48 research outputs found

    Minimum number of myosin motors accounting for shortening velocity under zero load in skeletal muscle

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    KEY POINTS: Myosin filament mechanosensing determines the efficiency of the contraction by adapting the number of switched ON motors to the load. Accordingly, the unloaded shortening velocity (V (0)) is already set at the end of latency relaxation (LR), ∌10 ms after the start of stimulation, when the myosin filament is still in the OFF state. Here the number of actin‐attached motors per half‐myosin filament (n) during V (0) shortening imposed either at the end of LR or at the plateau of the isometric contraction is estimated from the relation between half‐sarcomere compliance and force during the force redevelopment after shortening. The value of n decreases progressively with shortening and, during V (0) shortening starting at the end of LR, is 1–4. Reduction of n is accounted for by a constant duty ratio of 0.05 and a parallel switching OFF of motors, explaining the very low rate of ATP utilization found during unloaded shortening. ABSTRACT: The maximum velocity at which a skeletal muscle can shorten (i.e. the velocity of sliding between the myosin filament and the actin filament under zero load, V (0)) is already set at the end of the latency relaxation (LR) preceding isometric force generation, ∌10 ms after the start of electrical stimulation in frog muscle fibres at 4°C. At this time, Ca(2+)‐induced activation of the actin filament is maximal, while the myosin filament is in the OFF state characterized by most of the myosin motors lying on helical tracks on the filament surface, making them unavailable for actin binding and ATP hydrolysis. Here, the number of actin‐attached motors per half‐thick filament during V (0) shortening (n) is estimated by imposing, on tetanized single fibres from Rana esculenta (at 4°C and sarcomere length 2.15 Όm), small 4 kHz oscillations and determining the relation between half‐sarcomere (hs) compliance and force during the force development following V (0) shortening. When V (0) shortening is superimposed on the maximum isometric force T (0), n decreases progressively with the increase of shortening (range 30–80 nm per hs) and, when V (0) shortening is imposed at the end of LR, n can be as low as 1–4. Reduction of n is accounted for by a constant duty ratio of the myosin motor of ∌0.05 and a parallel switching OFF of the thick filament, providing an explanation for the very low rate of ATP utilization during extended V (0) shortening

    Inotropic interventions do not change the resting state of myosin motors during cardiac diastole

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    When striated (skeletal and cardiac) muscle is in its relaxed state, myosin motors are packed in helical tracks on the surface of the thick filament, folded toward the center of the sarcomere, and unable to bind actin or hydrolyze ATP (OFF state). This raises the question of whatthe mechanism is that integrates the Ca2+-dependent thin filament activation, making myosin heads available for interaction with actin. Here we test the interdependency of the thin and thick filament regulatory mechanisms in intact trabeculae from the rat heart. We record the x-ray diffraction signals that mark the state of the thick filament during inotropic interventions (increase in sarcomere length from 1.95 to 2.25 ”m and addition of 10-7 M isoprenaline), which potentiate the twitch force developed by an electrically paced trabecula by up to twofold. During diastole, none of the signals related to the OFF state of the thick filament are significantly affected by these interventions, except the intensity of both myosin-binding protein C- and troponin-related meridional reflections, which reduce by 20% in the presence of isoprenaline. These results indicate that recruitment of myosin motors from their OFF state occurs independently and downstream from thin filament activation. This is in agreement with the recently discovered mechanism based on thick filament mechanosensing in which the number of motors available for interaction with actin rapidly adapts to the stress on the thick filament and thus to the loading conditions of the contraction. The gain of this positive feedback may be modulated by both sarcomere length and the degree of phosphorylation of myosin-binding protein C

    An integrated in vitro and in situ study of kinetics ofmyosin II from frog skeletal muscle

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    A new efficient protocol for extraction and conservation of myosin II from frog skeletal muscle made it possible to preserve the myosin functionality for a week and apply single molecule techniques to the molecular motor that has been best characterized for its mechanical, structural and energetic parameters in situ. With the in vitro motility assay, we estimated the sliding velocity of actin on frog myosin II (V(F)) and its modulation by pH, myosin density, temperature (range 4–30°C) and substrate concentration. V(F) was 8.88 ± 0.26 ÎŒm s(−1) at 30.6°C and decreased to 1.60 ± 0.09 ÎŒm s(−1) at 4.5°C. The in vitro mechanical and kinetic parameters were integrated with the in situ parameters of frog muscle myosin working in arrays in each half-sarcomere. By comparing V(F) with the shortening velocities determined in intact frog muscle fibres under different loads and their dependence on temperature, we found that V(F) is 40–50% less than the fibre unloaded shortening velocity (V(0)) at the same temperature and we determined the load that explains the reduced value of V(F). With this integrated approach we could define fundamental kinetic steps of the acto-myosin ATPase cycle in situ and their relation with mechanical steps. In particular we found that at 5°C the rate of ADP release calculated using the step size estimated from in situ experiments accounts for the rate of detachment of motors during steady shortening under low loads

    Thick Filament Mechano-Sensing in Skeletal and Cardiac Muscles: A Common Mechanism Able to Adapt the Energetic Cost of the Contraction to the Task

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    A dual regulation of contraction operates in both skeletal and cardiac muscles. The first mechanism, based on Ca2+-dependent structural changes of the regulatory proteins in the thin filament, makes the actin sites available for binding of the myosin motors. The second recruits the myosin heads from the OFF state, in which they are unable to split ATP and bind to actin, in relation to the force during contraction. Comparison of the relevant X-ray diffraction signals marking the state of the thick filament demonstrates that the force feedback that controls the regulatory state of the thick filament works in the same way in skeletal as in cardiac muscles: even if in an isometric tetanus of skeletal muscle force is under the control of the firing frequency of the motor unit, while in a heartbeat force is controlled by the afterload, the stress-sensor switching the motors ON plays the same role in adapting the energetic cost of the contraction to the force. A new aspect of the Frank-Starling law of the heart emerges: independent of the diastolic filling of the ventricle, the number of myosin motors switched ON during systole, and thus the energetic cost of contraction, are tuned to the arterial pressure. Deterioration of the thick-filament regulation mechanism may explain the hyper-contractility related to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, an inherited heart disease that in 40% of cases is due to mutations in cardiac myosin

    Ca-Activation and Stretch-Activation in Insect Flight Muscle

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    Asynchronous insect flight muscle is specialized for myogenic oscillatory work, but can also produce isometric tetanic contraction. In skinned insect flight muscle fibers from Lethocerus, with sarcomere length monitored by a striation follower, we determined the relation between isometric force (F(0)) at serial increments of [Ca(2+)] and the additional active force recruited at each [Ca(2+)] by a stretch of ∌12 nm per half-sarcomere (F(SA)). The isometric force-pCa relation shows that 1.5–2 units of pCa are necessary to raise isometric force from its threshold (pCa ∌6.5) to its maximum (F(0,max)). The amplitude of F(SA) depends only on the preceding baseline level of isometric force, which must reach at least 0.05 F(0,max) to enable stretch-activation. F(SA) rises very steeply to its maximum as F(0) reaches ∌0.2 F(0,max), then decreases as F(0) increases so as to produce a constant sum (F(0) + F(SA)) = F(max). Thus Ca- and stretch-activation are complementary pathways that trigger a common process of cross-bridge attachment and force production. We suggest that stretch-induced distortion of attached cross-bridges relieves the steric blocking by tropomyosin of additional binding sites on actin, thereby enabling maximum force even at low [Ca(2+)]