38 research outputs found

    Iacobi Gaffarelli curiositates inauditae, sive selectae observationes de variis superstitionibus ... de figuris talismanicis ...

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    e gallico latina versione donatae illustrataeque a M. Gregorio Michaelis ... praefixa est huic editioni novae praefatio Io. Alberti Fabricii ...Nur online vorhande

    Histoire de la decouverte de l'Amerique depuis les origines jusqu'a la mort de Christophe Colomb

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    Na falsa folha de rosto: Extrait des Memoires de la Societe Bourguignonne de Geographie et d'Histoire.Folha de rosto: Brasão acima da imprenta.Inclui notas explicativas e bibliográficas.Gravuras: v.1: Suposta inscrição fenícia [entre p. 80-81]; Mapa Mundi de Macrobius, 1483 [entre p. 144-145]; Sítula em bronze (rosto masculino) [entre p. 172-173]; Mapa Mundi de Pierre D'Ailly, 1483 [entre p. 176-177]; Fragmento da Carta de Picignano, 1367 [entre p. 224-225]; São Brandão e a baleia [entre p. 256-257]; Mapa Nuova Francia / Gastaldi e Ramusio, 1556 [entre p. 336-337]; Uma nau do século XV [entre p. 376-379]; Carta da viagem dos irmãos Zeno: a partir da Ptolomeu de Ruscelli (1561) [entre p. 384-385]; v.2: Retrato de Colombro [entre p. 20-21]; Caravela de Colombo [entre p. 88-91]; Descoberta D'Hispaniola [entre p. 102-105]; Fumantes de tabaco / Thevet [entre p. 112-113]; Brasão - armas de Colombo [entre p. 124-127]; Descoberta das Antilhas [entre p. 142-145]; Retrato de Américo Vespúcio [entre p. 164-167]; Mapa da América, a partir de Pierre Martyr de Sevilha, 1511 [entre p. 176-177]; Tabula Oceanis Occidentalis seu Terrae Novae, 1513 [entre p. 208-209]; Fragmento da Carta de Ruysch [entre p. 272-273, 288-289]; Caça à baleia na Idade Média / Thevet [entre p. 304-305]; Mapa da América / da obra de Ptolomeu, ed. de Bâle, 1540 [entre p. 384-385]; Mapa mundi da América (globo) / Apianus [p. 401].Paul GaffarelPremière partie: les précurseurs de Colomb -- Deuxième partie: les contemporains de Colom

    Mars Ascent Vehicle trajectory optimisation: Investigation of the optimum trajectory for the Mars Ascent Vehicle to bring samples from the Martian surface to its orbit

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    The Mars Ascent Vehicle will bring samples back from the surface of Mars to its low orbit in 2031. Its preliminary design has been performed by NASA, defining it as a two-stage solid propellant rocket. However, a research gap exists in finding what the optimum solid rocket motors geometries are to bring the Martian samples to a target orbit between 300km and 375km above Mars.To this extent, the ascent and propellant burn have been modelled, allowing for variation in the geometry of the motors, but also in the launch and separation angles, and in thrust vectoring control. This model has been incorporated into an optimisation, from which a minimum lift-off mass of 343kg was found, 57kg less than required. In the process, 18 thousand different solutions have been found that satisfy all requirements, would the priority shift from the mass of the vehicle to for instance the burn time, or the final altitude.Aerospace Engineerin

    Bonaparte et les républiques italiennes (1796-1799)

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    Notre expansion coloniale en Afrique de 1870 à nos jours,

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    Histoire ancienne des peuples de l'Orient jusqu'au premier siècle avant notre ère, par Paul Gaffarel,...

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    Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : Sinica1Contient une table des matièresAvec mode text