12 research outputs found
Questionnaire responses
Questionnaire response
camera trap pictures
hyena camera trap picture
Elephant carcasses location
Appendix B. A table including the detailed mixed-effect models used to investigate partitioning of activity within the 24-h cycle.
A table including the detailed mixed-effect models used to investigate partitioning of activity within the 24-h cycle
Actinidia rufa Planch.
原著和名: シマサルナシ ナシカヅラ科名: マタタビ科 = Actinidiaceae採集地: 鹿児島県 屋久島 上屋久町 一湊林道 (大隅 屋久島 上屋久町 一湊林道)採集日: 1989/10/14採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH013652国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-96365
Scattering parameter (A) and movement metrics (B) immediately before and after a carcass was available.
<p>The horizontal dotted line represents the mean predicted value during the 20 days prior to when a carcass was available. The grey shaded areas represent confidence intervals. The vertical dotted lines indicate the time during which speed (12 days) is consistently below the average value recorded for the 20-days period prior to carcass availability.</p
The study area (circle in the top-right inset) in the Moremi Game Reserve and the surrounding Wildlife Management Area, Okavango Delta, northern Botswana.
<p>Twenty-four elephant carcasses (asterisks) were visited by GPS radio-collared spotted hyenas. The carcasses were found within the territory (95% kernel utilization distribution) of three resident clans (solid, dash, and dot lines). Thin solid lines represent major rivers. The twodot-dash line in the top left corner represents part of the territory of a peripheral clan.</p
Appendix A. A table showing the spatial range and overlap of the studied animals.
A table showing the spatial range and overlap of the studied animals
Appendix C. A figure depicting the division of the 24-h cycle into five periods: morning twilight, morning, afternoon, evening twilight, and night.
A figure depicting the division of the 24-h cycle into five periods: morning twilight, morning, afternoon, evening twilight, and night
Availability of elephant carcasses between 2008 and 2010.
<p>In B) the grey bars represent trophy hunted elephants, black bars represent naturally dead elephants and the pale-grey polygon shows the hunting season.</p