44 research outputs found

    Ruth Carbonette Yow, Students of the Dream: Resegregation in a Southern City

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    With eloquence and passion, Ruth Carbonette Yow presents a challenging picture of school integration in the United States in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Her work adds to the growing scholarship on the issue of resegregation, the re-institution of segregation after the court-ordered desegregation in the 1960s. It was in the late 1980s that researchers really began to identify a distinctive trend toward resegregation in American p..

    Les Morrill Acts de 1862 et 1890 et l’ajustement de l’enseignement supĂ©rieur amĂ©ricain aux normes de marchĂ©

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    The adjustment of higher education to market norms is often regarded as an American inspired phenomenon. This article tackles the underlying assumptions of a distinctively American dialectic and traces the emergence of a typically American higher education system in the wake of the 1862 and 1890 Morrill Acts

    Clock-dependent chromatin topology modulates circadian transcription and behavior.

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    The circadian clock in animals orchestrates widespread oscillatory gene expression programs, which underlie 24-h rhythms in behavior and physiology. Several studies have shown the possible roles of transcription factors and chromatin marks in controlling cyclic gene expression. However, how daily active enhancers modulate rhythmic gene transcription in mammalian tissues is not known. Using circular chromosome conformation capture (4C) combined with sequencing (4C-seq), we discovered oscillatory promoter-enhancer interactions along the 24-h cycle in the mouse liver and kidney. Rhythms in chromatin interactions were abolished in arrhythmic <i>Bmal1</i> knockout mice. Deleting a contacted intronic enhancer element in the <i>Cryptochrome 1</i> ( <i>Cry1</i> ) gene was sufficient to compromise the rhythmic chromatin contacts in tissues. Moreover, the deletion reduced the daily dynamics of <i>Cry1</i> transcriptional burst frequency and, remarkably, shortened the circadian period of locomotor activity rhythms. Our results establish oscillating and clock-controlled promoter-enhancer looping as a regulatory layer underlying circadian transcription and behavior

    John Ware (1807-1841) : traces et mémoire d'une trajectoire goréenne

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    There are only few scholarly works on the British occupations of GorĂ©e from 1663 to 1664, 1758 to 1763, 1779 to 1784, 1800 to 1804 and - the French having retaken GorĂ©e in 1804 and lost it again that same year - 1804 to 1816. Those periods are quite illuminating as to the relationships between the local populations and the subjects of the occupying power. They provide perspectives that complement the better-documented cases of the French occupations. Interracial unions involving British subjects occurred in GorĂ©e in the 19th century ; memories of a sometimes painful, often fragmented and always inquisitive nature began to form around the diffuse awareness of British ascendencies. The present case study focuses on the life-story of John Ware and aims to analyze the mechanismsIl existe peu de travaux sur les occupations britanniques de GorĂ©e de 1663 Ă  1664, de 1758 Ă  1763, de 1779 Ă  1784, de 1800 Ă  1804 et, les Français ayant repris GorĂ©e en 1804 mais l’ayant reperdue la mĂȘme annĂ©e, de 1804 Ă  1816. Ces pĂ©riodes sont riches d’enseignements sur les relations entre les populations locales et les sujets de la puissance occupante. Elles sont en cela complĂ©mentaires aux cas mieux documentĂ©s des occupations françaises. Des unions interraciales impliquant des sujets britanniques se sont nouĂ©es Ă  GorĂ©e au XIXe siĂšcle, mĂ©tissages dont la mĂ©moire parfois douloureuse, souvent parcellaire et toujours en quĂȘte de sens s’est construite pour partie autour de la conscience diffuse d’une ascendance britannique. La trajectoire du dĂ©nommĂ© John Ware nĂ© Ă  GorĂ©e en 1807 sous occupation britannique et dĂ©cĂ©dĂ© en 1841 sous occupation française, la mĂ©moire contemporaine de cette trajectoire et l’analyse de ses mĂ©canismes forment l’objet de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude de cas.Gachon Nicolas. John Ware (1807-1841) : traces et mĂ©moire d'une trajectoire gorĂ©enne. In: Outre-mers, tome 102, n°386-387,2015. Raynal, les colonies, la RĂ©volution française et l'esclavage. pp. 159-181

    LibĂ©ralisme et citoyennetĂ© aux États-Unis, XXĂšme siĂšcle

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    International audienceLe libĂ©ralisme postule une triple problĂ©matique – philosophique, politique et Ă©conomique - dont les tenants et aboutissants s'avĂšrent indissociables des origines et des contradictions de l'État moderne. Nicolas Gachon en explore ici les implications citoyennes Ă  travers cent ans d'histoire amĂ©ricaine. L'ouvrage apporte les « essentiels » historiques et politiques permettant de dĂ©coder la rhĂ©torique libĂ©rale et donc d'entrevoir les enjeux du XXIe siĂšcle avec une plus grande luciditĂ©

    La diminution du nombre d'étudiants étrangers dans l'enseignement supérieur américain aprÚs le 11 septembre 2001

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    The Political Ambivalence of EU Higher Education Policy: A Transatlantic Perspective

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    De la lĂ©gitimitĂ© des sciences humaines dans l’économie du savoir

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    Compte-rendu d'ouvrage : Andrew Delbanco, The Real American Dream: A Meditation on Hope

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    Ruth Carbonette Yow, Students of the Dream: Resegregation in a Southern City

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    Compte-renduComptes-rendus d'ouvrages ou d'articlesInternational audienc