11 research outputs found

    Complications with Pneumoniae in COVID-19 Patients at the First University Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia

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    COVID -19 virus can infect the lower respiratory tract and cause pneumonia in humans. This is associated with different health difficulties, prolonged hospitalization, high mortality rate and economical-financial problems as well.160 patients were admitted to First University Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia (March-June 2020). We conducted retrospective study to reveal the frequency of pneumonia among COVID -19 patients, specifically according to gender and age. Study results show that pneumonia was common in most COVID -19 cases (74.3%), that was more prevalent in females - 58%. Especially, high rate of this complication was reported in the age group of patients  between 30-59 years (47.8%) rather than in other age groups. 92.4% of pneumonia patients were recovered, lethal outcome was developed in 7.6% of cases

    Breast Cancer Awareness among Medical Students in Georgia

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    Background: As awareness is the key tool for better prognosis, it is important for every kind of population. Being one of the most common cancers, also being associated with the high mortality rates, breast cancer awareness should be prevalent. As future doctors, medical students have the responsibility of educating the general population. To carry out such duties, they should possess enough knowledge about the subject. This study probes the extent of their knowledge.Methodology: An online questionnaire containing 15 questions of various formats was made and distributed to the students of Tbilisi State Medical University via E-mails. The collected data were processed in Microsoft Excel sheets. Answers from pre-clinical and clinical year students were analyzed separately.Results: A total of 225 responses were collected. More females (n=167) participated in the survey than males (n=56). A very low number of students selected correct answers to the epidemiological questions regarding the most common cancer among men, women, and the overall Georgian population. Despite attending awareness programs and having close contact with cancer patients, students showed a lack of awareness.Conclusion: There was no significant difference in knowledge or awareness noticed between pre-clinical and clinical students. Lack of knowledge despite having attended previous awareness programs and having close contact with cancer patients shows the lack of cognizance in students and their inability to retain information. This strongly indicates the need for more intensive activities on cancer awareness not only for students but also for the general populatio

    C reactive protein, Procalcitonin, Ferritin Levels in Mild, Severe and Critically Ill Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 has infected millions of people worldwide, causing the COVID-19 pandemic. The pathogenic mechanism of infection is still under investigation.Due to lack of appropriate treatment, it is important to determine specific biomarkers to help clinicians identify patients at high risk of death, especially among those with severe COVID-19. These inflammatory factors may be prognostic biomarkers for predicting severe COVID-19 infection, therefore early identification of patients with COVID-19 with possible adverse prognostic factors is important for treatment and limiting severe outcomes and death.In the study we investigated the potential interdependence of some laboratory parameters - C reactive protein, procalcitonin, ferritin in different clinical severity COVID‐19 patients. Study results indicate that average values of these biomarkers vary in accordance with severity of COVID-19 infection. These values are explicitly higher in critically ill patients in comparison with mild and severe forms of disease

    Urotensin-2 Receptor Antagonist - Palosuran Decreases Blood Pressure And Plasma Renin Concentration In Laboratory Rats With Renovascular Hypertension

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    We were aimed to study effects of the Urotensin-2 receptor antagonist - Palosuran on blood pressure and plasma rennin concentration in laboratory rats with renovascular hypertension (2 kidneys + 1 clip).  Blood pressure was measured using noninvasive “tail cuff“ method.Studies have shown that in experimental rats palosuran (10 mg/kg/daily, during 4 weeks) reveal hypotensive effect. Blood pressure was decreased even after administration NO-synthase inhibitor - L-NAME (10 mg/kg, single dose), supposedly due to its urotensin-2 receptor antagonistic properties.In hypertensive rats plasma renin concentration was increased progressively compared to the data of healthy rats. In palosuran-treated hypertensive rats  renin concentration was significantly lower than in untreated hypertensive rats. Decreased renin concentration was maintained after administration of L-NAME, except during the late-onset of treatment.It could be concluded that in experimental rats with renovascular hypertension the vasodilatatory effect of palosuran outweighs the inhibitory effect of L-NAME on NO production and urotensin-induced endothelium-independent vasoconstrictive effect, especially at the early stages and early onset of treatment of hypertension. Palosuran might represent a new therapeutic option in individuals with hypertension disease

    Distance Learning in Medical Education: COVID-19 Pandemic - Contingency Plan or a Paradigm Shift?

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    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected virtually all aspects of human life including the domain of education. All tiers of education are in a process of transition to the diverse modes of online teaching/distance learning. Certain geographic regions and areas of study are particularly vulnerable to these challenges. The countries with lower economic development have evident deficiencies in the Internet access, computer literacy and professional qualifications of teachers and students essential for successful implementation of online teaching forms. While certain specialties in higher education (less technologically dense) are still relatively well-off in terms of effectively shifting to distance learning, medical education with its technologically sensitive academic process faces major difficulties. This is especially true about teaching clinical sciences, where immediate supervision and attendance has been considered as a core requirement. By assessing own experiences and published data, it is our belief that the following steps should be made by nations (with the particular reference to low middle income countries) and institutions: 1. More thorough, robust and inclusive research should be done in order to reveal as many technically and “ideologically” fit solutions for ensuring the smooth transition to e-education; 2. Official authorities should think creatively while revising/determining the status of e-education, so that where possible, it may replace traditional modality of education in technically and legally organized ways and bureaucratic resistance has to be meaningfully minimized; 3. The governments need to obligate and incentivize HEIs for introducing realistic and comprehensive “contingency and business continuity plans” especially tailored to the requirements arising from global public health emergencies

    Assessing the Impact of Social Distance on Skin Condition during COVID-19 Pandemic Based on an Online Survey

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    Abstract - After the declaration of the pandemic in March 2020, Governments around the world made social distancing a mandatory rule to practice to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (covid-19). This action has impacted our lives in several ways, it can be stated that it might also have an impact on skin conditions or lead to skin conditions. The purpose of this survey was to assess if individuals practicing social distancing have experienced any dermatological changes. An online survey consisting of 16 questions was conducted to find out if the prolonged practice of social distancing has led to any skin conditions. 39.7 %( n=93) of individuals who took the survey stated that they have observed changes in their skin, hair, and nails, they stated that these skin changes were observed post-pandemic (p=0.00037). 33.8% (n=79) of participants stated that they are experiencing hair loss and 4.7% (n=11) of individuals noted to have observed vertical lines in their nails. Along with several factors like changes in the skincare routine, diet changes, mood changes, wearing masks, and excessive sanitization, the practice of social distancing has shown to impact changes in dermatological conditions in the pandemic. These conditions can be prevented with the right precautionary measures and can be treated under the care of a dermatologist while still practicing social distancing

    Effectiveness of Glucocorticoid Therapy in COVID-19 Patients (Brief Review)

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    Glucocorticoid therapy is widely used among patients with different severe pulmonary inflammatory diseases. The novel study results recommend the use of corticosteroids for treatment of severe form of COVID-19 infection. Study results also indicate the importance of monitoring of these patients due to the possible adverse reactions of glucocorticoid therapy

    Interplay of Different Parameters in COVID‐19 Infection and Novel Results of Possible Prevention and Treatment (Review of the Literature)

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and the resulting coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) remains a global challenge. There are intense studies for finding effective prevention and treatment options worldwide. Therefore, infection prevention, prognostic parameters of infection complication and identification of successful treatment protocols need more investigations.Interpretation of laboratory parameters may support clinicians in prevention and treatment of the disease, will improve COVID 19 infection outcomes and may potentially decrease the death rate overall.Study results have shown that different laboratory parameters during the disease course are significantly changed. In critically ill patients, coagulation complications and coagulation/anticoagulation imbalance are characteristic also. According to the research results, vaccination offers the best option for COVID-19 control.In this review, some parameters, current therapeutic options, preventive methods of COVID 19 infection are discussed

    Vitamin D Associated Peculiarities in Women with Mild Covid-19 and Effect of Calcifediol on the Level of Vitamin D and Possibly, on Disease Outcome - Prospective Pilot Study

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    Presented study provides information about prospective pilot study concerning the vitamin D  in women with mild COVID-19 (SARSCoV2) and effect of Calcifediol on the vitamin D level and possibly, on disease outcome.The study involved 30 women aged 48 to 72 years who were treated for a mild form of new coronavirus infection between 1.09.2020 - 1.12.2020 at the First University Clinic of TSMU.In all patients, the new type SARSCoV2 was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction performed with reagents-Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2 (Cepheid, USA) on GeneXpert (USA) analyzer (closed system). D-dimer, ferritin, C-reactive protein and lactate dehydrogenase were detected upon the hospital admission. Vitamin D was defined using Roche reagents (electrochemiluminescence method; Roche HITACHICobase-411 device- Switzerland).On the 1st day of hospital admission, all patients received 0.266 mg (1 capsule) of calcifediol (16000 UI) in the form of the drug Hydroferol (FAES FARMA, S.A., Spain). Vitamin D and -reactive protein was defined repeatedly on the 5th day of treatment.Results: Studies have shown that on the 5th day after hydroferol administration the vitamin D level in patients with COVID-19 was significantly increased [16.8 (12.2–24.2) vs. 56.4 (52.3–62.2), p<0.0001]. Negative relationship was found between the onset of symptoms and baseline vitamin D levels (F = 5.9223, p <0.026). The negative relationship was found between the repeatedly defined levels of vitamin D and C-reactive protein (F=12.82, p<0.009) also, pointing on the positive treatment effect of vitamin D on the course of mild form of Covid-19. None of the patients required continued treatment in the intensive care unit and were discharged home with satisfactory state. Conclusion: Vitamin D supposedly plays the important role in pathogenesis and outcome of SARSCoV2 virus infected patients. Additional large-scale randomized placebo-controlled studies on the role of vitamin D in COVID-19 pathogenesis are needed

    Effect of the Urotensin-2 Receptor Antagonist - Palosuran on Serum Electrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca++) in Laboratory Rats with Renovascular Hypertension

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    This study was designed to assess the effect of the urotensin-2 receptor antagonist - Palosuran on blood pressure and serum electrolytes in laboratory rats with renovascular hypertension (2 kidneys + 1 clip) and determine possible changes in sodium, potassium, calcium levels.Studies have shown that Palosuran decreases mean arterial pressure in rats with renovascular hypertension. The vasodilating effect of palosuran exceeds the inhibitory effect of L-NAME on NO and the urotensin-induced endothelium-independent vasoconstrictive effect, especially in the early stages of hypertension. The antihypertensive effect of Palosuran was less manifested in case of relatively late onset of treatment. Supposedly, damaging effects of hypertension on blood vessels increase production of U-II and enhance the endothelium-independent vasoconstrictive effect of urotensin.The results obtained showed a significant difference between hypertensive and nonhypertensive healthy rats for blood electrolytes. At the early stage of disease modeling Palosuran significantly decreased serum Na+ and increased K+ concentrations in hypertensive rats. Na+ and K+ concentrations were maintained within the normal range even after administration of L-NAME, except during the late-onset of treatment.In conclusion, Palosuran might represent a new therapeutic option in individuals with hypertension disease at early stages of disease