437 research outputs found
Synthesis Of Heat Exchange Networks By Mixed Integer Optimization
Process synthesis involves manipulation of the process arrangement, while studying the variables of each arrangement, to arrive at the optimal process. If each process arrangement is treated as a discrete variable, process synthesis becomes a mixed integer optimization problem. This paper examines the synthesis of heat exchanger networks using the adaptive random search procedure, which can be used to search continuous and discrete independent variables simultaneously. The means of handling the heat exchanger arrangement as a discrete variable is discussed, and the incorporation of various synthesis heuristics is presented. The results of synthesis of 2 x 2, 2 x 3, and 3 x 3 networks are presented and compared with other methods of synthesis. Copyright © 1977 American Institute of Chemical Engineer
Clostridiumm ljungdahlii, an anaerobic ethanol and acetate producing microorganism
A newly discovered microorganism was isolated in a biologically pure culture and designated Clostridium ljungdahlii, having the identifying characteristics of ATCC No. 49587. Cultured in an aqueous nutrient medium under anaerobic conditions, this microorganism is capable of producing ethanol and acetate from CO and H2O and/or CO2 and H2 in synthesis gas. Under optimal growth conditions, the microorganism produces acetate in preference to ethanol. Conversely, under non-growth conditions, ethanol production is favored over acetate
Credo: Life Is a Gift
sermon text; MS Word documen
Complaints, Compassion, and Comfort
sermon text; MS Word documen
Walking Together: A Spiritual Discipline
sermon text; MS Word Documen
The Good Shepherd, Anger, Peace and Resurrection
sermon text; MS Word documen
The Integrity of Religion: Personal Faith or Public Spectacle
sermon text; MS Word documen
The Eleventh Commandment
sermon text; MS Word Documen
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