55 research outputs found
Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) belongs to the group of countries of the Western Balkans, which has the status of potential candidate for EU membership. However, to achieve candidate status and full EU membership, it is necessary to carry out complex structural reforms that should ensure convergence towards EU countries, which will be a long and difficult process.
The aim of this paper is to point to the specificities of economic and political transformations in BiH in the context of economic changes occurring in the environment and which can significantly affect the EU accession process. This paper gives an overview of the basic economic features of B&H, as well as projections on the movement of certain economic categories in the forthcoming period. An analysis of the position of B&H in the group of countries of the Western Balkans and the perspective of economic growth was conducted
The aim of this paper is to point to the specificities of economic and political transformations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the Western Balkan in the context of economic and political changes in the global environment that can significantly affect the EU accession process. An analysis of the position of B&H in the group of Western Balkans countries and the perspective of economic growth was conducted by focusing on the political and economic criteria as well as on the current obstacles these countries are facing, specifically, based on their political and economic background and in conditions where external risks are growing.
All these countries are commited to implementing structural reforms because the commitment of all the countries towards Europe, which means convergence towards the European countries and a reduction in the size of the GDP per capita. In order to achieve such long-term goals, it is necessary to implement structural reforms that will result in stimulating production, trade, financial flows and reforming the labor market and the public sector. That is why growth of investment and exports is the main determinant of long-term growth. This paper gives an overview of the basic economic features of B&H compared with the other countries that belong to Western Balkan region, as well as projections on the certain macroeconomic indicators in the forthcoming period
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global unprecedented event since the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918. The IMF addressed this pandemic-caused economic fallout as the worst crisis since the Great Depression. Entire continents are in lockdowns just with essential services and activities. Unlike the global financial crisis that derived from a financial sector, this pandemic-caused crisis is shock in real economy, both on the demand and supply side. During previous crisis, especially during global financial crisis, most governments responded with austerity measures and fiscal consolidation. This time it is different. Governments worldwide approved additional expenditures, tax cuts, government bond issuance and borrowing in order to mitigate economic consequences of the looming crisis. One of the pandemic’s result is dramatic increase of indebtedness that could affect efficiency of fiscal and monetary responses created before to fight against crisis. This sudden and strong COVID-10 shock especially effects developing countries and emerging markets, but also advanced countries with already limited fiscal space. The COVID-19 pandemic-caused crisis evoked again fear of debt crisis and expanded a number of countries with indebtedness problems. Bosnia and Herzegovina as developing country with complex state structure and its own macroeconomic, political, institutional problems is not spared of negative effects of the pandemic. In order to save economy when recovery from the previous crisis is still in swing, Bosnia and Herzegovina did emergency measures to support economy. Increase of government spending in addition to reduced tax revenues have created the need for budget rebalance and additional borrowing. The aim of this work is to show macroeconomic situation and problems in the EU countries, countries in the region and especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina before the pandemic as well as current problems, their reactions to COVID-19 pandemic and necessary financial support that could cause increase of indebtedness
Selecting Means of Transport Using Transport Costs Rationalization - Case Study
Cijena transporta formira se na osnovu ukupnih troškova koje distributeri i prijevoznici imaju tokom transporta određene vrste robe. Na primjeru prekoatlantske robe analizirana su tri načina prijevoza s opisom postupka i ponuđenim rutama za pronalazak optimalne kombinacije i racionalizacije transportnih troškova koristeći se punim kapacitetom kontejnera (FCL) ili samo njegovim dijelom kao zbirna roba (LCL) koje predstavljaju mogućnost usluge koja se nudi korisnicima, te kakvog utjecaja imaju i kakvim se poslovima bavi međunarodni špediter i njegovi bliski suradnici vezano za otpremu, dopremu i provoz robe omogućavajući korisniku djelotvorno i sigurno dospijeće robe na dogovoreno mjesto kao razinu usluge.The cost of transport is based on the total costs that distributors and carriers have during transport of certain types of goods. In the example of the transatlantic goods, three modes of transport with a description of the procedure and offered routes for finding an optimal combination and rationalization of transport costs were analyzed using full container load (FCL) or less then container load (LCL) representing the service offered to users, and what kind of influence they have and what kind of jobs are the international freight forwarder and his close associates dealing with regard to the dispatch, delivery and transit of goods, enabling the user to effectively and safely obtain the goods at the agreed place as a service level
Selecting Means of Transport Using Transport Costs Rationalization - Case Study
Cijena transporta formira se na osnovu ukupnih troškova koje distributeri i prijevoznici imaju tokom transporta određene vrste robe. Na primjeru prekoatlantske robe analizirana su tri načina prijevoza s opisom postupka i ponuđenim rutama za pronalazak optimalne kombinacije i racionalizacije transportnih troškova koristeći se punim kapacitetom kontejnera (FCL) ili samo njegovim dijelom kao zbirna roba (LCL) koje predstavljaju mogućnost usluge koja se nudi korisnicima, te kakvog utjecaja imaju i kakvim se poslovima bavi međunarodni špediter i njegovi bliski suradnici vezano za otpremu, dopremu i provoz robe omogućavajući korisniku djelotvorno i sigurno dospijeće robe na dogovoreno mjesto kao razinu usluge.The cost of transport is based on the total costs that distributors and carriers have during transport of certain types of goods. In the example of the transatlantic goods, three modes of transport with a description of the procedure and offered routes for finding an optimal combination and rationalization of transport costs were analyzed using full container load (FCL) or less then container load (LCL) representing the service offered to users, and what kind of influence they have and what kind of jobs are the international freight forwarder and his close associates dealing with regard to the dispatch, delivery and transit of goods, enabling the user to effectively and safely obtain the goods at the agreed place as a service level
Numerička simulacija procesa spreja i analiza utjecaja koeficijenata modela raspadanja goriva
U ovome je radu pomoću računalne dinamike fluida izvršena validacija Euler-Eulerovog višefaznog modela stvaranja spreja vršenjem simulacija unutar programskog paketa FIRE®. Verifikacija modela utvrđivana je uspoređivanjem rezultata dobivenih simulacijama s postojećim eksperimentalnim podacima, preuzetim s web stranice Engine Combustion Network grupe.
Kroz rad se promatra valjanost matematičkog modela primijenjenog na proces visokotlačnog ubrizgavanja goriva u dizel motor. Na temelju ekoloških zahtjeva, zbog sve većeg zagađenja atmosfere, u industriji se obraća velika pozornost na smanjenje štetnih emisija i povećanje efikasnosti procesa izgaranja, što je usko povezano s procesima miješanja goriva i zraka te stvaranja spreja. Upravo se zbog toga veliki resursi ulažu u razvoj matematičkih modela pomoću kojih bi se dovoljno dobro opisali procesi visokotlačnog ubrizgavanja i stvaranja spreja. Prilikom visokotlačnog ubrizgavanja dolazi do raspadanja tekućeg goriva u sitne kapljice, što se naziva primarnim i sekundarnim raspadanjem, te njihovog naknadnog isparavanja. Kod računalnih simulacija ubrizgavanja goriva potrebno je voditi računa o pravilnom obliku spreja, dužini penetracije tekućeg i isparenog goriva te intenzitetu isparavanja. Višefazni sprej opisan je odabirom najboljeg seta koeficijenata već postojećih modela unutar programskog paketa FIRE® i rezultati simulacije uspoređeni su s eksperimentalnim podacima
Udarna oštećenja višeslojnih kompozitnih konstrukcija pri malim brzinama
U ovome je radu izvršena numerička analiza udarnih oštećenja u višeslojnim kompozitnim konstrukcijama pri malim brzinama udara pomoću metode konačnih elemenata unutar programskog paketa Abaqus/Explicit. Validacija modela i korištenih parametara utvrđivana je uspoređivanjem dobivenih numeričkih rezultata s postojećim eksperimentalnim rezultatima iz dostupne literature.
U uvodnom, prvom poglavlju je dan opći pregled kompozita, poput osnovnih karakteristika i podjela te njihove primjene. Osim toga, navedene su još i vrste oštećenja, koje se posljedično javljaju uslijed udarnih opterećenja, te uzroci i načini propagacije, kao i utjecaj pojedinih
konstituenata kompozita na cjelokupan proces. S drugim je poglavljem naveden matematički model – opisane su metode i modeli, kao i kriterij popuštanja, model kohezivne zone i
kohezivni konačni elementi, koji su korišteni pri vršenju simulacija. U trećem je poglavlju opisan numerički model, na kojemu su izvršene simulacije, sa svim potrebnim veličinama i karakteristikama. Četvrto poglavlje sadrži rezultate analiza i osvrt na iste, utemeljen na usporedbi (validaciji) rezultata dobivenih numeričkom analizom i eksperimentalnih rezultata iz dostupne literature. Posljednje, peto poglavlje donosi zaključak donesen na temelju rezultata iz četvrtog poglavlja
The more competitive external economic environment and challenges brought by a long-term growth can only be solved by investment in research and development, innovations and human capital. Developed countries try to stimulate research and development in all important fields by forming special institutions and organizations, adopting clear policies and concrete measures. The European Union has made smart specialization strategy as platform to focus on development investments in area where Europe has critical mass of knowledge, capacities and competencies that are innovative potential for maintaining the highest positions of competitiveness at world markets. One of the most important tools in implementation of strategy are Centres of competences aimed to increase of small and medium entrepreneurship capacities that are in lack of own capacities for research and development. This paperwork will analyse how much countries are aware of importance and readiness to create national strategy of smart specialization. How ready they are to start transformation of national economies through forming and strengthening innovation chain of value i.e. how ready they are to be lead by the principle: ”Research is transformation of money in knowledge, and innovation is transformation of knowledge in money.” What is current condition and how are perspectives in Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding incentives for innovation and technology development, creating better business conditions of new and growing companies, promoting partnership and synergy in order to create value chains, ensuring continuous modernization of industry and solving social and regional competitiveness that are the main challenges of the EU. Encouragement of growth and competitiveness for economic development and goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy belongs to the most important priorities of the Commission and the EU member countries after crisis. The Europe 2020 Strategy is focused on solving structural disabilities of existing growth models by creating conditions for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
Architecture of Šara mountain villages with a particular view on the entrepreneurship of Sredačka district masons
Шарпланинска села богата су културно-историјским споменицима из скоро
свих периода људске цивилизације. Они су расути по најпривлачнијим природним
амбијентима ове планине, али и у комплексима старе архитектуре у урбаним и
руралним целинама споменичког карактера. Призрен је права ризница културног
наслеђа; то је „град-музеј“, бисер старе архитектуре. Призрену се, у много чему,
придружује Тетово, на другој страни Шар-планине. Али, док се у архитектури градског
урбаног ткива осећа утицај оријенталне архитектуре, дотле су шарпланинска села
успела да сачувају и особености изворне, аутентичне архитектуре српског народа који
од давнина живи на овој нашој планини. Шар-планина је зато прави архитектонски и
етнолошки парк, који до данашњих дана сведочи о историјском развоју и трајању
људског живота на њој. У том архитектонско-етнолошком парку срећу се изворни
архитектонски облици, који су због удаљености села у далеком, високопланинском
простору, створени од локалног материјала и који су обликовани на најбољи начин у
датим климатским и социјалним условима, али увек складно, препознатљиво и са
ненадмашном печалбарском вештином средачких зидара. Зато комплекси са старим
сеоским кућама, заједно са природним амбијентом у коме се налазе, делују нестварно,
попут „малог града“, пренесеног и утканог у њих печалбарском вештином зидара који
су градили куће у својим селима, па арбанашке куле, од Призрена, преко Румуније и
све до америчких земаља.
Народно неимарство у селима Шар-планине достиже свој врхунац на размеђу
између XIX и XX века. То се посебно види на стамбеним објектима из тог периода који
поседују изузетну обраду архитектонске конструкције и аутохтоност архитектонског
облика. Значајна је друштвено-историјска појава печалбарења мајстора‒зидара, која је
на индиректан начин условила и појаву овако јединствене архитектуре. Према томе,
може се закључити да је архитектура у селима Шар-планине резултат аутохтоних
карактеристика средине у којој је настала, али и елемената који су резултат
печалбарских кретања њених врсних зидара...The villages of Šar Mountain are characterised by abundant cultural-historical
monuments from different periods of human civilisation. The heritage that is widely spread
over the most attractive natural landscapes also is noticeable in the form of the complexes of
old town or village architecture with monumental character. Prizren is a real treasury of
cultural heritage; it is the "town-museum", and the pearl of traditional architecture. In many
aspects, Tetovo, from the other side of Šar Mountain, joins Prizren. While oriental influence
is noticeable in the architecture of urban tissue, the villages on Šar mountain, on the other
hand, contain preserved authentic architecture of Serbian population that it inhabiting this
area since olden times. Šar mountain is hence genuine architectural and ethnological park that
witnesses on historical development and life continuum. In this architectural-ethnological
park, original architectural forms may be found. Due to large distances and high mountain
space, the forms, made of locally available materials and with high skills of the masons of
Sredačka župa, are shaped according to climatic and social conditions, in all cases with the
right measure and recognizable character. From these reasons, old houses' complexes,
together with natural landscape in which they are set, seem unreal and resemble of "small
town" with embodied skills of artisans who firstly built houses in their own villages, and then
Arbanas towers, from Prizren, over Romania, all until the United States.
Traditional construction in the villages of Šar Mountain reached its culmination at the
turn of the 19th to 20th century. This is especially visible on residential buildings with
remarkable structure and autochthonic architectural form. On the other hand, the sociocultural
phenomenon of the artisans' emergence has also influenced the appearance of this
unique architecture. In this regard, it may be concluded that the architecture of Šar Mountain
villages represent the result of autochthonic environmental characteristics as well as of the
movement and skills of its excellent masons.
Low velocity impact damage in laminated composite structures
U ovome je radu izvršena numerička analiza udarnih oštećenja u višeslojnim kompozitnim konstrukcijama pri malim brzinama udara pomoću metode konačnih elemenata unutar programskog paketa Abaqus/Explicit. Validacija modela i korištenih parametara utvrđivana je uspoređivanjem dobivenih numeričkih rezultata s postojećim eksperimentalnim rezultatima iz dostupne literature. U uvodnom, prvom poglavlju je dan opći pregled kompozita, poput osnovnih karakteristika i podjela te njihove primjene. Osim toga, navedene su još i vrste oštećenja, koje se posljedično javljaju uslijed udarnih opterećenja, te uzroci i načini propagacije, kao i utjecaj pojedinih konstituenata kompozita na cjelokupan proces. S drugim je poglavljem naveden matematički model – opisane su metode i modeli, kao i kriterij popuštanja, model kohezivne zone i kohezivni konačni elementi, koji su korišteni pri vršenju simulacija. U trećem je poglavlju opisan numerički model, na kojemu su izvršene simulacije, sa svim potrebnim veličinama i karakteristikama. Četvrto poglavlje sadrži rezultate analiza i osvrt na iste, utemeljen na usporedbi (validaciji) rezultata dobivenih numeričkom analizom i eksperimentalnih rezultata iz dostupne literature. Posljednje, peto poglavlje donosi zaključak donesen na temelju rezultata iz četvrtog poglavlja.In this thesis, a numerical analysis of impact damage in laminated composite structures at low velocities was performed by using the finite element method using the Abaqus/Explicit software. Validation of the numerical model and used parameters was done by comparison of the obtained results with the experimental results from available literature. In the first, introductory chapter a general overview of the composites is given - basic features, classifications and applications. Furthermore, failure models that occur due to impact loads are explained. Furthermore, causes and propagation modes, as well as the individual influence of composite constituents on the entire damage process was explained in this chapter. The second chapter outlines the mathematical model – the used methods and models are described, as well as the failure criteria, the cohesive zone model, and the cohesive finite elements, that were used in the analysis. In the third chapter, a numerical model is described, including all required data and characteristics. Chapter four contains the results of the analysis and their interpretation based on the comparison (validation) with experimental results from the available literature. The last, fifth chapter brings a conclusion based on the results presented in the fourth chapter
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