steady patterns in the sequence. We also highlight a novel sequence behaviour, mode-tripling, which is a consequence of a symmetry in the reaction term of the reaction-diffusion system

    Tumour angiogenesis: The gap between theory and experiment

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    A common experimental technique for viewing in vivo angiogenesis utilises tumours implanted into a test animal cornea. The cornea is avascular but the tumour promotes vascularisation from the limbus and the new blood vessels can be readily observed through the transparent cornea. Many of the early mathematical models for tumour angiogenesis used this scenario as their experimental template and as such assumed that there is a large gap, of the order of 2 mm, between the tumour and neighbouring vasculature at the onset of angiogenesis. In this work we consider whether the assumption that there is a significant gap between the tumour and neighbouring vasculature is unique to intra-cornea tumour implants, or whether this characterises avascular tumour growth more generally. To do this we utilise a simple scaling argument, derive a multi-compartment model for tumour growth, and consider in vivo images. This analysis demonstrates that the corneal implant experiments and the corresponding mathematical models cannot generally be applied to a clinical setting

    Modelling biological invasions: individual to population scales at interfaces

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    Extracting the population level behaviour of biological systems from that of the individual is critical in understanding dynamics across multiple scales and thus has been the subject of numerous investigations. Here, the influence of spatial heterogeneity in such contexts is explored for interfaces with a separation of the length scales characterising the individual and the interface, a situation that can arise in applications involving cellular modelling. As an illustrative example, we consider cell movement between white and grey matter in the brain which may be relevant in considering the invasive dynamics of glioma. We show that while one can safely neglect intrinsic noise, at least when considering glioma cell invasion, profound differences in population behaviours emerge in the presence of interfaces with only subtle alterations in the dynamics at the individual level. Transport driven by local cell sensing generates predictions of cell accumulations along interfaces where cell motility changes. This behaviour is not predicted with the commonly used Fickian diffusion transport model, but can be extracted from preliminary observations of specific cell lines in recent, novel, cryo-imaging. Consequently, these findings suggest a need to consider the impact of individual behaviour, spatial heterogeneity and especially interfaces in experimental and modelling frameworks of cellular dynamics, for instance in the characterisation of glioma cell motility

    Incorporating spatial correlations into multispecies mean-field models

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    In biology, we frequently observe different species existing within the same environment. For example, there are many cell types in a tumour, or different animal species may occupy a given habitat. In modeling interactions between such species, we often make use of the mean-field approximation, whereby spatial correlations between the locations of individuals are neglected. Whilst this approximation holds in certain situations, this is not always the case, and care must be taken to ensure the mean-field approximation is only used in appropriate settings. In circumstances where the mean-field approximation is unsuitable, we need to include information on the spatial distributions of individuals, which is not a simple task. In this paper, we provide a method that overcomes many of the failures of the mean-field approximation for an on-lattice volume-excluding birth-death-movement process with multiple species. We explicitly take into account spatial information on the distribution of individuals by including partial differential equation descriptions of lattice site occupancy correlations. We demonstrate how to derive these equations for the multispecies case and show results specific to a two-species problem. We compare averaged discrete results to both the mean-field approximation and our improved method, which incorporates spatial correlations. We note that the mean-field approximation fails dramatically in some cases, predicting very different behavior from that seen upon averaging multiple realizations of the discrete system. In contrast, our improved method provides excellent agreement with the averaged discrete behavior in all cases, thus providing a more reliable modeling framework. Furthermore, our method is tractable as the resulting partial differential equations can be solved efficiently using standard numerical techniques

    Systematic parameterizations of minimal models of microswimming

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    Simple models are used throughout the physical sciences as a means of developing intuition, capturing phenomenology, and qualitatively reproducing observations. In studies of microswimming, simple force-dipole models are commonplace, arising generically as the leading-order, far-field descriptions of a range of complex biological and artificial swimmers. Though many of these swimmers are associated with intricate, time varying flow fields and changing shapes, we often turn to models with constant, averaged parameters for intuition, basic understanding, and back-of-the-envelope prediction. In this brief study, via an elementary multitimescale analysis, we examine whether the standard use of a priori-averaged parameters in minimal microswimmer models is justified, asking if their behavioural predictions qualitatively align with those of models that incorporate rapid temporal variation through simple extensions. In doing so, we find that widespread, seemingly innocuous choices of parameters can give rise to qualitatively incorrect conclusions from simple models, with the potential to alter our intuition for swimming on the microscale. Further, we highlight and exemplify how a straightforward asymptotic analysis of the non-autonomous models can result in effective, systematic parametrizations of minimal models of microswimming.</p

    A hydrodynamic slender-body theory for local rotation at zero Reynolds number

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    Slender objects are commonplace in microscale flow problems, from soft deformable sensors to biological filaments such as flagella and cilia. While much research has focused on the local translational motion of these slender bodies, relatively little attention has been given to local rotation, even though it can be the dominant component of motion. In this study, we explore a classically motivated ansatz for the Stokes flow around a rotating slender body via superposed rotlet singularities, which leads us to pose an alternative ansatz that accounts for both translation and rotation. Through an asymptotic analysis that is supported by numerical examples, we determine the suitability of these flow ansatzes for capturing the fluid velocity at the surface of a slender body, assuming local axisymmetry of the object but allowing the cross-sectional radius to vary with arclength. In addition to formally justifying the presented slender-body ansatzes, this analysis reveals a markedly simple relation between the local angular velocity and the torque exerted on the body, which we term resistive torque theory. Though reminiscent of classical resistive force theories, this local relation is found to be algebraically accurate in the slender-body aspect ratio, even when translation is present, and is valid and required whenever local rotation contributes to the surface velocity at leading asymptotic order

    The mathematical modelling of cell kinetics in corneal epithelial wound healing

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    This paper considers the comparison of experimental spatial and temporal data of mitotic rates measured during corneal epithelial wound healing (CEWH) of a rat model with the predictions of a computer modelling framework. We begin by briefly showing that previous models, used in the study of corneal epithelial wound healing speeds, are inadequate for the study of cell kinetics. We proceed to formulate a new modelling framework more suited to such a study. This framework is simulated in its simplest form, and the results from this motivate a new realisation of the modelling framework, including a caricature of age structuring. Finally, a model with a simple representation of juxtacrine signalling is considered. The final model captures many, though not all, of the trends of the experimental data. This paper thus lays a foundation for the modelling of the cell kinetics of corneal epithelial wound healing, and yields valuable insight regarding the important mechanisms a model should consider in order to reproduce the observed experimental trends

    Nonlinear instability in flagellar dynamics: a notel modulation mechanism in sperm migration

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    Throughout biology, cells and organisms use flagella and cilia to propel fluid and achieve motility. The beating of these organelles, and the corresponding ability to sense, respond to and modulate this beat is central to many processes in health and disease. While the mechanics of flagellum–fluid interaction has been the subject of extensive mathematical studies, these models have been restricted to being geometrically linear or weakly nonlinear, despite the high curvatures observed physiologically. We study the effect of geometrical nonlinearity, focusing on the spermatozoon flagellum. For a wide range of physiologically relevant parameters, the nonlinear model predicts that flagellar compression by the internal forces initiates an effective buckling behaviour, leading to a symmetry-breaking bifurcation that causes profound and complicated changes in the waveform and swimming trajectory, as well as the breakdown of the linear theory. The emergent waveform also induces curved swimming in an otherwise symmetric system, with the swimming trajectory being sensitive to head shape—no signalling or asymmetric forces are required. We conclude that nonlinear models are essential in understanding the flagellar waveform in migratory human sperm; these models will also be invaluable in understanding motile flagella and cilia in other systems

    Wound healing in the corneal epithelium: biological mechanisms and mathematical models

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    Corneal epithelium has a highly specialised wound-healing response. The biological aspects of this repair process are reviewed, and methods of modelling it mathematically are described. A model which focuses on the source of epidermal growth factor (EGF) within a healing wound is described. By considering mathematical representations of a number of possible source terms, it is shown that the EGF present in the tear film is insufficient to explain the observed rate of healing, and experimental approaches are suggested for distinguishing between other sources. Also, the simulation of exogenous addition of EGF using the model is described. An issue that has been the subject of considerable debate in the literature is the role of eyeball curvature. The mode is used to show that this curvature is not significant for either the speed or form of healing in the epithelium. In conclusion, a comparison is made between wound healing in the corneal epithelium with that in the epidermis of the skin. Possible directions for future modelling work are considered
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