10 research outputs found

    Research About Improvement the Aromatique Grapevine by Selection Clonale in the Vineyard Dealu Bujorului

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    The research in this paper aims the quality producţion and uvologic values of two elites clonal ‘Muscat Ottonel’ 35-21, ‘Şarbă 25-45’  and two varieties ‘Muscat Ottonel’, ‘Şarbă’ for  aromatic white wines  cultivated in SCDVV Bujoru. The highest weight of a grape was recorded in the ‘Şarbă 25-45’ (183 g) and the lowest was recorded in ‘Muscat Ottonel’ (93 g). The lowest index structure was recorded in ‘Muscat Ottonel’ (27.0) and the higher was registered in ‘Muscat Ottonel 35-21’

    New Vine Varieties for High Quality White Wine Production at RDSVV Bujoru

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    The  degree of fertility coefficient absoltul (CFA) and coefficient ratio (CFR) we can see that the highest values were obtained from the variety 'Fetească regală' (54.5 ± 1.00% fertility; 1.60 ± 1.00 coefficient absolute (CFA ) and 0.86 ± 1.00 coefficinet relative (CFR). The  analysis of physical-mechanical based on the results it can be seen that the variety 'Bujoru' showed the best values for all parameters analyzed (303.5 ± 1.0 (g) the average weight of the grape bunch, 278.07 ± 1.0 (g) weight of 100 berries; 213.66 ± 0.67 (g / L) sucrose sugar concent and 4.331 ± 1.0 (kg / comes) average coming production).Â

    Studies on Biodiversity Diagnosis of Vineyard Farms at the Agro-Ecological Infrastructure Level

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    In Romania, the vine farms are currently spread on approximately 180.000 ha, therefore an important part of biodiversity, functional or planned is present. To avoid a biodiversity decline it is necessary for the vineyards to have a clear evidence of the state of their biodiversity.Based on the results obtained from the studied vineyards, during 2015, the agro-ecological infrastructure or AEI percent based on the actual area occupied varies between 7% and 35%. Evaluation of the implementation AEI during 2015 in wine-growing farms in Romania showed that the amount of semi-natural elements is not sufficient to stop the loss of biodiversity and their quality needs to be favored also

    Qualitative Assessment of the Red Wine Varieties Grown in Dealu Bujorului Vineyard

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    Wine is considered to be a hydro alcoholic solution with more than 1000 components associated in an extremely complex manner, some of them can pass from grapes in an unchanged state, and some are formed during alcoholic and malolactic fermentation, while others appear due to the reactions between substances in their natural state, or based on the existing ones. The presence of phenolic substances in wine is essential, representing a major contribution in the forming of specific characteristics such as: colour, aroma and taste, thus allowing the distinction between different types of wine. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the physicochemical composition of the three acknowledged varieties of young wine from the Dealu Bujorului vineyard (‘Merlot’, ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ and ‘‘Fetească Neagră’’), obtained under the culture conditions of 2012 - 2013 - 2014 years. The oenological parameters were determined after the national STAS regulations and effectively OIV methods. Statistical methods were employed in order to assess the organic and inorganic potential of wine. The ecoclimatic conditions studied in the Dealu Bujorului, Bujoru Wine Centre, highlighted the exceptional viticultural character of Romania as well as the authenticity character encountered in the large variety of wines produced in this area. Results also show that the vine varieties of cultivated in the Vineyard of Dealu Bujorului have a high content of macroelements (‘Merlot’ (890.01 ± 6.35 mg/L (2013)), ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ (111.36 ± 3.53 mg/L (2013)) and Feteasca neagră (97.30 ± 0.46 mg/L (2014)) that are very important for human’s health. Wine quality parameters analyzed shows that are influenced by the area of culture of vine but also they are influenced by the technology of winemaking

    Variation of the Chemical Element Content in the Dealu Bujorului Vineyard Soil

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    The purpose of this study is to know better the concentration of chemical elements in the soil from Dealu Bujorului vineyard. The determination of the ten elements from the soil samples was performed using ICP-MS. The results showed diverse patterns of cadmium, lead, uranium, mercury, arsenic, strontium, cobalt, copper, nickel and chromium, all the elemental content studied were under the maximum limit admitted, except for copper (average 356.03 mg/kg while M.L.A. = 20 mg/kg)

    Experimentation of grapevine cultivation in organic system, on five different Romanian vineyards

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    In five Romanian vineyards, in 2013-2014 period was experimented organic system growing on  grape varieties for wine representative for each area, here are applied organic growing technology in parallel with the conventional (control). White varieties studied are: Chardonnay (Murfatlar and Valea Calugareasca), Sauvignon blanc and Muscat Ottonel(Tarnave), Feteasca regala (Tarnave, Bujoru and Copou-Iasi). Red varieties are Cabernet Sauvignon (Murfatlar and Valea Calugareasca) and Merlot (Bujoru). Concerning evolution of main climatic factors for the years 2013-2014 it is show that the annual average air temperature increase compared with the average of the years 1991-2010; is observed an increasing in mean annual temperature, mean temperature during the growing season and the value of sum of sunshine hours. The water regime was kept constant, registering values close to the annual average, both during the growing season and at entire year. The weeds spectrum is represented both by dicotyledonous as knotweed (Polygonum aviculare), Veronica (Stellaria media), news (Amaranthus retroflexus), bindweed (Convolvurus arvensis) and monocotyledonous as grass thick (Cynodon dactylon). Concerning the phytosanitary status, at Murfatlar were registered problems with oidium attack, with all main disease at Dealu Mare and with downy mildew at Bujoru. In all areas the pest has been found are: grape mouth (Lobesia botrana) and spiders (Tetranichus sp.). Schemes of treatments focused generally on substances bassed on copper and sulfur to combat diseases and for pests have been used pheromonal traps or other certified organic products. The grapes harvest was lower in organic plots with till 25%; their quality being close at both growing variants

    Metal Concentrations of Red Wines in Southeast Romania

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    Daily consumption, wine contributes to the requirements of essential elements, such as Ca, Fe, Mn, Mo, Co, Cr, K, Ni, Se and Zn for humans. However, the presence of significant amount of heavy metal in wine may harm the health of consumers. The present work is aimed at establishing the heavy metal content in red wines from Dealu Bujorului vineyard using ICP-MS method for the determination of metals content. In this study 3 red wines obtained from ‘Băbească neagră’, ‘Negru Aromat’ and ‘Burgund Mare’ cultivars were investigated. The wine samples were obtained from micro-wine production under conditions of 2014, 2015, 2016 from Dealu Bujorului vineyard. The determination of 13 elements was performed with ICP-MS. The high level of Ca (64.81-62.49 mg/L), Mg (132.61-101.44 mg/L) and Fe were observed in the wine samples analysed. Heavy metals like As, Cd, U, Hg and Pb was found below acceptable limits. Concentration of Na (1 mg/L), Cu (1 mg/L), As (0.2 mg/L), Cd (0.01 mg/L), Zn (5 mg/L) and Pb (0.15 mg/L) metals in analysed wine samples were under Maximum Permissible Limits (MPL), respectively as published by the Organization of Vine and Wine. Calcium and magnesium were the most abundant elements in all investigated wine samples. Concentration of Na (1 mg/L), Cu (1 mg/L), As (0.2 mg/L), Cd (0.01 mg/L), Zn (5 mg/L) and Pb (0.15 mg/L) in analysed wine samples were under Maximum Permissible Limits (MPL), respectively as published by the Organization of Vine and Wine