67 research outputs found

    The State of Pore Fluid Pressure and 3-D Megathrust Earthquake Dynamics

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    We study the effects of pore fluid pressure (P-f) on the pre-earthquake, near-fault stress state, and 3-D earthquake rupture dynamics through six scenarios utilizing a structural model based on the 2004 M-w 9.1 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. As pre-earthquake P-f magnitude increases, effective normal stress and fault shear strength decrease. As a result, magnitude, slip, peak slip rate, stress drop, and rupture velocity of the scenario earthquakes decrease. Comparison of results with observations of the 2004 earthquake support that pre-earthquake P-f averages near 97% of lithostatic pressure, leading to pre-earthquake average shear and effective normal tractions of 4-5 and 22 MPa. The megathrust in these scenarios is weak, in terms of low mean shear traction at static failure and low dynamic friction coefficient during rupture. Apparent co-seismic principal stress rotations and absolute post-seismic stresses in these scenarios are consistent with the variety of observed aftershock focal mechanisms. In all scenarios, the mean apparent stress rotations are larger above than below the megathrust. Scenarios with larger P-f magnitudes exhibit lower mean apparent principal stress rotations. We further evaluate pre-earthquake P-f depth distribution. If P-f follows a sublithostatic gradient, pre-earthquake effective normal stress increases with depth. If P-f follows the lithostatic gradient exactly, then this normal stress is constant, shifting peak slip and peak slip rate updip. This renders constraints on near-trench strength and constitutive behavior crucial for mitigating hazard. These scenarios provide opportunity for future calibration with site-specific measurements to constrain dynamically plausible megathrust strength and P-f gradients

    An introduction to semiparametric function-on-scalar regression

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    Function-on-scalar regression models feature a function over some domain as the response while the regressors are scalars. Collections of time series as well as 2D or 3D images can be considered as functional responses. We provide a hands-on introduction for a flexible semiparametric approach for function-on-scalar regression, using spatially referenced time series of ground velocity measurements from large-scale simulated earthquake data as a running example. We discuss important practical considerations and challenges in the modelling process and outline best practices. The outline of our approach is complemented by comprehensive R code, freely available in the online appendix. This text is aimed at analysts with a working knowledge of generalized regression models and penalized splines

    A stable discontinuous Galerkin method for the perfectly matched layer for elastodynamics in first order form

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    We present a stable discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method with a perfectly matched layer (PML) for three and two space dimensional linear elastodynamics, in velocity-stress formulation, subject to well-posed linear boundary conditions. First, we consider the elastodynamics equation, in a cuboidal domain, and derive an unsplit PML truncating the domain using complex coordinate stretching. Leveraging the hyperbolic structure of the underlying system, we construct continuous energy estimates, in the time domain for the elastic wave equation, and in the Laplace space for a sequence of PML model problems, with variations in one, two and three space dimensions, respectively. They correspond to PMLs normal to boundary faces, along edges and in corners. Second, we develop a DG numerical method for the linear elastodynamics equation using physically motivated numerical flux and penalty parameters, which are compatible with all well-posed, internal and external, boundary conditions. When the PML damping vanishes, by construction, our choice of penalty parameters yield an upwind scheme and a discrete energy estimate analogous to the continuous energy estimate. Third, to ensure numerical stability of the discretization when PML damping is present, it is necessary to extend the numerical DG fluxes, and the numerical inter-element and boundary procedures, to the PML auxiliary differential equations. This is crucial for deriving discrete energy estimates analogous to the continuous energy estimates. By combining the DG spatial approximation with the high order ADER time stepping scheme and the accuracy of the PML we obtain an arbitrarily accurate wave propagation solver in the time domain. Numerical experiments are presented in two and three space dimensions corroborating the theoretical results

    Rapid 3D dynamic rupture modeling of the February 6, 2023, Kahramanmara\c{s}, Turkey, MWM_W7.8 and MWM_W7.7 earthquake doublet

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    The 2023 Turkey Earthquake sequence involved unexpected ruptures across numerous fault segments, challenging data interpretation efforts. We present rapid, 3D dynamic rupture simulations to illuminate the complexities of the MWM_W7.8 and MWM_W7.7 earthquake doublet. Constrained by observations available within days of the sequence, our models deliver timely, mechanically consistent explanations for the unforeseen rupture paths, diverse rupture speeds, multiple slip episodes, locally strong shaking, and fault system interactions. We reconcile regional seismo-tectonics, rupture dynamics, and ground motions of a fault system represented by ten curved dipping segments and a heterogeneous stress field. Our simulations link both events matching geodetic and seismic observations. The MWM_W7.8 earthquake features delayed backward branching from a steeply intersecting splay fault, not requiring supershear speeds. The asymmetrical dynamics of the distinct, bilateral MWM_W7.7 event is explained by heterogeneous fault strength, prestress orientation, fracture energy, and static stress changes from the previous event. Our models explain the northward deviation of its western rupture and the minimal slip observed on the S\"urg\"u fault. Rapidly developed 3D dynamic rupture scenarios can elucidate unexpected observations shortly after major earthquakes, providing timely insights for data-driven analysis and hazard assessment toward a comprehensive, physically consistent understanding of the mechanics of multi-fault systems

    Numerical simulations of seismo-acoustic nuisance patterns from an induced M1.8 earthquake in the Helsinki, southern Finland, metropolitan area

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    Irritating earthquake sounds, reported also at low ground shaking levels, can negatively impact the social acceptance of geo-engineering applications. Concurringly, earthquake sound patterns have been linked to faulting mechanisms, thus opening possibilities for earthquake source characterisation. Inspired by consistent reports of felt and heard disturbances associated with the weeks-long stimulation of a 6 km-deep geothermal system in 2018 below the Otaniemi district of Espoo, Helsinki, we conduct fully-coupled 3D numerical simulations of wave propagation in solid Earth and the atmosphere. We assess the sensitivity of ground shaking and audible noise distributions to the source geometry of small induced earthquakes, using the largest recorded event in 2018 of magnitude ML=1.8. Utilizing recent computational advances, we are able to model seismo-acoustic frequencies up to 25 Hz therefore reaching the lower limit of human sound sensitivity. Our results provide for the first time synthetic spatial nuisance distributions of audible sounds at the 50-100 m scale for a densely populated metropolitan region. In five here presented 3D coupled elastic-acoustic scenario simulations, we include the effects of topography and subsurface structure, and analyse the audible loudness of earthquake generated acoustic waves. We can show that in our region of interest, S-waves are generating the loudest sound disturbance. We compare our sound nuisance distributions to commonly used empirical relationships using statistical analysis. We find that our 3D synthetics are generally smaller than predicted empirically, and that the interplay of source-mechanism specific radiation pattern and topography can add considerable non-linear contributions. Our study highlights the complexity and information content of spatially variable audible effects, even when caused by very small earthquakes.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures. This paper has been submitted to the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America for publicatio

    Fault-size dependent fracture energy explains multi-scale seismicity and cascading earthquakes

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    Earthquakes vary in size over many orders of magnitude, yet the scaling of the earthquake energy budget remains enigmatic. We propose that fundamentally different "small-slip" and "large-slip" fracture processes govern earthquakes. We combine seismological observations with a physics-based mechanical earthquake model under flash-heating friction. We find that dynamic weakening and restrengthening effects are non-negligible in the energy budget of small earthquakes and establish a simple linear scaling relationship between small-slip fracture energy and fault size. We use supercomputing to apply this scaling and unveil volumetric "Mode-4" earthquake cascades involving >700>700 multi-scale fractures within a fault damage zone, capable of dynamically triggering large earthquakes. Our findings provide an intuitive explanation of seismicity across all scales with important implications for comprehending earthquake nucleation and multi-fault rupture cascades.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figure