14 research outputs found

    Clinicopathological Characteristics of Incidental Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma in an Endemic Goiter Area

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    Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC) is a common malignant disease of the endocrine system, which has rapidly increased in incidence and prevalence in recent decades. The aim of our paper was to identify correlations between pathological and clinical features of cases of PTMC. A total of 612 patients of both genders, who were operated on for benign thyroid diseases in the 3rd Surgical Unit of St. Spiridon University Hospital of Iasi, were monitored for a period of 2 years. According to pathological reports, PTMC was diagnosed in 144 cases. Of those cases, 81.2% were female and 18.8% were male, with an overall mean age of 54.77 ± 11.9 years. The mean diameter of tumors was 3.04 ± 2.2 mm (75.7% were under 5 mm), and 35.4% were multifocal tumors. Of all tumors studied, 76.4% were the follicular variant, 13.2% were conventional, and 10.4% of cases included tall cell, hobnail, or columnar variants. The underlying diseases were multinodular goiters (73.6%), adenomas (25%), Hashimoto thyroiditis (17.4%), Basedow’s disease, and other types of hyperthyroidism (4.9%), primarily hyperparathyroidism (7.6%), with a small percentage presenting a combination thereof. Extracapsular invasion was present in 14.6% while 5.6% presented perineural invasion and 0.7% of cases had vascular invasion. Lymphatic emboli were found in 9% of cases and lymph node metastasis in 5.6% of cases. PTMC is not as innocent as believed, and further studies, performed on larger batches, would be necessary in order to identify high oncological risk cases and to determine when a more aggressive surgical approach is indicated


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    Chistul congenital de coledoc este mai frecvent diagnosticat la copiii până la 10 ani, afectând preponderent persoanele de sex feminin. Prezentăm un caz de chist coledocian la un sugar de sex masculin în vârstă de 7 luni, care a debutat brusc cu icter sclerotegumentar şi inapetenţă. Ecografia abdominală a evidenţiat o formaţiune transsonică, hiperreflectogenă, cu localizare pe topografia coledocului, căi biliare intrahepatice dilatate, iar examenele de laborator au decelat un sindrom sever de citoliză hepatică şi colestază. Diagnosticul a fost confirmat cu ajutorul IRM colangiopancreatic efectuat în urgenţă şi a impus intervenţia chirurgicală. Diagnosticul diferenţial al sindroamelor de colestază trebuie să excludă şi chistul coledocian, indiferent de vârsta pacientului, din cauza complicaţiilor şi riscului de malignizare

    Biochemical Manifestations of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Progression in Children: A Single Center Case-Control Study

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    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common digestive condition, representing one of the most frequent reasons for medical examination, especially in pediatric gastroenterology departments. GERD could be associated with biochemical alterations representing either its systemic manifestations or markers of complications. The aim of our paper was to evaluate biochemical parameters secondary to GERD in children. Two hundred and sixty-seven children of both genders aged between 1 month and 18 years who displayed suggestive symptoms for this condition were included in the study and were monitored for a period of 5 years. Depending on the range of symptoms and technical possibilities, the following procedures/investigations were performed: esophageal pH monitoring and imagistic or endoscopic examination, besides specific biochemical investigations. The cohort was sub-divided into two groups: one that included 213 children with confirmed GERD who represented the study group and 54 healthy children where GERD had been excluded, the control group. Out of all the investigated children, 39.0% displayed low hemoglobin values, 43.7% displayed low values of erythrocyte indices (MCH), and 68.5% had increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) values, while increased eosinophil levels were recorded in 46.9% of the cases. Such parameters were proven to be a biomarker of suspected eosinophilic esophagitis, whereas 32.9% of the cases displayed high blood glucose values that could be correlated with gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. Other measured parameters (such as magnesium, aminotransferases and proteins) remained within the normal limits, without statistically significant differences compared to in the control group. This condition is diagnosed based on invasive investigations, which are often difficult to accept by the patients’ parents. The biochemical modifications correlated to the clinical manifestations can anticipate the progression of the disease, thus limiting the necessity of performing invasive diagnosis tests


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    Gastroesophageal reflux disease is frequently encountered, yet still underdiagnosed in pediatric pathology. More than two thirds of the pediatric population are diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux. Various pathologies associated with this disease are listed in the literature. The current article addresses asthma, obesity and dental erosions that are complementary to this condition. A multidisciplinary approach is mandatory for the purpose of optimal therapeutic management


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    Congenital choledochal cysts are more frequently diagnosed in children under the age of 10, occurring prevailingly in female patients. We are presenting a case of choledochal cyst in a 7-month-old male baby, which had a sudden onset with scleral-cutaneous jaundice and lack of appetite. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a transonic, hyperreflective formation located in the topography of the main bile duct, dilated intrahepatic bile ducts, and laboratory tests revealed a severe syndrome of hepatic cytolysis and cholestasis. The diagnosis was confirmed using cholangiopancreatic MRI performed in an emergency regime and required surgical intervention. Therefore, the differential diagnosis of cholestasis syndromes must rule out choledochal cyst irrespective of the patient’s age due to the complications and risk of malignization


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    Endoscopia digestivă intervenţională în populaţia pediatrică este o etapă esenţială în algoritmul diagnostic şi terapeutic la copiii cu diferite patologii din sfera gastrointestinală, cu o marcată evoluţie în practica medicală curentă. Articolul de faţă descrie situaţiile în care tehnica este necesară în mod electiv sau în urgenţă, cu descrierea metodei, a indicaţiilor, dar şi a complicaţiilor care pot surveni. Procedura intervenţională se practică de către gastroenterologul sau endoscopistul pediatru, asistat uneori de gastroenterologul pentru adulţi, sub anestezie generală cu intubaţie orotraheală sau sedare conştientă. Un prognostic bun în aceste cazuri depinde de statusul pacientului, de aparatura disponibilă, de experienţa gastroenterologului pediatru, dar şi de colaborarea cu echipa interdisciplinară

    The Relationship between Emotional Stability, Psychological Well-Being and Life Satisfaction of Romanian Medical Doctors during COVID-19 Period: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the fast progression of modern society, occupational stress has recently reached alarming levels with consequences for doctors’ psychological well-being. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship among emotional stability, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction of medical doctors. We conducted a cross-sectional study on 280 medical doctors from Romania between February 2021 and September 2021, in the period between the third and fourth pandemic waves, who were evaluated by the DECAS, ASSET, and Satisfaction with Life scales. Our results showed that emotional stability is negatively correlated with psychological well-being (r = −0.526, p < 0.000) and positively correlated with life satisfaction (r = 0.319, p < 0.0001). Between psychological well-being and life satisfaction, we found a negative correlation (r = −0.046, p < 0.001). This study shows that there is a correlation among emotional stability, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction, which is why it can be considered that Romanian doctors have generated coping mechanisms during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Exploring the Microbial Landscape: Gut Dysbiosis and Therapeutic Strategies in Pancreatitis—A Narrative Review

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    The gut microbiota is emerging as an important contributor to the homeostasis of the human body through its involvement in nutrition and metabolism, protection against pathogens, and the development and modulation of the immune system. It has therefore become an important research topic in recent decades. Although the association between intestinal dysbiosis and numerous digestive pathologies has been thoroughly researched, its involvement in pancreatic diseases constitutes a novelty in the specialized literature. In recent years, growing evidence has pointed to the critical involvement of the pancreas in regulating the intestinal microbiota, as well as the impact of the intestinal microbiota on pancreatic physiology, which implies the existence of a bidirectional connection known as the “gut–pancreas axis”. It is theorized that any change at either of these levels triggers a response in the other component, hence leading to the evolution of pancreatitis. However, there are not enough data to determine whether gut dysbiosis is an underlying cause or a result of pancreatitis; therefore, more research is needed in this area. The purpose of this narrative review is to highlight the role of gut dysbiosis in the pathogenesis of acute and chronic pancreatitis, its evolution, and the prospect of employing the microbiota as a therapeutic intervention for pancreatitis

    The Relationship between Psychological Suffering, Value of Maternal Cortisol during Third Trimester of Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Initiation

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    Background and Objectives: Cortisol, the stress hormone, is an important factor in initiating and maintaining lactation. Maternal suffering during pregnancy is predictive for the initiation and shorter duration of breastfeeding and can also lead to its termination. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the level of salivary cortisol in the third trimester of pregnancy and the initiation of breastfeeding in the postpartum period in a cohort of young pregnant women who wanted to exclusively breastfeed their newborns during hospitalization. Materials and Methods: For the study, full-term pregnant women were recruited between January and May 2022 in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the Mureș County Clinical Hospital. Socio-demographic, clinical obstetric and neonatal variables were collected. Breastfeeding efficiency was assessed using the LATCH Breastfeeding Assessment Tool at 24 and 48 h after birth. The mean value of the LATCH score assessed at 24 and 48 h of age was higher among mothers who had a higher mean value of salivary cortisol measured in the third trimester of pregnancy (p Results: A quarter of pregnant women had a salivary cortisol level above normal limits during the third trimester of pregnancy. There is a statistically significant association between maternal smoking, alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the level of anxiety or depression. Conclusions: The most important finding of this study was that increased salivary cortisol in the last trimester of pregnancy was not associated with delayed initiation/absence of breastfeeding

    The Importance of Molecular Genetic Testing for Precision Diagnostics, Management, and Genetic Counseling in MODY Patients

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    Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is part of the heterogeneous group of monogenic diabetes (MD) characterized by the non-immune dysfunction of pancreatic β-cells. The diagnosis of MODY still remains a challenge for clinicians, with many cases being misdiagnosed as type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus (T1DM/T2DM), and over 80% of cases remaining undiagnosed. With the introduction of modern technologies, important progress has been made in deciphering the molecular mechanisms and heterogeneous etiology of MD, including MODY. The aim of our study was to identify genetic variants associated with MODY in a group of patients with early-onset diabetes/prediabetes in whom a form of MD was clinically suspected. Genetic testing, based on next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, was carried out either in a targeted manner, using gene panels for monogenic diabetes, or by analyzing the entire exome (whole-exome sequencing). GKC-MODY 2 was the most frequently detected variant, but rare forms of KCNJ11-MODY 13, specifically, HNF4A-MODY 1, were also identified. We have emphasized the importance of genetic testing for early diagnosis, MODY subtype differentiation, and genetic counseling. We presented the genotype–phenotype correlations, especially related to the clinical evolution and personalized therapy, also emphasizing the particularities of each patient in the family context