12 research outputs found


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    Indicele intimǎ medie carotidian (IMc) este un cunoscut marker subclinic pentru aterosclerozǎ. Fenomenul de recuperare nutriţionalǎ la copiii nǎscuţi mici pentru vârsta gestaţionalǎ (SGA) a fost asociat cu obezitate precoce şi cu riscul dezvoltǎrii sindromului metabolic. Scop. De a determina dacǎ existǎ o asociere între SGA şi IMc; de a stabili valori prag ale IMc la copiii obezi. Material şi metodǎ. Studiul prospectiv a fot derulat pe o perioadǎ de un an (iulie 2012 – iunie 2013). Au fost analizaţi 122 de pacienţi cu obezitate, 96 de pacienţi nǎscuţi cu greutate normalǎ pentru naştere (AGA) şi 26 de pacienţi nǎscuţi cu greutate micǎ pentru naştere (SGA). Ambele loturi au fost omogene din punct de vedere al vârstei, sexului şi indicelui de masǎ corporalǎ (IMC). Folosind curba ROC au fost stabilite valori prag pentru ambele grupe. IMc a fost semnifi cativ mai crescut la lotul SGA (p = 0,0035). Valoarea prag de 0,049 cm pentru IMc a fost obţinutǎ la ambele loturi, cumulat, cu o specifi citate şi sensibilitate crescutǎ. Concluzii. Copiii nǎscuţi SGA se asociazǎ cu risc aterosclerotic. IMc este un cunoscut marker subclinic pentru aterosclerozǎ, fi ind o metodǎ ieftinǎ şi noninvazivǎ. Studii populaţionale extinse sunt necesare în vederea stabilirii unor valori prag în ceea ce priveşte IMc


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    Introducere. Ischemia intestinală neonatală este o patologie frecventă, dar din păcate, de multe ori subdiagnosticată. Tehnica actuală permite investigarea non-invazivă a circulaţiei la nivel splahnic, putând decela precoce modifi cările de perfuzie-oxigenare care apar la acest nivel. Obiective. Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a determina valoarea clinică a spectroscopiei în infraroşu (NIRS) în detectarea precoce a modifi cărilor ischemice intestinale la nou-născuţii din secţia de Terapie Intensivă Neonatală. Material şi metodă. Am efectuat un studiu prospectiv observaţional pe o perioadă de 18 luni, pe un lot de 15 nou-născuţi cu vârsta de gestaţie între 25-38 săptămâni. Toţi nou-născuţii luaţi în studiu au prezentat unul sau mai multe semne clinice de patologie digestivă. Începerea monitorizării non-invazive continue prin NIRS cerebrală şi abdominală s-a efectuat în momentul apariţiei primelor modifi cări digestive, între ziua 3-21 de viaţă. A fost măsurată saturaţia oxigenului la nivel cerebral şi abdominal (rSO2 -C şi rSO2 -A) şi s-a efectuat raportul oxigenării cerebro-splahnice (ROCS). În paralel nou-născuţii au fost monitorizaţi complex prin metode biologice şi paraclinice. Perioada de monitorizare a fost variabilă, fi ind cuprinsă între 1-5 zile, perioadă necesară în stabilirea diagnosticului cauzal, şi apoi mai departe pentru urmărirea în dinamică a modifi cărilor perfuziei intestinale sub tratamentul instituit. Semnifi caţia statistică a fost determinată folosind testul statistict, calculând „p“ pentru un interval de încredere de 95% (semnifi caţie statistică p < 0,05). De asemenea, a fost evaluată curba ROC pentru a determina capacitatea acestei tehnici de a fi un instrument de diagnostic. Rezultate. Lotul de copii luaţi în studiu a inclus: 3 nou-născuţi cu malformaţie cardiacă congenitală (MCC) cu scăderea importantă a fl uxului sanguin în aortă, 4 nou-născuţi cu enterocolită ulcero-necrotică (EUN) stadiul II, 3 pacienţi cu retard de creştere intrauterină (RCIU) formă severă, 1 nou-născut cu atrezie intestinală şi peritonită secundară, 1 nou-născut cu anemie prin incompatibilitate Rh cu anasarcă feto-placentară şi 3 pacienţi cu sepsis şi patologie digestivă asociată dar fără criterii de EUN. La toţi pacienţii valorile măsurătorilor NİRS au fost semnifi cativ scăzute faţă de valoarea normală, cu valori diferite în funcţie de severitatea afecţiunii. Valoarea medie a rSO2 -A a fost de 41,85 (interval de variaţie 15-85) faţă de o valoare medie considerată normală. De asemenea, valoarea medie a raportului ROCS a fost sem nifi cativ scăzută faţă de valoarea normală. Cele mai mici valori ale rSO2 -A la începutul simptomatologiei le-a avut grupul de pacienţi cu MCC urmaţi de cei cu EUN. Aria de sub curba ROC a fost 0,95 (95% CI 0,88-1,02) pentru raportul ROCS. Considerând o valoare limită a ROCS pentru predicţia ischemiei intestinale de < 0,75, acest raport se dovedeşte a fi un indicator excelent al modifi cărilor circulaţiei intestinale. Concluzii. Metoda NIRS are potenţialul de a detecta apariţia alterărilor în oxigenarea şi perfuzia intestinală, permiţând detectarea precoce a ischemiei intestinale, chiar înainte de modifi carea altor parametri hemodinamici. NIRS este o metodă bună, non-invazivă, de urmărire în dinamică a modifi cărilor perfuziei tisulare sub tratamentul instituit, fi ind de asemenea capabilă să ghideze tratamentul, având un real folos în practica clinică

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Educational-Instructional Process of the Students from Technical Faculties

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    Even though we live in a period when the word digitization is prevalent in many social areas, the COVID-19 pandemic has divided mankind into two main categories: some people have seen this crisis as an opportunity to move the activities online and, furthermore, to accelerate digitization in as many areas as possible, while others have been reluctant, keeping their preferences for face-to-face activities. The current work presents the results of an analysis on 249 students from 11 engineering faculties. The study aims to identify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students&rsquo; educational experiences when switching from face-to-face to online education during a public health emergency or COVID-19-related state of alert. The overall conclusion was that, although the pandemic has brought adverse consequences on the health and life quality of many people, the challenges that humankind has been subjected to have led to personal and professional development and have opened up new perspectives for carrying out the everyday activities

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Educational-Instructional Process of the Students from Technical Faculties

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    Even though we live in a period when the word digitization is prevalent in many social areas, the COVID-19 pandemic has divided mankind into two main categories: some people have seen this crisis as an opportunity to move the activities online and, furthermore, to accelerate digitization in as many areas as possible, while others have been reluctant, keeping their preferences for face-to-face activities. The current work presents the results of an analysis on 249 students from 11 engineering faculties. The study aims to identify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ educational experiences when switching from face-to-face to online education during a public health emergency or COVID-19-related state of alert. The overall conclusion was that, although the pandemic has brought adverse consequences on the health and life quality of many people, the challenges that humankind has been subjected to have led to personal and professional development and have opened up new perspectives for carrying out the everyday activities

    Using Outsourcing in Public Institutions in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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    <p>The increasing complexity of the activities of public institutions has required the delegation to other organizations, outside the public sector, of various services, works or activities in order to better meet environmental demands and to focus on core competencies. The use of outsourcing by public institutions in Cluj-Napoca has started relatively recently, according to the results of the survey conducted in three public organizations: Cluj Napoca City Hall, the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture (hereafter APIA), the Agency for Payments for Rural Development and Fisheries (hereafter PARDF). The data gathered suggest that outsourcing by public institutions in Cluj Napoca is still in its early stages; there is however potential for and willingness toward implementing it in the future.</p

    Hot-Corrosion and Particle Erosion Resistance of Co-Based Brazed Alloy Coatings

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    Tape brazing constitutes a cost-effective alternative surface protection technology for complex-shaped surfaces. The study explores the characteristics of high-temperature brazed coatings using a cobalt-based powder deposited on a stainless-steel substrate in order to protect parts subjected to hot temperatures in a wear-exposed environment. Microstructural imaging corroborated with x-ray diffraction analysis showed a complex phased structure consisting of intermetallic Cr-Ni, C-Co-W Laves type, and chromium carbide phases. The surface properties of the coatings, targeting hot corrosion behavior, erosion, wear resistance, and microhardness, were evaluated. The high-temperature corrosion test was performed for 100 h at 750 &deg;C in a salt mixture consisting of 25 wt.% NaCl + 75 wt.% Na2SO4. The degree of corrosion attack was closely connected with the exposure temperature, and the degradation of the material corresponding to the mechanisms of low-temperature hot corrosion. The erosion tests were carried out using alumina particles at a 90&deg; impingement angle. The results, correlated with the microhardness measurements, have shown that Co-based coatings exhibited approximately 40% lower material loss compared to that of the steel substrate

    Hot-Corrosion and Particle Erosion Resistance of Co-Based Brazed Alloy Coatings

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    Tape brazing constitutes a cost-effective alternative surface protection technology for complex-shaped surfaces. The study explores the characteristics of high-temperature brazed coatings using a cobalt-based powder deposited on a stainless-steel substrate in order to protect parts subjected to hot temperatures in a wear-exposed environment. Microstructural imaging corroborated with x-ray diffraction analysis showed a complex phased structure consisting of intermetallic Cr-Ni, C-Co-W Laves type, and chromium carbide phases. The surface properties of the coatings, targeting hot corrosion behavior, erosion, wear resistance, and microhardness, were evaluated. The high-temperature corrosion test was performed for 100 h at 750 °C in a salt mixture consisting of 25 wt.% NaCl + 75 wt.% Na2SO4. The degree of corrosion attack was closely connected with the exposure temperature, and the degradation of the material corresponding to the mechanisms of low-temperature hot corrosion. The erosion tests were carried out using alumina particles at a 90° impingement angle. The results, correlated with the microhardness measurements, have shown that Co-based coatings exhibited approximately 40% lower material loss compared to that of the steel substrate

    Comparison of Ni-Based Self-Fluxing Remelted Coatings for Wear and Corrosion Applications

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    The present study investigates the possibility to apply a vacuum furnace thermal post-treatment as an alternative solution for flame sprayed NiCrBSi wear and corrosion-resistant coatings, deposited on a low alloyed structural steel. The controlled atmosphere offers advantages regarding the fusion of the coating, porosity reduction, and degassing. An improvement of the applied heating-cooling cycle was performed through the variation of time and temperature. The best performing samples were selected by comparing their porosity and roughness values. The chosen samples were subsequently characterized regarding their microstructure, microhardness, sliding wear, and corrosion behavior. The experimental work confirms that the use of a vacuum remelting post-process reduces the porosity below 1% and leads to the formation of a larger quantity of hard boron-containing phases, promoting a significant decrease of the wear rate, while maintaining a good corrosion behavior

    Solid Plasmonic Substrates for Breast Cancer Detection by Means of SERS Analysis of Blood Plasma

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    Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) represents a promising technique in providing specific molecular information that could have a major impact in biomedical applications, such as early cancer detection. SERS requires the presence of a suitable plasmonic substrate that can generate enhanced and reproducible diagnostic relevant spectra. In this paper, we propose a new approach for the synthesis of such a substrate, by using concentrated silver nanoparticles purified using the Tangential Flow Filtration method. The capacity of our substrates to generate reproducible and enhanced Raman signals, in a manner that can allow cancer detection by means of Multivariate Analysis (MVA) of Surface Enhanced Raman (SER) spectra, has been tested on blood plasma samples collected from 35 healthy donors and 29 breast cancer patients. All the spectra were analyzed by a combined Principal Component-Linear Discriminant Analysis. Our results facilitated the discrimination between healthy donors and breast cancer patients with 90% sensitivity, 89% specificity and 89% accuracy. This is a direct consequence of substrates&rsquo; ability to generate diagnostic relevant spectral information by performing SERS measurements on pristine blood plasma samples. Our results suggest that this type of solid substrate could be employed for the detection of other types of cancer or other diseases by means of MVA-SERS procedure

    The Relationship between Psychological Suffering, Value of Maternal Cortisol during Third Trimester of Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Initiation

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    Background and Objectives: Cortisol, the stress hormone, is an important factor in initiating and maintaining lactation. Maternal suffering during pregnancy is predictive for the initiation and shorter duration of breastfeeding and can also lead to its termination. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the level of salivary cortisol in the third trimester of pregnancy and the initiation of breastfeeding in the postpartum period in a cohort of young pregnant women who wanted to exclusively breastfeed their newborns during hospitalization. Materials and Methods: For the study, full-term pregnant women were recruited between January and May 2022 in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the Mureș County Clinical Hospital. Socio-demographic, clinical obstetric and neonatal variables were collected. Breastfeeding efficiency was assessed using the LATCH Breastfeeding Assessment Tool at 24 and 48 h after birth. The mean value of the LATCH score assessed at 24 and 48 h of age was higher among mothers who had a higher mean value of salivary cortisol measured in the third trimester of pregnancy (p Results: A quarter of pregnant women had a salivary cortisol level above normal limits during the third trimester of pregnancy. There is a statistically significant association between maternal smoking, alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the level of anxiety or depression. Conclusions: The most important finding of this study was that increased salivary cortisol in the last trimester of pregnancy was not associated with delayed initiation/absence of breastfeeding